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Implement EMCC_FORCE_STDLIBS using --whole-archive (#7274)
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Previously when using EMCC_FORCE_STDLIBS we were building a second
`.bc` copy of any `.a` libraries.  Not that we have
--whole-archive/--no-whole-archive we no longer need to do this.

This change also refactors a bunch of code in system_libs that
includes a couple of fixes:

- Libraries can now depend in other libraries that appear earlier in
  the list.
- Libraries that are depended on by forced libraries are not themselves
  treated as forced.
  • Loading branch information
sbc100 committed Oct 15, 2018
1 parent feb5be8 commit bef3bb0
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Showing 4 changed files with 103 additions and 95 deletions.
24 changes: 0 additions & 24 deletions
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logger = logging.getLogger(__file__)

def build(src, result_libs, args=[]):
# if a library is a .a, also build the .bc, as we need it when forcing a
# a system library - in that case, we always want all the code linked in
if result_libs:
need_forced = []
with_forced = []
for result_lib in result_libs:
if result_lib.endswith('.a'):
short = result_lib[:-2]
if short in SYSTEM_TASKS:
need_forced.append(short.replace('_noexcept', ''))
with_forced.append(short + '.bc')

if need_forced:
if os.environ.get('EMCC_FORCE_STDLIBS'):
print('skipping forced (.bc) versions of .a libraries, since EMCC_FORCE_STDLIBS already set')
os.environ['EMCC_FORCE_STDLIBS'] = ','.join(need_forced)
build(src, with_forced, args)
del os.environ['EMCC_FORCE_STDLIBS']

# build in order to generate the libraries
# do it all in a temp dir where everything will be cleaned up
temp_dir = temp_files.get_dir()
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion tests/
Expand Up @@ -8229,7 +8229,7 @@ def test(filename, expectations):
0, [], ['tempDoublePtr', 'waka'], 8, 0, 0), # noqa; totally empty!
# but we don't metadce with linkable code! other modules may want it
(['-O3', '-s', 'MAIN_MODULE=1'],
1529, ['invoke_i'], ['waka'], 469663, 149, 1439),
1529, ['invoke_i'], ['waka'], 469663, 149, 1443),
]) # noqa

print('test on a minimal pure computational thing')
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions tests/
Expand Up @@ -749,8 +749,8 @@ def test_embuilder(self):
([PYTHON, EMBUILDER, 'build', 'emmalloc'], ['building and verifying emmalloc', 'success'], True, ['emmalloc.bc']),
([PYTHON, EMBUILDER, 'build', 'emmalloc_debug'], ['building and verifying emmalloc', 'success'], True, ['emmalloc_debug.bc']),
([PYTHON, EMBUILDER, 'build', 'pthreads'], ['building and verifying pthreads', 'success'], True, ['pthreads.bc']),
([PYTHON, EMBUILDER, 'build', 'libcxx'], ['success'], True, ['libcxx.a', 'libcxx.bc']),
([PYTHON, EMBUILDER, 'build', 'libcxx_noexcept'], ['success'], True, ['libcxx_noexcept.a', 'libcxx_noexcept.bc']),
([PYTHON, EMBUILDER, 'build', 'libcxx'], ['success'], True, ['libcxx.a']),
([PYTHON, EMBUILDER, 'build', 'libcxx_noexcept'], ['success'], True, ['libcxx_noexcept.a']),
([PYTHON, EMBUILDER, 'build', 'libcxxabi'], ['success'], True, ['libcxxabi.bc']),
([PYTHON, EMBUILDER, 'build', 'gl'], ['success'], True, ['gl.bc']),
([PYTHON, EMBUILDER, 'build', 'native_optimizer'], ['success'], True, ['optimizer.2.exe']),
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168 changes: 100 additions & 68 deletions tools/
Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
import sys
import tarfile
import zipfile
from collections import namedtuple

from . import ports
from . import shared
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -502,9 +503,13 @@ def create_wasm_libc_rt(libname):
# You can provide 1 to include everything, or a comma-separated list with the ones you want
force = os.environ.get('EMCC_FORCE_STDLIBS')
force_all = force == '1'
force = set((force.split(',') if force else []) + forced)
if force:
logging.debug('forcing stdlibs: ' + str(force))
force_include = set((force.split(',') if force else []) + forced)
if force_include:
logging.debug('forcing stdlibs: ' + str(force_include))

