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Using Steem-API with Ruby Part 2 — Print Account Balances

utopian-io tutorials ruby steem-api programming





What Will I Learn?

This tutorial shows how to interact with the Steem blockchain and Steem database using Ruby. When using Ruby you have two APIs available to chose: steem-api and radiator which differentiates in how return values and errors are handled:

  • steem-api uses closures and exceptions and provides low level computer readable data.
  • radiator uses classic function return values and provides high level human readable data.

Since both APIs have advantages and disadvantages I have provided sample code for both APIs so you can decide which is more suitable for you.

In this 2nd part you learn the use of the classes Steem::Type::Amount and Radiator::Type::Amount and how to handle account balances using them.


You should have basic knowledge of Ruby programming you need to install at least Ruby 2.5 as well as the following ruby gems:

gem install bundler
gem install colorize
gem install steem-ruby
gem install radiator

If there is anything not clear you can ask in the comments.

Note: Both steem-ruby and radiator provide a file called steem.rb. This means that:

  1. When you install both APIs you need to tell ruby which one to use.
  2. You can't use both APIs in the same script.


Provided you have some programming experience this tutorial is basic level.

Tutorial Contents

In this second part of the tutorial I demonstrate how to print out account balances from a list of accounts passed on command line. The data will be formatted and a simple calculation is performed to show how you can use arithmetic on account balances.

As mentioned there will be two examples showing the differences. Both …::Amount classes have there weaknesses which I compensate by introducing an extended Amount class making the rest of the code identical.

You might notice that Steem Power is output in VESTS. In a future part I will show you how to convert VEST value into STEEM value.

Implementation using steem-ruby

Steem-ruby keeps balance data in low level structures which is rather cumbersome to use. Here an example:

  "sbd_balance"=>{"amount"=>"8716549", "precision"=>3, "nai"=>"@@000000013"},

The constructor Steem::Type::Amount class will parse the structure for you and make the data within more accessible and printable. Let's look in detail how to use Steem::Type::Amount:

Make the script executable under Unix. Of course you need to add the correct path to your ruby executable.


Use the "steem.rb" file from the steem-ruby gem. This is only needed if you have both steem-api and radiator installed.

gem "steem-ruby", :require => "steem"

require 'pp'
require 'colorize'
require 'steem'

Steem-ruby comes with a helpful Steem::Type::Amoun class to handle account balances. However Steem::Type::Amoun won't let you access the actual amount as float which is quite cumbersome when you want to make calculations.

This class expands Steem::Type::Amoun to add the missing functions.

class Amount < Steem::Type::Amount

Return amount as float to be used for calculations

   def to_f
     return @amount.to_f
   end # to_f

Operator to add two balances for the users convenience

   def +(right)
      return (if right.is_a?(Numeric) then
         @amount.to_f + right
         @amount.to_f + right.to_f

Operator to subtract two balances for the users convenience

   def -(right)
      return (if right.is_a?(Numeric) then
         @amount.to_f - right
         @amount.to_f - right.to_f
end # Amount

Print account information for an array of accounts

def print_account_balances (accounts)
   accounts.each do |account|

Create an amount instances for each balance to be used for further processing

      _balance                   = account.balance
      _savings_balance           = account.savings_balance
      _sbd_balance               = account.sbd_balance
      _savings_sbd_balance       = account.savings_sbd_balance
      _vesting_shares            = account.vesting_shares
      _delegated_vesting_shares  = account.delegated_vesting_shares
      _received_vesting_shares   = account.received_vesting_shares

Calculate actual vesting by adding and subtracting delegation.

      _actual_vesting            = _vesting_shares - (_delegated_vesting_shares + _received_vesting_shares)

Pretty print out the balances. Note that for a quick printout Steem::Type::Amount provides a simple to_s method. But this method won't align the decimal point

      puts ("Account: " +
      puts "  Steem           = %1$15.3f %2$s" % [_balance.to_f,                  _balance.asset]
      puts "  Steem Savings   = %1$15.3f %2$s" % [_savings_balance.to_f,          _savings_balance.asset]
      puts "  SBD             = %1$15.3f %2$s" % [_sbd_balance.to_f,              _sbd_balance.asset]
      puts "  SBD Savings     = %1$15.3f %2$s" % [_savings_sbd_balance.to_f,      _savings_sbd_balance.asset]
      puts "  Steem Power     = %1$18.6f %2$s" % [_vesting_shares.to_f,           _vesting_shares.asset]
      puts "  Delegated Steem = %1$18.6f %2$s" % [_delegated_vesting_shares.to_f, _delegated_vesting_shares.asset]
      puts "  Received Steem  = %1$18.6f %2$s" % [_received_vesting_shares.to_f,  _received_vesting_shares.asset]
      puts "  Actual Power    = %1$18.6f VESTS" % _actual_vesting

end # Print_Account_Balances

if ARGV.length == 0 then
   puts """
Steem-Dump-Balances — Dump account balances.

