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Use the full power of Elm to generate CSS thats both elegant and expressive

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This library allows you to use composable functions to construct your Css.

Quick Start

  1. Clone the repository

    git clone

  2. Navigate to the proper directory

    cd Elm-Css/

  3. Run the reactor


  4. Open the example and read through the tutorial.

Inspired by React: CSS in JS by vjeux


  • Composable styles
  • Type checking
  • Automatic vendor prefixing
  • Easily use device width instead of pixel width


Elm-Css aims to provide you with the building blocks you need to create styles within Elm. A key takeaway is that each style is composable and as a result is very easy to extend with further functionality. The code you do write is also much simpler to test and refactor, as well as guaranteed type safety and cross browser support.


Centering Content

centered : Styles -> Styles
centered styles =
    |> display Display.Flex
    |> Flex.justifyContent Flex.JCCenter
    |> Flex.alignItems Flex.AICenter

view : Html
view =
    div [ style <| centered [] ] [ setViewport, text "Hello World" ]

As you can see the code is very declarative but is not quite a one to one mapping of CSS. For this reason I strongly encourage you to read the documentation and learn how to use everything Elm-Css has to offer. I also recommend that each of your style functions takes in a list of styles and returns a list of styles. This allows you to have very composable styles that can build off one another to create more useful functionality.

Further Reading

Read the source code or the generated documentation! It provides you with all you need to know to get started as well as an overview of all the completed functions.

Extending Elm-CSS

Elm-Css is meant to be extended and customized so that it fits your needs. Say for example that you would like to have margin bottom function that relies on percents instead of pixels.

import Css exposing (Styles)

pc : number -> String
pc num =
  (toString num) ++ "% "

bottom : number -> Styles -> Styles
bottom b styles = "margin-bottom" (pc b) styles

Well that was easy, in fact while this library provides you with a lot of helper functions to make your life easier. It is entirely possible to follow this pattern in your project without using Elm-Css.

type alias Styles = List (String, String)

style : String -> String -> Styles -> Styles
style name value styles =
  List.append styles [ (name, value) ]

pc : number -> String
pc num =
  (toString num) ++ "% "

bottom : number -> Styles -> Styles
bottom b styles = "margin-bottom" (pc b) styles

This could obviously be extended to become as complicated and elaborate as you would like. One strategy that seems to be popular is to accept a string instead of a number for the functions like so.

bottom : String -> Styles -> Styles
bottom b styles = "margin-bottom" b styles

Then you could use functions such as pc which generatates the appropriate strings based off of an input which can be type checked.

In summary I don't think it is worth rewriting all of the things that this library provides for you, but I definitely think you should extend it and make it work the way that is best for you. If you would like to see how to deal with vendor prefixes I would look at the source for the flex


Use the full power of Elm to generate CSS thats both elegant and expressive






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  • JavaScript 75.5%
  • Elm 24.5%