# Set of libraries to include on the link line, as opposed to `force` which
# is the set of libraries to force include (with --whole-archive).
always_include = set()

# Setting this will only use the forced libs in EMCC_FORCE_STDLIBS. This avoids spending time checking
# for unresolved symbols in your project files, which can speed up linking, but if you do not have
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -538,7 +543,7 @@ def add_back_deps(need):
add_back_deps(need) # recurse to get deps of deps

# Scan symbols
symbolses = shared.Building.parallel_llvm_nm(list(map(os.path.abspath, temp_files)))
symbolses = shared.Building.parallel_llvm_nm([os.path.abspath(t) for t in temp_files])

if len(symbolses) == 0:
class Dummy(object):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -574,97 +579,124 @@ class Dummy(object):
libc_deps += ['wasm-libc']
if shared.Settings.USE_PTHREADS:
libc_name = 'libc-mt'
if shared.Settings.WASM_BACKEND:

Library = namedtuple('Library', ['shortname', 'suffix', 'create', 'symbols', 'deps', 'can_noexcept'])

system_libs = [('libcxx', 'a', create_libcxx, libcxx_symbols, ['libcxxabi'], True), # noqa
('libcxxabi', ext, create_libcxxabi, libcxxabi_symbols, [libc_name], False), # noqa
('gl', ext, create_gl, gl_symbols, [libc_name], False), # noqa
('al', ext, create_al, al_symbols, [libc_name], False), # noqa
('html5', ext, create_html5, html5_symbols, [], False), # noqa
('compiler-rt', 'a', create_compiler_rt, compiler_rt_symbols, [libc_name], False), # noqa
(malloc_name(), ext, create_malloc, [], [], False)] # noqa
system_libs = [Library('libcxx', 'a', create_libcxx, libcxx_symbols, ['libcxxabi'], True), # noqa
Library('libcxxabi', ext, create_libcxxabi, libcxxabi_symbols, [libc_name], False), # noqa
Library('gl', ext, create_gl, gl_symbols, [libc_name], False), # noqa
Library('al', ext, create_al, al_symbols, [libc_name], False), # noqa
Library('html5', ext, create_html5, html5_symbols, [], False), # noqa
Library('compiler-rt', 'a', create_compiler_rt, compiler_rt_symbols, [libc_name], False), # noqa
Library(malloc_name(), ext, create_malloc, [], [], False)] # noqa

if shared.Settings.USE_PTHREADS:
system_libs += [('pthreads', ext, create_pthreads, pthreads_symbols, [libc_name], False), # noqa
('pthreads_asmjs', ext, create_pthreads_asmjs, asmjs_pthreads_symbols, [libc_name], False)] # noqa
system_libs += [Library('pthreads', ext, create_pthreads, pthreads_symbols, [libc_name], False), # noqa
Library('pthreads_asmjs', ext, create_pthreads_asmjs, asmjs_pthreads_symbols, [libc_name], False)] # noqa

system_libs += [(libc_name, ext, create_libc, libc_symbols, libc_deps, False)]
system_libs.append(Library(libc_name, ext, create_libc, libc_symbols, libc_deps, False))

# if building to wasm, we need more math code, since we have less builtins
if shared.Settings.WASM:
system_libs += [('wasm-libc', ext, create_wasm_libc, wasm_libc_symbols, [], False)]
system_libs.append(Library('wasm-libc', ext, create_wasm_libc, wasm_libc_symbols, [], False))

# Add libc-extras at the end, as libc may end up requiring them, and they depend on nothing.
system_libs += [('libc-extras', ext, create_libc_extras, libc_extras_symbols, [], False)]
system_libs.append(Library('libc-extras', ext, create_libc_extras, libc_extras_symbols, [], False))

if shared.Settings.WASM_BACKEND:
libs_to_link = []
already_included = set()

