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Krishna Srinivas edited this page Jul 20, 2018 · 3 revisions

versionID is of the time stamp format 2018-07-19T23-54-03.470361222Z

Sample flow and backend structure: bucket-name is "documents" object-name is "hello.txt"

  1. Object versioning not enabled. User does a PutObject

backend on disk1:

krishna@escape:~$ tree export-xl/disk1/documents/
└── hello.txt
    ├── part.1
    └── xl.json

1 directory, 2 files
  1. User enables versioning on the bucket
krishna@escape:~$ emacs export-xl/disk1/.minio.sys/buckets/documents/versioning.json/
part.1   xl.json  

Contents of the versioning.json file:

<VersioningConfiguration xmlns=""> 
  1. User does PutObject of hello.txt

backend on disk1:

krishna@escape:~/export-xl/disk1/documents$ tree .
├── hello.txt
│   ├── part.1
│   └── xl.json
└── hello.txt.versions
    └── 0
        ├── part.1
        └── xl.json

3 directories, 4 files

The hello.txt/ got renamed to hello.txt.versions/0

The newly uploaded hello.txt's xl.json will contain VersionID: 2018-07-20T01-41-19.342Z

  1. User does PutObject of hello.txt again:

backend on disk1:

krishna@escape:~/export-xl/disk1/documents$ tree .
├── hello.txt
│   ├── part.1
│   └── xl.json
└── hello.txt.versions
    ├── 0
    │   ├── part.1
    │   └── xl.json
    └── 2018-07-20T01-41-19.342Z
        ├── part.1
        └── xl.json

4 directories, 6 files

The hello.txt/ got renamed to hello.txt.versions/2018-07-20T01-41-19.342Z 2018-07-20T01-41-19.342Z is the versionId

  1. User does a get on hello.txt?versionId=2018-07-20T01-41-19.342Z

we can translate it to hello.txt.versions/2018-07-20T01-41-19.342Z

  1. User does a get on hello.txt?versionId=null

we can translate it to hello.txt.versions/0

  1. User does a delete on hello.txt?versionId=2018-07-20T01-41-19.342Z

we can delete hello.txt.versions/2018-07-20T01-41-19.342Z

Note: there will be no support for DeleteMarkers

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