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wishfoundry edited this page Oct 5, 2012 · 6 revisions

This is a Laravel Bundle for uploading and removing files from Rackspace CloudFiles.

Getting started


Install cloudfiles using artisan:

php artisan bundle:install cloudfiles

Then in your application/bundles.php file, add the following line to load Resizer automatically:

return array(
    'cloudfiles' => array( 'auto' => true )

Or without the 'auto' => true to load it on demand:

return array(

Basic Uploading Usage

$cf = Ioc::resolve('cloudfiles');

 * Set the container (Bucket for your AWS S3 fans)
$container = $cf->get_container('my_demo_container');

 * $new_files becomes the new object. Set the file name
$new_file = $container->create_object('my_image_file_name.jpg');

 * Upload an existing file to the $new_file object. This part is actually uploading to the CDN
if (($saved_file = $new_file->load_from_filename('savedpics/my_image_file_name.jpg'))!== false) {
  // image uploaded. do some stuff here
} else {
  // error
  echo 'Error uploading my_image_file_name.jpg';

Basic Deletion Usage

$cf = Ioc::resolve('cloudfiles');

 * Set the container (Bucket for your AWS S3 fans)
$container = $cf->get_container('my_demo_container');

 * Delete the file by name from the container
if ($container->delete_object('my_image_file_name.jpg'))
	echo 'my_image_file_name.jpg has been deleted';
	echo 'Error deleting my_image_file_name.jpg';
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