# Go over libraries to figure out which we must include
def maybe_noexcept(name):
name += '_noexcept'
return name
ret = []
has = need = None

all_names = [s[0] for s in system_libs]
system_libs_map = {l.shortname: l for l in system_libs}

def add_library(lib):
if lib.shortname in already_included:

for shortname, suffix, create, library_symbols, deps, can_noexcept in system_libs:
assert all(d in all_names for d in deps)
force_this = force_all or shortname in force
if can_noexcept:
shortname = lib.shortname
if lib.can_noexcept:
shortname = maybe_noexcept(shortname)
if force_this and not shared.Settings.WASM_OBJECT_FILES:
# .a files do not always link in all their parts; don't use them when forced
# When using wasm object files there are only .a archives but they get
# included via --whole-archive.
suffix = 'bc'
name = shortname + '.' + suffix

if not force_this:
need = set()
has = set()
name = shortname + '.' + lib.suffix

logging.debug('including %s' % name)

def do_create():
return lib.create(name)

libfile = shared.Cache.get(name, do_create, extension=lib.suffix)
need_whole_archive = lib.shortname in force_include and lib.suffix != 'bc'
libs_to_link.append((libfile, need_whole_archive))

# Recursively add dependencies
for d in lib.deps:

# Go over libraries to figure out which we must include
for lib in system_libs:
if lib.shortname in already_included:
force_this = lib.shortname in force_include
if not force_this and only_forced:
include_this = force_this or lib.shortname in always_include

if not include_this:
need_syms = set()
has_syms = set()
for symbols in symbolses:
if shared.Settings.VERBOSE:
logging.debug('undefs: ' + str(symbols.undefs))
for library_symbol in library_symbols:
for library_symbol in lib.symbols:
if library_symbol in symbols.undefs:
if library_symbol in symbols.defs:
for haz in has: # remove symbols that are supplied by another of the inputs
if haz in need:
for haz in has_syms:
if haz in need_syms:
# remove symbols that are supplied by another of the inputs
if shared.Settings.VERBOSE:
logging.debug('considering %s: we need %s and have %s' % (name, str(need), str(has)))
if force_this or (len(need) and not only_forced):
# We need to build and link the library in
logging.debug('including %s' % name)

def do_create():
return create(name)
logging.debug('considering %s: we need %s and have %s' % (lib.shortname, str(need_syms), str(has_syms)))
if not len(need_syms):

libfile = shared.Cache.get(name, do_create, extension=suffix)
force = force.union(deps)
# We need to build and link the library in

if shared.Settings.WASM_BACKEND:
ret.append(shared.Cache.get('wasm_compiler_rt.a', lambda: create_wasm_compiler_rt('wasm_compiler_rt.a'), extension='a'))
ret.append(shared.Cache.get('wasm_libc_rt.a', lambda: create_wasm_libc_rt('wasm_libc_rt.a'), extension='a'))

ret.sort(key=lambda x: x.endswith('.a')) # make sure to put .a files at the end.

for actual in ret:
if os.path.basename(actual) == 'libcxxabi.bc':
# libcxxabi and libcxx *static* linking is tricky. e.g. cxa_demangle.cpp disables c++
# exceptions, but since the string methods in the headers are *weakly* linked, then
# we might have exception-supporting versions of them from elsewhere, and if libcxxabi
# is first then it would "win", breaking exception throwing from those string
# header methods. To avoid that, we link libcxxabi last.
ret = [f for f in ret if f != actual] + [actual]
libs_to_link.append((shared.Cache.get('wasm_compiler_rt.a', lambda: create_wasm_compiler_rt('wasm_compiler_rt.a'), extension='a'), False))
libs_to_link.append((shared.Cache.get('wasm_libc_rt.a', lambda: create_wasm_libc_rt('wasm_libc_rt.a'), extension='a'), False))

libs_to_link.sort(key=lambda x: x[0].endswith('.a')) # make sure to put .a files at the end.

# libcxxabi and libcxx *static* linking is tricky. e.g. cxa_demangle.cpp disables c++
# exceptions, but since the string methods in the headers are *weakly* linked, then
# we might have exception-supporting versions of them from elsewhere, and if libcxxabi
# is first then it would "win", breaking exception throwing from those string
# header methods. To avoid that, we link libcxxabi last.
libs_to_link.sort(key=lambda x: x[0].endswith('libcxxabi.bc'))

# Wrap libraries in --whole-archive, as needed. We need to do this last
# since otherwise the abort sorting won't make sense.
if force_all:
ret = ['--whole-archive'] + [r[0] for r in libs_to_link] + ['--no-whole-archive']
ret = []
for name, need_whole_archive in libs_to_link:
if need_whole_archive:
ret += ['--whole-archive', name, '--no-whole-archive']

return ret

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