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Ember EasyForm for Ember CLI

Ember EasyForm for use with Ember via Bower

Can be used with ember-validations

The distribution:

distributions/ember-easyform-cli.js - Browserified distribution of dockyard]( repo.

The index.js file for the addon:

module.exports = {
  name: 'ember-easyform-cli',
  included: function(app) {
    this._super.included(app); + '/ember-easyform/dist/ember-easyform.js');

Ember CLI installation

In your Ember CLI app packages.json file, add this "devDependency":

  "ember-easyform-cli": "git://"

And run npm install

Bower library installation

The addon depends on ember-easyForm being installed as a bower component.

Since the package.json file now has an "install" script defined, it should auto-install its bower dependencies!!

"scripts": {
  "install": "bower install --save-dev"

This should install the dependencies listed in the bower.json file of this addon (named "dummy" for this reason!)

  "name": "bower-dummy",
  "devDependencies": {
    "ember-easyform": "kristianmandrup/ember-easyForm#master"

If this for some reason doesn't work or you want to install manually:

Try bower install kristianmandrup/ember-easyForm.git#master --save-dev

Which should install ember-easyForm bower distribution and save it into your bower.json file.

Or alternatively...

Install bower distribution. In your bower.json file insert this entry for "devDependencies":

  "devDependencies": {
    // others ...
    "ember-easyform": "git://"

Run bower install

In your packages.json file, add this "devDependency" entry:

  "ember-easyform-cli": "git://"

Run npm install

Test if installation works

Run ember serve

While Broccoli build the project it will pick up the addon ember-easyform-cli in the node_modules/ folder by identifying it with the package.json keyword: ember-addon.

Ember CLI (via Broccoli) will load the main addon file index.js which adds an app.import to the Broccoli build process to the Broccoli build process, which picks up the installed bower component ember-easyform to make it part of the application build.

Test in the browser

Now you can serve the final build (the library will be part of vendor.js).

$ open localhost:4200

In the console of your browser web tools:

> Ember.EasyForm.VERSION
// => prints version number ("1.0.0")

Ember EasyForm

Build Status

EasyForm for Ember

Development on this library will be on-going until 1.0. We follow Semantic Versioning so expect backwards incompatible changes between minor version bumps. Patch version bumps will not introduce backwards incompatible changes but older minor version will not be actively supported.

Getting a build

Please choose from our list of builds for Ember-EasyForm

Building yourself

You will require Ruby to be installed on your system. If it is please run the following:

gem install bundler
git clone git://
cd ember-easyForm
bundle install
bundle exec rake dist

The builds will be in the dist/ directory.

Looking for help?

If it is a bug please open an issue on GitHub. If you need help using the gem please ask the question on Stack Overflow. Be sure to tag the question with DockYard so we can find it.


The formFor helper is used like so:

{{#formFor model}}
  {{input firstName}}
  {{input lastName}}
  {{input bio as="text"}}

This will result in the following semantic structure:

  <div class="input string">
    <label for="ember1">First name</label>
    <input id="ember1" type="text"/>
    <span class="error"></span>
  <div class="input string">
    <label for="ember2">Last name</label>
    <input id="ember2" type="text"/>
    <span class="error"></span>
  <div class="input string">
    <label for="ember3">Bio</label>
    <textarea id="ember3"></textarea>
    <span class="error"></span>

Customizing Inputs

You can customize your input by passing certain options.

{{input secret as="hidden"}}

ember-easyForm will also try to determine the type automatically based upon the property name:

{{input email}}
{{input password}}

This will set the first input with type="email" and the second with type="password"

Pass the label option to set the label text:

{{input firstName label="Your Name"}}

Pass the placeholder option to set a placeholder:

{{input firstName placeholder="Enter your first name"}}

Pass the hint option to set a hint:

{{input firstName hint="Enter your first name"}}

Pass the inputConfig option to set the options used by the input field:

{{input description as=text inputConfig="class:span5;rows:4"}}

The inputConfig uses the following format: option1:value1;option2:value2. Each value inside the inputConfig must be separated by a semicolon (;) and the option name and its value must be separated by a colon (:).

