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zer0glitch edited this page Jun 27, 2013 · 9 revisions

Welcome to the fuse-jboss-bitmoney-demo wiki!

Required Software:

  1. jboss fuse version 6.0.0
  2. jboss fuse IDE
  3. Android Development Toolkit
  4. m2e for android
  5. Maven version 3.+

Installation of Jboss Fuse

  1. create four directories apac, na, emea, ltma
  2. unzip a copy of jboss fuse in each directory
  3. start each instance by running bin/fuse
  4. Install dbcp bundle (osgi:install -s mvn:org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.commons-dbcp/1.4_3)
  5. Quit fuse by hitting ^d or running osgi:shutdown
  6. copy mysql-connector-java-5.1.13-bin.jar to the deploy directory
  7. Modify etc/ with information below for the appropriate JRE. java -version will give you this
  8. Modify org.apache.karaf.features.cfg and edit the featuresBoot line featuresBoot=jasypt-encryption,config,management,fabric-boot-commands,fabric-bundle,fabric-maven-proxy,patch,activemq,mq-fabric,camel-xmlbeans,camel,camel-cxf,camel-jms,activemq-xbeans,activemq-camel,camel-blueprint,camel-csv,camel-ftp,camel-bindy,camel-jdbc,camel-exec,camel-jasypt,camel-saxon,camel-snmp,camel-ognl,camel-routebox,camel-script,camel-spring-javaconfig,camel-jaxb,camel-jetty,camel-jmx,camel-mail,camel-paxlogging,camel-rmi,camel-sql,war,camel-xmlbeans,camel-xmljson,camel-xmlsecurity
  9. Repeat these steps for each instance. Make sure to modify the ports in each instance to match the ports in the region file in token/filters/
  10. compile mvn -P clean org.apache.felix:maven-bundle-plugin:bundle install ex. mvn -Pltam clean org.apache.felix:maven-bundle-plugin:bundle install
  11. Modify datasource.xml to match the username and password for your mysql instance
  12. run the bitmoney.sql file to create a default database
  13. install your fab bundle: osgi:install -s fab:mvn:org.zeroglitch.bitmoney/BitmoneyService

Modify Add: javax.ejb, \

javax.jmdns, \

javax.swing, \

javax.validation, \

javax.validation.constraints, \

javax.validation.groups, \

javax.validation.metadata, \

javax.persistence.spi;version="1.0.1.Final", \

javax.persistence;version="1.0.1.Final";-split-package:=merge-first, \*;-split-package:=merge-first, \

javax.persistence.criteria;version="1.0.1.Final";-split-package:=merge-last, \

javax.persistence.metamodel;version="1.0.1.Final";-split-package:=merge-last, \, \

javax.activation;version="1.1", \

javax.activity, \

javax.annotation;version="1.1", \

javax.annotation.processing;version="1.1", \

javax.ejb;version="3.0", \

javax.ejb.spi;version="3.0", \

javax.interceptor;version="3.0", \

configure multiple instances of fuse.

  1. edit

  2. Assign new rmiRegistryPort and rmiServerPort

  3. edit change org.osgi.service.http.port and activemq.port

  4. edit jetty.xml

Android Configuration

  1. Start an android emulator, or plug in a device
  2. run the following command mvn clean android:deploy