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Refactor util (#29)
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* Refactor global variables

* Fix fstring

* Refactor

* Fix typo

* Refactor get_geneid_conversion

* Temporarily disable flake8-bandit due to tylerwince/flake8-bandit#21

* Minor edits

* Remove redundant lines

* Add upper option to get_geneid_conversion

* Clean up initial_ID_convert

* Clean up make_validation_df

* Refactor loaders

* Create a genearl _load_file method with file existence check

* Merge loader into util, create pickle loaders

* Type and doc pickle loader functions

* Set up mypy
  • Loading branch information
RemyLau committed Feb 28, 2022
1 parent 8b0fb8c commit e40dc43
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Showing 7 changed files with 474 additions and 301 deletions.
238 changes: 238 additions & 0 deletions geneplexus/
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@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
import logging
import os.path as osp
from typing import Optional

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.spatial.distance import cosine
from scipy.stats import hypergeom
from scipy.stats import rankdata
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.metrics import average_precision_score
from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler

from . import config
from . import util

def initial_ID_convert(input_genes, file_loc):
# load all the possible conversion dictionaries
convert_types = ["ENSG", "Symbol", "ENSP", "ENST"]
all_convert_dict = {}
for anIDtype in convert_types:
convert_tmp = util.load_geneid_conversion(file_loc, anIDtype, "Entrez", upper=True)
all_convert_dict[anIDtype] = convert_tmp

# make some place holder arrays
convert_IDs = [] # This will be a flat list for Entrez IDs to use as positives
convert_out = [] # This will be a list of lists that will be used to tell user the conversions made
for agene in input_genes:
agene_int = int(agene)
convert_out.append([agene_int, agene_int])
except ValueError:
converted_gene: Optional[str] = None
for anIDtype, conversion_map in convert_types.items():
if agene in conversion_map:
converted_gene = ", ".join(conversion_map[agene])
logging.debug(f"Found mapping ({anIDtype}) {agene} -> {conversion_map[agene]}")
convert_out.append([agene, converted_gene or "Could Not be mapped to Entrez"])

column_names = ["Original ID", "Entrez ID"]
df_convert_out = pd.DataFrame(convert_out, columns=column_names).astype(str)

return convert_IDs, df_convert_out

def make_validation_df(df_convert_out, file_loc):
table_summary = []
input_count = df_convert_out.shape[0]
converted_genes = df_convert_out["Entrez ID"].to_numpy()

for anet in config.ALL_NETWORKS:
net_genes = util.load_node_order(file_loc, anet)
df_tmp = df_convert_out[df_convert_out["Entrez ID"].isin(net_genes)]
pos_genes_in_net = np.intersect1d(converted_genes, net_genes)
table_row = {"Network": anet, "NetworkGenes": len(net_genes), "PositiveGenes": len(pos_genes_in_net)}
tmp_ins = np.full(len(converted_genes), "N", dtype=str)
tmp_ins[df_tmp.index.to_numpy()] = "Y"
df_convert_out[f"In {anet}?"] = tmp_ins

return df_convert_out, table_summary, input_count

def get_genes_in_network(file_loc, net_type, convert_IDs):
net_genes = util.load_node_order(file_loc, net_type)
pos_genes_in_net = np.intersect1d(np.array(convert_IDs), net_genes)
genes_not_in_net = np.setdiff1d(np.array(convert_IDs), net_genes)
return pos_genes_in_net, genes_not_in_net, net_genes

def get_negatives(file_loc, net_type, GSC, pos_genes_in_net):
uni_genes = util.load_genes_universe(file_loc, GSC, net_type)
good_sets = util.load_gsc(file_loc, GSC, net_type)
M = len(uni_genes)
N = len(pos_genes_in_net)
genes_to_remove = pos_genes_in_net
for akey in good_sets:
n = len(good_sets[akey]["Genes"])
k = len(np.intersect1d(pos_genes_in_net, good_sets[akey]["Genes"]))
pval = hypergeom.sf(k - 1, M, n, N)
if pval < 0.05:
genes_to_remove = np.union1d(genes_to_remove, good_sets[akey]["Genes"])
negative_genes = np.setdiff1d(uni_genes, genes_to_remove)
return negative_genes

def run_SL(file_loc, net_type, features, pos_genes_in_net, negative_genes, net_genes):
pos_inds = [np.where(net_genes == agene)[0][0] for agene in pos_genes_in_net]
neg_inds = [np.where(net_genes == agene)[0][0] for agene in negative_genes]
data = util.load_gene_features(file_loc, features, net_type)
std_scale = StandardScaler().fit(data)
data = std_scale.transform(data)
Xdata = data[pos_inds + neg_inds, :]
ydata = np.array([1] * len(pos_inds) + [0] * len(neg_inds))
clf = LogisticRegression(max_iter=10000, solver="lbfgs", penalty="l2", C=1.0), ydata)
mdl_weights = np.squeeze(clf.coef_)
probs = clf.predict_proba(data)[:, 1]

