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Leonid Kozarin edited this page Apr 8, 2023 · 5 revisions


This is a Telegram bot intended as a storage of your favorites, made by SadBot. It allows the user to create personal favorites (favs) via personal messages (PM, private chat with the bot), accessible later in any other chat by the inline mode. However, there is a way to share your favs with others by the means of the package system.

Most of the commands of the bot are implemented as a wizard that helps you to fill in all required parameters one per one. However, the last parameter may be repeated many times if you want to save or delete several objects, for example. The first parameter can be passed on the command invocation as /save alias name.


Fav is a favorite, i.e. an object or objects associated with some alias. The object may be of any type supported by Telegram messages:

  • stickers
  • images
  • gifs
  • voices
  • music
  • video
  • video messages (notes)
  • documents
  • and even plain text (up to 4096 characters long)

In fact, the bot is a KV storage. To create a fav, use the /save command, or /delete one for deletion. To print a list of all saved favs, use the /list command (or /list favs or even /list f for short).


A word or a phrase up to 128 characters. It's mostly expected to consist of several words separated by spaces, but punctuation marks are also supported. However there are some special reserved symbols restricted for use.

Inline mode

To send a previously saved message, you should use the bot using the inline mode provided by Telegram. In other words, type the name of the bot after the @ sign and your query afterwards. For example:



A set of aliases accessible for installation by other users via either a name or a hyperlink (don't mess up with a link to alias). By creating a package, you can share all of your own private objects, associated with a list of aliases, with other users. Moreover, the list of objects is formed not during package creation, but during installation. Also, it's worth noting that the favs, created for the user when installing the package, are completely independent of the package author's favs and may be edited by the user.

To create or delete the package use the same /package command. The maximum length of the name is 256 characters. The same symbols are restricted as for alias names. I prefer and suggest you to use names in the following format: your-username/package-name. However, note that this name will be prefixed with your personal user identifier and the @ sign automatically.

Examples of packages — mostly in Russian but there are a couple of them in English.


An alias that is linked to another alias. That is, you're able to make a connection between a new phrase and some already existing fav. This is an especial useful ability when you have several, let's say tens of, objects saved under the same name, and you want to associate a shortcut or completely different name with them.

To create a link, use the /link command. You can pass all necessary information in one command, if you want to: /link shut up -> money, where money is the already existing alias for some fav, and shut up is the new one.