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Notification formatting

Kristian Adrup edited this page Jul 3, 2016 · 5 revisions

These are the available placeholders for the different format strings of the <text> element in the config file.


Parameter Description
{userName} Username of the pusher
{displayName} Display name of the pusher
{pushed} Value of pushed or forcePushed, depending on type of push
{repoUri} URL of the Git repository that was pushed to
{repoName} Name of the Git repository that was pushed to
{projectName} Name of team project that was pushed to
{mappedUser} Mapped username of the pusher


Parameter Description
{action} Value of commit or refPointer (if just a ref update instead of a new commit)
{commitUri} URL of the commit
{commitId} Hex string of the commit sha1, truncated according to settings.hashLength
{changeCounts} File change count formatted according to changeCount*Format
{authorTime} Author time formatted according to dateTimeFormat if set
{author} Author
{authorName} Author name
{authorEmail} Author email
{comment} Commit message truncated on newline or settings.commentMaxLength

buildFormat and buildFormat2015

Parameter Description
{teamProjectCollection} Name of the team project collection
{projectName} Name of the team project
{buildDefinition} Name of the build definition
{buildStatus} Build status
{buildUrl} Build URL
{buildNumber} Build number
{buildReason} Build reason
{userName} Username of the user who requested the build
{displayName} Display name of the user who requested the build
{startTime} Start time of the build
{finishTime} Finish time of the build
{buildDuration} Duration of the build formatted according to timeSpanFormat
{dropLocation} Path to the drop location
{mappedUser} Mapped username of the user who requested the build


Parameter Description
{teamProjectCollection} Name of the team project collection
{projectUrl} URL of the team project
{projectName} Name of team project


Parameter Description
{teamProjectCollection} Name of team project collection
{projectUri} URI of the team project (not an URL)
{projectName} Name of the team project


Parameter Description
{teamProjectCollection} Name of the team project collection
{displayName} Display name of the user who checked in
{changesetUrl} Changeset URL
{changesetId} Changeset ID
{comment} Changeset comment
{userName} Username of the user who checked in
{projectLinks} A comma-separated list of projects formatted according to projectLinkFormat
{mappedUser} Mapped username of the user who checked in


Parameter Description
{projectUrl} URL of the team project
{projectName} Name of the team project


Parameter Description
{teamProjectCollection} Name of the team project collection
{displayName} Display name of the user who modified the work item
{projectName} Name of the team project
{wiUrl} Work item URL
{wiType} Work item type
{wiId} Work item ID
{wiTitle} Work item title
{isStateChanged} true/false
{isAssignmentChanged} true/false
{assignedTo} Name of user the work item is assigned to
{state} Work item state
{userName} Username of the user who modified the work item
{action} Value of created or updated
{assignedToUserName} Username of the user (if any) who is assigned to the work item
{mappedAssignedToUser} Mapped username of the user (if any) who is assigned to the work item
{mappedUser} Mapped username of the user who modified the work item


Parameter Description
{teamProjectCollection} Name of the team project collection
{displayName} Display name of the user who created the pull request
{projectName} Name of the team project
{repoUri} URL of the Git repository
{repoName} Name of the Git repository
{prId} Pull request ID
{prUrl} Pull request URL
{prTitle} Pull request title
{userName} Username of the user who created the pull request
{mappedUserName} Mapped username of the user who created the pull request


Parameter Description
{teamProjectCollection} Name of the team project collection
{status} Pull request status
{displayName} Display name of the user who updated the pull request
{projectName} Name of the team project
{repoUri} URL of the Git repository
{repoName} Name of the Git repository
{prId} Pull request ID
{prUrl} Pull request URL
{prTitle} Pull request title
{userName} Username of the user who updated the pull request
{action} Value of abandoned, reactivated or completed
{sourceBranchName} Source branch name
{targetBranchName} Target branch name
{creatorUserName} Username of the user who created the pull request
{mappedCreatorUser} Mapped username of the user who created the pull request
{mappedUser} Mapped username of the user who updated the pull request