if len(pos_genes_in_net) < 15:
avgps = [-10, -10, -10]
avgps = []
n_folds = 3
skf = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=n_folds, shuffle=True, random_state=None)
for trn_inds, tst_inds in skf.split(Xdata, ydata):
clf_cv = LogisticRegression(max_iter=10000, solver="lbfgs", penalty="l2", C=1.0)[trn_inds], ydata[trn_inds])
probs_cv = clf_cv.predict_proba(Xdata[tst_inds])[:, 1]
avgp = average_precision_score(ydata[tst_inds], probs_cv)
num_tst_pos = np.sum(ydata[tst_inds])
prior = num_tst_pos / Xdata[tst_inds].shape[0]
log2_prior = np.log2(avgp / prior)
# TODO: add this to log?
# avgp = f"{np.median(avgps):.2f}" # used in webserver but not for inflamation work
return mdl_weights, probs, avgps

def make_prob_df(file_loc, net_genes, probs, pos_genes_in_net, negative_genes):
Entrez_to_Symbol = util.load_geneid_conversion(file_loc, "Entrez", "Symbol")
Entrez_to_Name = util.load_geneid_conversion(file_loc, "Entrez", "Name")
prob_results = []
for idx in range(len(net_genes)):
if net_genes[idx] in pos_genes_in_net:
class_label = "P"
novel_label = "Known"
elif net_genes[idx] in negative_genes:
class_label = "N"
novel_label = "Novel"
class_label = "U"
novel_label = "Novel"
syms_tmp = "/".join(Entrez_to_Symbol[net_genes[idx]]) # allows for multimapping
except KeyError:
syms_tmp = "N/A"
name_tmp = "/".join(Entrez_to_Name[net_genes[idx]]) # allows for multimapping
except KeyError:
name_tmp = "N/A"
prob_results.append([net_genes[idx], syms_tmp, name_tmp, probs[idx], novel_label, class_label])
df_probs = pd.DataFrame(
columns=["Entrez", "Symbol", "Name", "Probability", "Known/Novel", "Class-Label"],
df_probs = df_probs.astype({"Entrez": str, "Probability": float})
df_probs = df_probs.sort_values(by=["Probability"], ascending=False)
df_probs["Rank"] = rankdata(1 / (df_probs["Probability"].to_numpy() + 1e-9), method="min")
return df_probs

def make_sim_dfs(file_loc, mdl_weights, GSC, net_type, features):
dfs_out = []
for target_set in ["GO", "DisGeNet"]:
weights_dict = util.load_pretrained_weights(file_loc, target_set, net_type, features)
if target_set == "GO":
weights_dict_GO = weights_dict
if target_set == "DisGeNet":
weights_dict_Dis = weights_dict
order = util.load_correction_order(file_loc, target_set, net_type)
cor_mat = util.load_correction_mat(file_loc, GSC, target_set, net_type, features)
add_row = np.zeros((1, len(order)))
for idx, aset in enumerate(order):
cos_sim = 1 - cosine(weights_dict[aset]["Weights"], mdl_weights)
add_row[0, idx] = cos_sim
cor_mat = np.concatenate((cor_mat, add_row), axis=0)
last_row = cor_mat[-1, :]
zq = np.maximum(0, (last_row - np.mean(last_row)) / np.std(last_row))
zs = np.maximum(0, (last_row - np.mean(cor_mat, axis=0)) / np.std(cor_mat, axis=0))
z = np.sqrt(zq ** 2 + zs ** 2)
results_tmp = []
for idx2, termID_tmp in enumerate(order):
ID_tmp = termID_tmp
Name_tmp = weights_dict[termID_tmp]["Name"]
z_tmp = z[idx2]
results_tmp.append([ID_tmp, Name_tmp, z_tmp])
df_tmp = pd.DataFrame(results_tmp, columns=["ID", "Name", "Similarity"]).sort_values(
df_tmp["Rank"] = rankdata(1 / (df_tmp["Similarity"].to_numpy() + 1e-9), method="min")
return dfs_out[0], dfs_out[1], weights_dict_GO, weights_dict_Dis

def make_small_edgelist(file_loc, df_probs, net_type, num_nodes=50):
# This will set the max number of genes to look at to a given number
if net_type == "BioGRID":
df_edge = pd.read_csv(
osp.join(file_loc, f"Edgelist_{net_type}.edg"),
names=["Node1", "Node2"],
df_edge["Weight"] = 1
df_edge = pd.read_csv(
osp.join(file_loc, f"Edgelist_{net_type}.edg"),
names=["Node1", "Node2", "Weight"],
df_edge = df_edge.astype({"Node1": str, "Node2": str})
top_genes = df_probs["Entrez"].to_numpy()[0:num_nodes]
df_edge = df_edge[(df_edge["Node1"].isin(top_genes)) & (df_edge["Node2"].isin(top_genes))]
genes_in_edge = np.union1d(df_edge["Node1"].unique(), df_edge["Node2"].unique())
isolated_genes = np.setdiff1d(top_genes, genes_in_edge)
Entrez_to_Symbol = util.load_geneid_conversion(file_loc, "Entrez", "Symbol")
replace_dict = {}
for agene in genes_in_edge:
syms_tmp = "/".join(Entrez_to_Symbol[agene]) # allows for multimapping
except KeyError:
syms_tmp = "N/A"
replace_dict[agene] = syms_tmp
df_edge_sym = df_edge.replace(to_replace=replace_dict)
# make smae network as above just with gene symbols instead of entrez IDs
isolated_genes_sym = []
for agene in isolated_genes:
syms_tmp = "/".join(Entrez_to_Symbol[agene]) # allows for multimapping
except KeyError:
syms_tmp = "N/A"
return df_edge, isolated_genes, df_edge_sym, isolated_genes_sym

