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Remote command-line integration for Home Assistant

This component brings together the builtin command_line and shell command integrations.
Besides the functionalities of the hereabove, it adds the following capabilities:

  • allow to disable polling altogether, relying on homeassistant.update_entity to trigger updates of the sensors
  • helper for remote connections via SSH
  • adds a timeout parameter to the service



  1. Launch HACS
  2. Navigate to the Integrations section
  3. Click the 3-dots and "Custom Repositories"
  4. Add a new URL: "" with category "Integration"
  5. "+ Explore & Add Repositories" button in the bottom-right
  6. Search for "MQTT DiscoveryStream"
  7. Select "Install this repository"
  8. Restart Home Assistant

Home Assistant

The integration is configured via YAML only.

Example of sensor:

  - platform: remote_command_line
    name: HA running version
      hours: 6
    command: >
      cat /config/.HA_VERSION
  - platform: remote_command_line
    name: HA image version
      days: 1
    ssh_user: user
    command: >
      IMAGE=`docker inspect home-assistant | jq -r '.[0].Config.Image'`; docker image inspect ${IMAGE} | jq -r '.[0].ContainerConfig.Labels["io.hass.version"]'

Example of service:

    ssh_user: user
    command_timeout: 900
    command: >
        IMAGE=`docker inspect home-assistant | jq -r '.[0].Config.Image'`; docker pull -q ${IMAGE}



This integration can only be configuration via YAML. The base options are the same as the command_line one. The additional options are:

key default required description
polling true no Enable polling with scan_interval interval
ssh_user no no User used when doing remote SSH connection
ssh_host no Host to SSH to. If not specified, defaults to the docker host
ssh_key /config/.ssh/id_rsa no Private key file used in SSH connections

NOTE: If none of the ssh_* options is specified, the component do a local execution like command_line.

NOTE 2: If ssh_user or ssh_host is specified, but not ssh_key, and /config/.ssh/id_rsa does not exist, an SSH keypair will be automatically created in /config/.ssh.

NOTE 2: If a command doesn't produce any text, the current date/time is used as the state.