Parameter Description
{teamProjectCollection} Name of the team project collection
{vote} Numerical value of vote
{displayName} Display name of the user who voted on the pull request
{projectName} Name of the team project
{repoUri} URL of the Git repository
{repoName} Name of the Git repository
{prId} Pull request ID
{prUrl} Pull request URL
{prTitle} Pull request title
{userName} Username of the user who voted on the pull request
{action} Value of voteRejected, voteRescinded or voteApproved
{sourceBranchName} Source branch name
{targetBranchName} Target branch name
{creatorUserName} Username of the user who created the pull request
{mappedCreatorUser} Mapped username of the user who created the pull request
{mappedUser} Mapped username of the user who voted on the pull request


Parameter Description
{teamProjectCollection} Name of the team project collection
{userName} Username of the creator
{displayName} Display name of the creator
{repoUri} URL of the Git repository that was created
{repoName} Name of the Git repository that was created
{projectName} Name of team project
{projectUrl} URL of the team project
{mappedUser} Mapped username of the creator


Parameter Description
{teamProjectCollection} Name of the team project collection
{repoUri} URL of the Git repository that was created
{repoName} Name of the Git repository that was created
{projectName} Name of team project
{projectUrl} URL of the team project
{mappedUser} Mapped username of the creator


Parameter Description
{teamProjectCollection} Name of the team project collection
{userName} Username of the creator
{displayName} Display name of the creator
{repoName} Name of the Git repository that was created
{projectName} Name of team project
{projectUrl} URL of the team project
{mappedUser} Mapped username of the creator


Parameter Description
{teamProjectCollection} Name of the team project collection
{displayName} Display name of the commenter
{projectName} Name of team project
{repoUri} URL of the Git repository
{repoName} Name of the Git repository
{commitId} Hex string of the commit sha1, truncated according to settings.hashLength
{commitUri} URL of the commit
{comment} Commit message truncated on settings.commentMaxLength
{userName} Username of the commenter
{pusherUserName} Username of the pusher
{mappedPusherUser} Mapped username of the pusher
{mappedUser} Mapped username of the commenter


Parameter Description
{teamProjectCollection} Name of the team project collection
{displayName} Display name of the commenter
{projectName} Name of team project
{repoUri} URL of the Git repository
{repoName} Name of the Git repository
{prId} Pull request ID
{prUrl} Pull request URL
{prTitle} Pull request title
{userName} Username of the commenter
{sourceBranchName} Source branch name
{targetBranchName} Target branch name
{creatorUserName} Username of the user who created the pull request
{mappedCreatorUser} Mapped username of the user who created the pull request
{mappedUser} Mapped username of the commenter


Parameter Description
{teamProjectCollection} Name of the team project collection
{displayName} Display name of the commenter
{changesetUrl} Changeset URL
{changesetId} Changeset ID
{comment} Changeset comment
{userName} Username of the commenter
{projectName} Name of team project
{projectUrl} URL of the team project
{creatorUserName} Username of the user who checked in the changeset
{mappedCreatorUser} Mapped username of the user who checked in the changeset
{mappedUser} Mapped username of the commenter


Parameter Description
{teamProjectCollection} Name of the team project collection
{projectName} Name of the team project
{releaseDefinition} Name of the release definition
{releaseName} Name of the release
{releaseReason} Release reason
{releaseStatus} Release status
{releaseUrl} Release URL
{userName} Username of the user who created the release
{displayName} Display name of the user who created the release
{createdOn} Time the release was created
{mappedUser} Mapped username of the user who created the release


Parameter Description
{teamProjectCollection} Name of the team project collection
{projectName} Name of the team project
{releaseDefinition} Name of the release definition
{releaseName} Name of the release
{releaseReason} Release reason
{releaseStatus} Release status
{releaseUrl} Release URL
{userName} Username of the user who created the release
{displayName} Display name of the user who created the release
{createdOn} Time the release was created
{mappedUser} Mapped username of the user who created the release
{environmentName} Name of the environment released to
{environmentStatus} Status of the environment released to