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RubyMoney - Money-Rails

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This library provides integration of money gem with Rails.

Use 'monetize' to specify which fields you want to be backed by Money objects and helpers provided by the money gem.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'money-rails'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install money-rails


For example, we create a Product model which has an integer price_cents column and we want to handle it by using a Money object instead:

class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
  monetize :price_cents

Now each Product object will also have an attribute called price which is a Money object and can be used for money comparisons, conversions etc.

In this case the name of the money attribute is created automagically by removing the _cents suffix of the column name. If you prefer another name for the money attribute, then you can provide target_name argument with a string value to the monetize macro:

monetize :discount, :target_name => "discount_value"

Now the model objects will have a discount_value attribute which is a Money object, wrapping the value of discount column to a Money instance.

ORM support

Money-Rails now supports integration with ActiveRecord, Mongoid and MongoMapper. It should be easy to integrate the ORM of your choice if you look at the sample adapters.

To get a list of supported ORMs:


The Mongoid and MongoMapper integrations will add the following methods:

  • price_pence (Integer)
  • price= (Money)
  • price (Money)
  • currency (Money::Currency)
  • currency_iso (String)

I order to add multiple prices (money items) to a model, create a generic, polymorphic Price model and embed instances of it with different names.

Mongoid example

class Account
	include Mongoid::Document
	include MoneyRails::Mongoid::Monetizable

Multiple prices:

class Price
	include Mongoid::Document
	include MoneyRails::Mongoid::Monetizable

	embedded_in :priced, :polymorphic => true

class Account
	include Mongoid::Document

	embeds_one :rental_price, :as => :priced
	embeds_one :deposit, :as => :priced	

MongoMapper example

class Account
	include Mongoid::Document
	include MoneyRails::MongoMapper::Monetizable
	# or via macro:-  monetizable_orm :mongoid
	# ...

A similar "multiple price" model can be used for MongoMapper.

class Price
  include Mongoid::Document
	monetizable_orm :mongo_mapper

	belongs_to 	:priced, :polymorphic => true

class Account
	include MongoMapper::Document	

	one :rental_price, :as => :priced
	one :deposit, :as => :priced	

For convenience

To make it more convenient and feel more like the ActiveRecord DSL, we provide similar convenience methods:

  • monetize_one (aliased as monetize)
  • monetize_many
  • monetize_for (call monetize for multiple names)
# in initializer or some other place

MoneyRails.default_polymorphic_money = :priced

# later in your models
class Account
	include Mongoid::Document
	monetize_orm :mongoid

	monetize_one :rental_price
	monetize_many :deposits, :class_name => 'Price'

	monetize :secret_price, :as => :priced

	monetize_for :low_price, :high_price

	# Using a custom Monetizable model
	monetize_one :total_cost, :as => :costable	

Extra cool features!

Note: These features currently only work for Mongoid

class Price
	include Mongoid::Document
  monetizable_orm :mongoid, :as => :priced
Account.create  :rental_price => priced_at(3000, :usd), 
                :deposit => priced_at(150, :usd), 
                :rent => priced_at(100)

You can customize your macro method-mappings via MoneyRails::Moneys as shown here:

MoneyRails::Moneys.cost_class = Price

# or to set the all to the same
MoneyRails::Moneys.classes = Price

The default map can be seen in MoneyRails::Moneys.macro_map


MIT License. Copyright 2012 RubyMoney.


Integration of RubyMoney - Money with Rails







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