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Enriching Structured Knowledge Base from Open Information Extraction

##Project Structure

some root directory, lets say /home/adutta/git. The full project structure should look like this.





|------src (and doc and rest)

|---DATA(OIE data files)

###Dependancies The following tools/sofwares should be first installed.

  1. MAP inference engine "RockIt". This is avialable with a detailed documentation of its own at

  2. Install markov clustering tool, mcl (

    1. Maven (
  3. MySQL database (

  4. Mysql client (not required, but helpful in general) (

  5. jdk (

  6. Java IDE of ones own choice (I prefer Eclipse,


mvn clean package

Uncompress the files.tar.gz under src/main/resources/input/

This files are required for the framework. Just make sure the modelBasic.mln file is placed under the rockit folder location.

##Setup CONFIG.cfg = all the parameters and setup values are provided here with respective descriptions. Some of the important parameters you need to set. These are placed in order of importance in the config file.

####1. Data process look into folder /preProcess for bash scripts to process the NELL input. We are necessarily not looking into entity-vs-literal relations.

./ NELL.08m.920.esv.csv

./ reverb_clueweb_tuples-1.1.txt

####2. CONFIG file changes alter the param OIE_DATA_PATH in CONFIG.cfg to set the location of newly generated file (Nell/reverb). Consider INSTANCE_THRESHOLD as well.

####3. Script Generation java -cp target/ESKO-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar code.dws.setup.ScriptGenarator CONFIG.cfg <#machines> this generates a scripts for the IM pipeline under the folder /src/main/resources/script/ in the name of where 'x' is the workflow number 1,2,3 and 'y' is the node number.

####4. Database Setup Since, we use the most frequent wikipedia sense in out IM step, the whole sql file can be downlaoded from

This is a self contained sql and issuing the command

source wikiPrep.sql

source SetupDB.sql

from the mySQL command prompt will install the data in the DB. Clean up any pre existing instance matchings with the SQL

delete from wikiStat.OIE_REFINED; This can take some time. Please be patient.

##Instance Matching (IM)

Open /src/main/resources/script/ and change the root directory as defined under DIR and rockit installation location defined under ROCKIT. Similarly, change these two values in the file /src/main/resources/script/

Very important, browse to the location where the scripts lie

cd src/main/resources/script/

Then issue the IM script command for running the whole pipeline.

./ for running the Workflow x on Node y

All the MLN related files, evidences will be generated for each relation or relation cluster (depending on the workflow) under the location /src/main/resources/output/. At this point all the instance mappings have been generated and stored in the respective output folders. Issu the following command to read those mappings and write to the database (table OIE_REFINED).

java -cp target/ESKO-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar code.dws.core.DBPMappingsLoader CONFIG.cfg

##Relation Matching (RM)

There is a clear need to distinguish between the evidence facts and the target facts (which will lead to knowledge generation). The following line does that. It generate two files /DATA/fPlus.dat and /DATA/fMinus.dat. Since it queries DBpedia endpoint, it can take sometime.

java -cp target/ESKO-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar code.dws.evaluation.OIEFactSeperator CONFIG.cfg

###RM: Rule based approach

  1. Since this is based on generating association rules, first, run the association generator. internally it uses the /DATA/fPlus.dat as generated in the former step.

java -cp target/ESKO-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar code.dws.core.propertyMap.GenerateAssociations CONFIG.cfg <0/1>

The last argument says, if you want to use the refined output (1) from the IM step or use top-1 (0) mappings.

  1. Once the associations are generated, use the following command to actually generate the mappings.

java -cp target/ESKO-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar code.dws.core.propertyMap.RegressionAnalysis CONFIG.cfg threshold

Set threshold to any desired value between 0-100, this is a percentage, so 3 means 3%. The actual property mappings are generated in a file as /DATA/PROPERTY_MAPPINGS_DIRECT_THRESH_WF#.tsv. Start playing with it. # denotes the workflow you set in the CONFIG file.

###RM: Cluster based approach

The first step is to split the given input OIE data set file into pairs of OIE realtions. For instance, a given OIE data set with n relations will have n*(n-1)/2 pairs. These pairs are computed and splitted into different files. To achieve this, run the following

java -cp target/ESKO-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar code.dws.core.cluster.engine.PairSplitter CONFIG.cfg <#machines>

Once splitted, send the files to different machines, (probably scp), and run the following on each different machines..

java -cp target/ESKO-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar code.dws.core.cluster.engine.ComputeSimilarity CONFIG.cfg

e.g. java -cp target/ESKO-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar code.dws.core.cluster.engine.ComputeSimilarity CONFIG.cfg OV ../DATA/pairs.All.OIE.csv

This distributed computing speeds up the pairwise scoring, and once done, needs to be merged (manually).

After merging, we should have a pair wise relations with scores, one for wordnet, one for overlap scores. Combine these in the ratio of beta, using the following

java -cp target/ESKO-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar code.dws.core.cluster.analysis.BetaSearcher

run mcl clustering, on each combination. (a sample mcl running script is available under src/main/resources/script/mcl/) After clustering run, java -cp target/ESKO-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar code.dws.core.cluster.analysis.ClusterAnalyzer CONFIG.cfg

This will compute a markov score for the optimised clusters for a given beta, b and given inflation, i. Find the optimal. and set it in the CONFIG file. The file will be in /home/unixUser/DATA/clusters/cluster.beta.b.inf.i.out

Further optimise for optimal clusters java -cp target/ESKO-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar code.dws.core.cluster.analysis.ClusterOptimizer CONFIG.cfg

##Knowledge Generation This is the final block of puzzle. One can generate new triples for the workflow 3, by issuing the following command,

java -cp target/ESKO-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar code.dws.core.knowGen.GenerateTriples CONFIG.cfg

Note that the triples for wf1 and wf2 are already generated with the execution of the class


You might be interested to gain some initial insights into the input data set. Here you have few utility classes which would generate some data files. The R scripts are also provided. Using those, it is possible to generate plots showing the data behaviours.

###1.Instance distributions

This class generates a file called /DATA/ This file has two columns, first one is "Instance Count" and second is "No. of relations with that instance count", Hence, an entry like (233, 4) means there are 4 relations in the input data set with 233 instances each.

java -cp target/ESKO-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar code.dws.statistics.DataAnalyzer CONFIG.cfg

The associated R script plots this behavior by plotting the instance counts range on x-axis as a buckets, with the y-axis denoting the frequencty or no. of relations falling into that bucket.


Enriching Sructured Knowledge Base from Open Information Extraction







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