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Version 1 of the Search Implementation.

  • I've exported the REST API calls to a workspace (added it to test/search.json).
  • I've also included the db/development.sqlite3 database for your convenience (it shows the data I used to write this).


  • The current implementation only supports 1 level of networking.
  • I didn't get a chance to write the tests or implement the UI as I ran out of time.
  • I tried to implement a generic (recursive) algorithm to support a few more levels of networking but quickly realized the requirement would need to actually cap the levels at some point (short of it becoming extraordinarily complex).
  • So, while the current implementation supports 1-level and produces an output like this:
  "varun -> krish -> raj",
  "varun -> meena -> obama",
  "varun -> krish -> fauci"

it does not support these use cases (as an example):

varun -> krish -> nancy -> reagan -> obama 
varun -> krish -> carter -> reagan -> obama 
varun -> krish -> nancy -> george -> obama