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Deprecated - see - A project hoisted by @PatrickJS's awesome angular2-webpack-starter project - to demonstrate unit testing APIs in Angular 2


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Demo Angular App

Uses angular-class's angular2-webpack-starter as a base

Thanks to @patrickjs for figuring this base project out!

Not possible without the support of the Angular2 community

Thanks to @zoechi for a last minute conversation around testing components that helped me unlock the BlogRoll spec.


Setting up

npm install -g typescript@1.7.5
npm install

To run the samples

  1. Start the backend server
node server.js
  1. In another terminal, fire up the web server
npm run server:dev

This application runs and watches for changes to the source code, which will trigger the browser to reload the application after the TypeScript compilation process completes.

To run tests

npm run watch:test

This will run Karma and cause it to watch the source and test code. Any attempt to save the test or source code will re-run the tests.

To debug tests

In karma.conf.js, make sure you select the Chrome browser. It will appear when you run watch:test. Click on the debug button on the browser window, and open Chrome Developer Tools (CMD-ALT-J on OS X, CTRL-SHIFT-J on Windows).

To debug the test source, open up sources and view the WebPack . directory, which will contain all of your sources.

Unfortunately, to allow the Istanbul code coverage system to work, the non-test source code has been instrumented and is unreadable. To temporarily disable this process and allow debugging of the source code directly, edit webpack.test.config.js, and uncomment line 67 - which will exclude the source code from Istanbul as the test code already is.

Your code coverage will report 0% everywhere at this point, but when you load your scripts into the browser, you will be able to debug.

Beyond this, the rest of the repository is based on Patrick Stapleton's Angular Webpack Starter so head over to that repository for more information on how to use the features, or review this project's package.json file.

Happy trails,

Ken Rimple Feb 28, 2016


Deprecated - see - A project hoisted by @PatrickJS's awesome angular2-webpack-starter project - to demonstrate unit testing APIs in Angular 2







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