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Potato mapping and variant calling from short read sequencing

Before running, install the Python3 version of Miniconda

Installation instructions

Once Miniconda is installed, install software dependencies using included environment.yaml file. To set up a conda environment, see the tutorial

Environment creating instructions

To activate this environment on the command line:

source activate <name_of_environment>

This Snakemake workflow runs the following:

  1. Download of DM1-3 reference genome from
  2. Download Illumina sequence data for all publicly available samples in units.tsv (those that start with "SRR")
  3. Read quality and adapter trimming
  4. BWA mem alignment to reference, including sam to bam conversion, bam sort, and samtools index. Paired end reads should be uninterleaved and are are parsed from units.tsv by having the appropriate file name in column fq2 of units.tsv. See units.tsv for example. For single end reads, set the fq2 field of that row to "NaN"
  5. HaplotypeCaller from GATK4 in GVCF mode on each sample, scattered across intervals.
  6. CombineGVCFs from biological samples, using GATK4 CombineGVCFs
  7. Joint genotype calling on per-sample GVCFs using GATK4 GenotypeGVCFs


  1. One GVCF file per sample and its index
  2. Population VCF file
  3. Currently, all intermediate files (e.g., trimmed reads, unprocessed bams, region GVCFs) are also kept. Uses too much disk space, so this will likely go away soon.


  1. Modify units.tsv to suit your needs. Each column specifies: sample: unique biological sample unit: unique combination of biological sample, library prep, and sequencing run fq1: name of forward read fq2: name of reverse read (enter NaN here if reads are single-ended) parhap: not actually used, yet

    Note: Avoid using the "-" character in the sample and unit fields.

  2. Place reads described in fq1 and fq2 not from SRA in the subfolder data/reads/

  3. Modify parameters, thread usage, and names of target output files in config.yaml

  4. Snakemake will automatically spawn jobs when running on a cluster. If desired, you can change the memory and CPU requirements of each job (as well as other params) by modifying the file cluster.yaml. The params specified in cluster.yaml worked.

  5. Run pipeline. In a cluster, the job can be submitted with the following command:

sbatch runSnakes.slurm

This command will run two Snakefiles in succession. The first, init_genome.snakes, downloads the reference, generates reference index files, and sets up intervals that GATK4 will operate on in parallel. The second file, Snakefile, downloads and processes sequencing reads.


snakemake pipeline for fastq to vcf






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