def alter_validation_df(df_convert_out, table_summary, net_type):
df_convert_out_subset = df_convert_out[["Original ID", "Entrez ID", f"In {net_type}?"]]
network = next((item for item in table_summary if item["Network"] == net_type), None)
positive_genes = network.get("PositiveGenes")
return df_convert_out_subset, positive_genes
35 changes: 35 additions & 0 deletions geneplexus/
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@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
"""Global variables used by the GenePlexus library."""
from typing import Dict
from typing import List
from typing import Literal
from typing import Set
from typing import Tuple
from typing import Union

import numpy as np

ALL_TASKS = ["IDconversion", "MachineLearning", "Similarities", "NetworkGraph"]
ALL_FEATURES = ["Adjacency", "Embedding", "Influence"]
ALL_GSCS = ["GO", "DisGeNet"]


ID_SRC_TYPE = Literal["ENSG", "ENSP", "ENST", "Entrez", "Symbol"]
ID_DST_TYPE = Literal["Entrez", "ENSG", "Name", "Symbol"]
("ENSG", "Entrez"),
("ENSP", "Entrez"),
("ENST", "Entrez"),
("Entrez", "ENSG"),
("Entrez", "Name"),
("Entrez", "Symbol"),
("Symbol", "Entrez"),
GSC_TYPE = Literal["GO", "DisGeNet"]
FEATURE_TYPE = Literal["Adjacency", "Embedding", "Influence"]

ID_CONVERSION_MAP_TYPE = Dict[str, List[str]]
GSC_DATA_TYPE = Dict[str, Dict[Literal["Name", "Genes"], Union[str, np.ndarray]]]
PRETRAINED_DATA_TYPE = Dict[str, Dict[Literal["Name", "Weights", "PosGenes"], Union[str, np.ndarray]]]
35 changes: 18 additions & 17 deletions geneplexus/
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@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
import os.path as osp
from urllib.parse import urljoin

import requests

from . import config

def download_select_data(fp_data, tasks="All", networks="All", features="All", GSCs="All"):
# Similarities and NetworkGraph will assume downloaded MachineLearning
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -31,43 +34,41 @@ def download_from_azure(fp_data, files_to_do):
if osp.exists(path):
print(f"The following file already exsists so skipping download: {path}")
FN_Azure = f"{afile}"
print(f"Downloading the follwing file: {FN_Azure}")
r = requests.get(FN_Azure)
open(path, "wb").write(r.content)
fn = urljoin(config.URL_AZURE, afile)
print(f"Downloading the follwing file: {fn}")
r = requests.get(fn)
if r.ok:
open(path, "wb").write(r.content)
raise requests.exceptions.RequestException(r)

def make_download_options_lists(tasks, networks, features, GSCs):
all_tasks = ["IDconversion", "MachineLearning", "Similarities", "NetworkGraph"]
all_networks = ["BioGRID", "STRING", "STRING-EXP", "GIANT-TN"]
all_features = ["Adjacency", "Embedding", "Influence"]
all_GSCs = ["GO", "DisGeNet"]

if isinstance(tasks, str):
if tasks == "All":
tasks = all_tasks
elif tasks in all_tasks:
tasks = config.ALL_TASKS
elif tasks in config.ALL_TASKS:
tasks = [tasks]
raise ValueError(f"Unexpected task: {tasks!r}")
if isinstance(networks, str):
if networks == "All":
networks = all_networks
elif networks in all_networks:
networks = config.ALL_NETWORKS
elif networks in config.ALL_NETWORKS:
networks = [networks]
raise ValueError(f"Unexpected network: {tasks!r}")
if isinstance(features, str):
if features == "All":
features = all_features
elif features in all_features:
features = config.ALL_FEATURES
elif features in config.ALL_FEATURES:
features = [features]
raise ValueError(f"Unexpected feature: {features!r}")
if isinstance(GSCs, str):
if GSCs == "All":
GSCs = all_GSCs
elif GSCs in all_GSCs:
GSCs = config.ALL_GSCS
elif GSCs in config.ALL_GSCS:
GSCs = [GSCs]
raise ValueError(f"Unexpected GSC: {GSCs!r}")
Expand Down

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