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API request/response recorder for efficient E2E regression testing

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Request Recorder

Request/Response Recorder for fast and predictable E2E regression testing (CI).

Project structure

This repo contains both a web application and library files exposed in the package.json so the library can be consumed in an external web application.

Web application

This project is a React Typescript project with a src folder for the application source files and public folder for the static web server assets, such as the index.html file.

To run the web server: npm run develop


The library files can be found in src/library.

library/recorder contains the recorder functionality including the store and store adapters for various store backends.

library/request contains the request handler logic which leverages the recorder.


Response Recording

Legacy request handler

The legacy request handler can be found in library/request/legacy.

The main entry point is the function handleRequest which takes:

  • request a Promise<Response>
  • isPublicAccessible whether the API is publicly accessible or private
  • redirectHandler a function of the type (url?: string) => void

The function handleResponse handles the resulting response and accepts:

  • response Fetch API interface representing the response to a request
  • isPublicAccessible whether the API is publicly accessible or private
  • redirectHandler a function of the type (url?: string) => void

Advanced request handler

The advanced request handler can be found in library/request/advanced

The main file is advanced-handle-request.ts where the main entry point is the function advHandleRequest.

This function takes a RequestParams object with the following

  • request a Promise<Response>
  • isPublicAccessible whether the API is publicly accessible or private
  • redirectHandler a function of the type (url?: string) => void
  • context a context object describing the request

The main logic is as follows:

  • create a smartRequestHandler and try to use it
  • if a response is returned by the smartRequestHandler, return it
  • if no response is returned, make a normal backend request
    log && log(ctx);
    const requestHandler = createRequestHandler(params);
    const response = requestHandler.handle();
    if (response) return response;

    return handleBackendRequest({

Request context

The context object can take the following

  • store the store manager to use for recording or for playback
  • actionWindow the action window (latest number of actions) to use from the sessionActionStack to create a unique session key
  • log optional custom log method
  • data the data to send in the request
  • dataLabel optional data label for logging and key purposes
  • apiType the type of API call, such as Backend or Service
  • reqMethod the request method used such as GET or POST
  • retryManager retries manager

Smart Request Handler

The SmartRequestHandler should be used to handle:

  • the storage of a response for a given request
  • retrieval of a stored response for a given request

If mockMode is enabled (true) then the store will be used. Otherwise the default strategy will be used which is to call the actual backing endpoint (server)

Main methods

  • handle handles the request given the mockMode and will try retrieveMock followed by storeMockResponse
  • retrieveMock retrieves a mock (or cached) reponse from the store
  • storeMockResponse stores a mock or recorded success reponse in the store
  • storeMockError stores a mock or recorded error reponse in the store

Note that currently this handler operated under minimal assumptions and is not hardcoded to any specific implementation.

It expects a record object to be passed in which has an error method that can record an error and so on.

record && record.error(ctx, mock.error);

The user of the library will have to configure and implement this record object and may use the building blocks for recording that are part of the library or provide their own custom implementation.


The advHandleRequest method may optionally contain retry logic, to attempt making the request multiple times until it succeeds, times out or has used too many retry attempts. The retry strategy and implementation is completely up to the user of the library to implement.

A retries object can contain the following

  • shouldRetry a function of the form ({response: string, params: RequestParams}) => boolean to determine if the handler should retry the request
  • retry a function of the form <T = any>(ctx: any) => Promise<T> which manages execution of retries
  • retryCtx: any optional retry context which may contain number of retries, type of retry algorith/strategy, time info etc.
  • makeRetries an optional function of the form ({retries, response, params, resp}) => Promise<{retryResponse: any; retriesMade: number}> which handles making retries. A default makeRetries function will be used if none is supplied.


The function handleBackendRequest handles the backend request in terms of the response returned. If there is an error it throws a NetworkError.

The default response handling initiates makeRetries to handle retries in the case retries is enabled.

const {retryResponse, retriesMade} = await makeRetries({

Otherwise it records the time elapsed and records the response if recording is enabled.

const timeElapsed = timeMs() - startTime;
// record response received
record.response &&
    record.response(ctx, {
        response: retryResponse || resp,
        retries: retriesMade || 0,
        time: timeElapsed
// handle response
handleResponse({response, redirectHandler, isPublicAccessible});

It then handles the response using the existing (legacy) functionality of handleRequest.

See handleResponse and handleContent.

Perhaps refactor the function handleBackendRequest into a class BackendRequestHandler (or BackendResponseHandler?) using composition for handleResponse and handleContent that could also be refactored into classes ResponseHandler and ContentHandler, all with handle functions to handle the main logic.

Store Manager

To create a Store Manager: createStoreManager({retriever, recorder})

The retriever should be a StoreRetriever and the recorder a StoreRecorder.

Store Retriever

The method async matchSuccess() attempts to match a success request to a hit in the cache with pre-recorded response for the success keys.

The keys can be generated via the StoreKeyGenerator

  • success key: success:${apiType}:${reqMethod}:${apiId}
  • error key: error:${apiType}:${reqMethod}:${apiId}
  • session key: hash of the session data object
  • data key: ${dataLabel}:${dataHash} optional data label and hash of the data


The store is currently assumed to be structured as follows:

    "<success-key>": {
        "<session-key>": {
            "<data-key>": {
                // response data

However this is easy to customize by replacing the StoreRetriever and StoreRecorder with custom implementation with overrides for key methods.

If there is a miss on the top level success/error key:

    success: false,
    error: `No matching success item found for key: ${successResponseKey}`,
    store: store

If there is a miss on the session key:

    success: false,
    error: `No matching session item found for ${sessionKey}`,
    store: sessionsStore

If there is a miss on the data key:

    success: false,
    error: `No matching data found for ${dataKey}`,
    store: dataStore


API request/response recorder for efficient E2E regression testing






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