Input Blocks

Inputs can be used in the default inline form as already seen or they can be used as blocks such as:

{{#input firstName}}
  {{inputField firstName}}{{labelField firstName}}
  {{erroField firstName}}

Inside the block you can add any markup you'd like and everything will be wrapped inside the container div that is created by the original input. You can should use the following helpers:


Renders the label field used by input. The first paramater is the property, the remainder paramaters are options.

  • text - the text for the label
{{labelField firstName text="Your first name"}}


Renders the input field used by input. The first parameter is the property, the remaining properties are options. The input itself will default a type of password if the property contains "password", likewise for "email".

  • placeholder - sets the placeholder attribute
  • as - accepts the following:
    • text - renders a textarea input
    • email
    • password
    • url
    • color
    • tel
    • search
    • hidden
{{inputField bio as="text"}}
{{inputField email}}


Renders the error span used by input where the first available validation error message will be rendered. The first parameter will be the property.

{{errorField firstName}}


Renders a text containing instructions to the user. The first parameter is the property, the remaining properties are options.

  • text - the text for the hint
{{hintField firstName text="Your first name"}}

Custom Input Types

You can register custom input types used in the as option of input. To register the custom input, use the method Ember.EasyForm.Config.registerInputType passing the name of the custom input, and its view.

Ember.EasyForm.Config.registerInputType('my_input', Ember.EasyForm.TextField);

To use the custom input, define the as option:

{{input name as=my_input}}


To customize how the form will be rendered you can use wrappers. A wrapper defines the classes used by controls, errors, labels and hints.


  • formClass - class used by the form
  • fieldErrorClass - class used by the field containing errors
  • inputClass - class used by the div containing all elements of the input (label, input, error and hint)
  • errorClass - class used by the error message
  • hintClass - class used by the hint message
  • labelClass - class used by the label
  • wrapControls - boolean defining if the controls should be wrapped in a div. It wraps the input, error and hint (as used by the Twitter Bootstrap)
  • controlsWrapperClass - class used by the div that wraps the input controls (see above)

Registering a wrapper

To register a wrapper, use the method Ember.EasyForm.Config.registerWrapper passing the wrapper name and its options. You can define many wrappers, using each one when appropriate.

Ember.EasyForm.Config.registerWrapper('twitter-bootstrap', {
  formClass: 'form-horizontal',
  fieldErrorClass: 'error',
  errorClass: 'help-inline',
  hintClass: 'help-block',
  labelClass: 'control-label',
  inputClass: 'control-group',
  wrapControls: true,
  controlsWrapperClass: 'controls'

You can replace the default wrapper simple by registering a wrapper named default.

When you register a wrapper, you don't have to inform all options. If some option is not defined, the default value will be used.

Using a wrapper

To use a wrapper, define the wrapper option in the form. All elements inside the form will use the values defined in this wrapper.

{{#formFor controller wrapper="twitter-bootstrap"}}
{{input firstName}}

Default wrapper

The default wrapper contains the following values:

  • formClass - "" (empty)
  • fieldErrorClass - "fieldWithErrors"
  • inputClass - "input"
  • errorClass - "error"
  • hintClass - "hint"
  • labelClass - "" (empty)
  • wrapControls - false
  • controlsWrapperClass - "" (empty)


When the focusOut event is triggered on input elements the associated model will run the validations for that property. Any error messages will appear in the associated span.error element. The containing div will also have the class .fieldWithErrors applied. When the validation passes the error message and classes are removed.

It is expected the controller have access to an errors objects (if directly defined on the controller itself or on the content object) and each key should correspond to the property in question. The value of each key can be a string or an array. If an array the first value in the array will be used for display.


This is partially influenced by Ember FormBuilder by Luan Haddad Ricardo dos Santos

We are very thankful for the many contributors


This library follows Semantic Versioning

Want to help?

Please do! We are always looking to improve this gem. Please see our Contribution Guidelines on how to properly submit issues and pull requests.


DockYard, LLC © 2013


Licensed under the MIT license


Experimental fork of ember-easyForm to wrap it as an Ember CLI addon for easy installation







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