   Steem-Dump-Balances account_name …


Read arguments from command line

   Account_Names = ARGV

Create instance to the steem database API

   Database_Api =

Request account information from the Steem database and print out the accounts balances found using a new function or print out error information when an error occurred.

   Database_Api.find_accounts(accounts: Account_Names) do |result|
      Accounts = result.accounts

      if Accounts.length == 0 then
         puts "No accounts found.".yellow

Print out the actual account balances.

         print_account_balances Accounts
   rescue => error
      puts "Error reading accounts:".red
      pp error

Hint: Follow this link on Github for the complete script with syntax highlighting: Steem-Dump-Balances.rb on GitHub.

The output of the command (for the steem account) looks like this:

Screenshot at Jan 27 17-44-14.png

Steem-Print-Accounts.rb using radiator

Radiator keeps the amount data inside a string which nice for printing but still cumbersome for any further processing:

  "sbd_balance"=>"8716.549 SBD",

Luckily we don't need to parse the string ourself. The constructor Radiator::Type::Amount class will do that for you and provides the same functionality then Radiator::Type::Amount. Let's look in detail how to use Radiator::Type::Amount:

Make the script executable under Unix. Of course you need to add the correct path to your ruby executable.


use the "steem.rb" file from the radiator gem. This is only needed if you have both steem-api and radiator installed.

gem "radiator", :require => "steem"

require 'pp'
require 'colorize'
require 'radiator'

steem-ruby comes with a helpful Radiator::Type::Amount class to handle account balances. However Radiator::Type::Amount won't let you access any attributes which makes using the class quite cumbersome.

This class expands Radiator::Type::Amount to add the missing functions making it super convenient.

class Amount < Radiator::Type::Amount

add the missing attribute reader.

   attr_reader :amount, :precision, :asset, :value

return amount as float to be used for calculations

   def to_f
     return @amount.to_f
   end # to_f

Operator to add two balances for the users convenience

   def +(right)
      return (if right.is_a?(Numeric) then
         @amount.to_f + right
         @amount.to_f + right.to_f

Operator to subtract two balances for the users convenience

   def -(right)
      return (if right.is_a?(Numeric) then
         @amount.to_f - right
         @amount.to_f - right.to_f
end # Amount

Print account information for an array of accounts

def print_account_balances (accounts)
   accounts.each do |account|

Create an amount instances for each balance to be used for further processing

      _balance                   = account.balance
      _savings_balance           = account.savings_balance
      _sbd_balance               = account.sbd_balance
      _savings_sbd_balance       = account.savings_sbd_balance
      _vesting_shares            = account.vesting_shares
      _delegated_vesting_shares  = account.delegated_vesting_shares
      _received_vesting_shares   = account.received_vesting_shares

calculate actual vesting by adding and subtracting delegation.

      _actual_vesting            = _vesting_shares - (_delegated_vesting_shares + _received_vesting_shares)

Pretty print out the balances. Note that for a quick printout Radiator::Type::Amount provides a simple to_s method. But this code will create a nicer output.

      puts ("Account: " +
      puts "  Steem           = %1$15.3f %2$s" % [_balance.to_f,                  _balance.asset]
      puts "  Steem Savings   = %1$15.3f %2$s" % [_savings_balance.to_f,          _savings_balance.asset]
      puts "  SBD             = %1$15.3f %2$s" % [_sbd_balance.to_f,              _sbd_balance.asset]
      puts "  SBD Savings     = %1$15.3f %2$s" % [_savings_sbd_balance.to_f,      _savings_sbd_balance.asset]
      puts "  Steem Power     = %1$18.6f %2$s" % [_vesting_shares.to_f,           _vesting_shares.asset]
      puts "  Delegated Steem = %1$18.6f %2$s" % [_delegated_vesting_shares.to_f, _delegated_vesting_shares.asset]
      puts "  Received Steem  = %1$18.6f %2$s" % [_received_vesting_shares.to_f,  _received_vesting_shares.asset]
      puts "  Actual Power    = %1$18.6f VESTS" % _actual_vesting

end # Print_Account_Balances

if ARGV.length == 0 then
   puts """
Steem-Print-Balances — Print account balances.

   Steem-Print-Balances account_name …


Read arguments from command line

   Account_Names = ARGV

Create instance to the steem database API

   Database_Api =

Request account information from the Steem database and print out the accounts balances found using a new function or print out error information when an error occurred.

   Result = Database_Api.get_accounts(Account_Names)

   if Result.key?('error') then
      puts "Error reading accounts:".red
      pp Result.error
   elsif Result.result.length == 0 then
      puts "No accounts found.".yellow
      print_account_balances Result.result

Hint: Follow this link to Github for the complete script with syntax highlighting: Steem-Print-Balances.rb on GitHub.

The output of the command (for the steem account) look identical to the previous output:

Screenshot at Jan 27 17-44-59.png


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