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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation


This project aims to provide a slick, smooth interface to manage the following organisational entities:

  • Projects
  • Organisations
  • Teams
  • Users
  • Repositories
  • Environments (dev, test, stage, prod, ...)
  • Branches

The app (or set of UI component) should allow an organiation (or team/teams) to manage these entities across multiple types of git hosting providers (github, gitlab, bitbucket, ...). This management UI can then be re-used across multiple different applications, such as node-red

Getting started

Fork the repo from github: red-forms

In your terminal/console

Clone the repo from your fork, sth. like:

git clone

Install/update yarn, the Node.js package/module installer and testing/coverage tools nyc and ava

$ npm i -g yarn ava nyc

From the root of the project, install all project dependencies via yarn

$ yarn install

Run development server

$ yarn dev

open http://localhost:4000 in a (Chrome) browser.

Try to run ava tests with nyc coverage report:

$ nyc ava

Current design

The current simple design consists of a set of forms accessible from a menu. The forms can be used to build up the in-memory model of related entities.

Ideally, most of the data is already configured for most organisations in git repos in the cloud and similar.

We need to enable importing this data from existing company (cloud) resources so that they can get up and running more quickly (and with less chance of making errors!)

Folder structure

  • /db - Pico DB for managing Project data
  • /components - Vue components with forms for managing model entities
  • /store - vuex store for centralised state management (similar to Redux)
  • /fixtures - fixture data used by forms to display some initial fake data
  • /services - Fetch API services for communicating with remote "REST" API

/fixtures should be moved to test folder.

Manage list of entities

Currently the form to manage a list of entities are almost identical. In order to reduce duplication, work has started on a generic List form which could replace most (if not all) of these forms, passing props as needed to customize title, which $service is used etc.

In memory data model

The system needs to keep an in-memory representation of the data model.

We can use feathers-localstorage to keep a local database (cache) of entities.

The cached model will be kept in sync with the remote model on the server via REST (and later real-time socket) APIs (see document)

User context

The user needs to signin (via Auth0) in order to manage the models. The main context is the Project model. When a User signs in, the system should load the IDs of the last projects used and by default load the latest project (via REST api)

A project is loaded with:

  • names of teams that have access to project
  • names of users with access to project
  • environments of project
  • repo/branch for each environment

The Project model will be stored in the in-memory Pico DB and be linked to Vuex state manager.


The folder /services contains a Fetch API to call a backend API that it turn communicates with a data store such as Mongo DB.

Test skeletons for these services can be found in /test/services

For now, use an in-memory DB or simply mock the responses to simulate a fully functional backend - it will be integrated later (next iteration)

Testing and mocking services

Use nock with Ava for HTTP mocking and expectations.

See Ava endpoint recipe

This recipe would look almost identical using nock


  • Organisation
  • Team
  • User
  • Project
  • Environment (Env)
  • Repository (Repo)
  • Branch


Organisation * - * User
Organisation 1 - * Team
User * - * Project
Project 1 - * Environment
Environment 1 - 1 Branch
Repo 1 - * Branch

Relationships described

  • An organisation can have many users and teams.

  • A team can have many users

  • A user can be a member of multiple teams

  • A user (User) can have access to one or more projects.

  • Each project (Project) can be owned by one user.

  • A project can have many users with access to that project (roles w permissions)

  • A project can have multiple environments (Env), such as:

  • dev

  • test

  • stage

  • prod

  • An environment is linked to a specific branch (Branch) on a specific repo (Repo).


Currently the application state is managed by each component. We want to use the Vuex state manager to act as a single store to manage the application state, similar to Redux for React apps.

See Resources section below for more details on possible solutions for state management.

Import organisation data

The forms should allow the user to import existing organisation/repo data from popular git hosting providers such as github, gitlab etc.

We recommend using Promise based API wrappers such as:

For the first iteration/phase, we will only target importing data from a Github account. Next stage of development will add support for more git hosting providers.

API Authentication

This project will leverage the easy-graphql-auth project using Auth0 in order to login with Github and similar cloud repositories to collect data:

For now, only the easy-auth0-lock should be used, as we will use a MongoDB backend (via Mongoose) at present.

Note: The auth modules have not yet been published to npm. Will be done before next week (ie. before 20th of June). Don't be concerned about the Auth part until it is ready!

Using Auth0, it is easy to configure which API permissions will be granted on signin and thus which API calls can be made with that particular Auth (JWT) token granted.

The Git (entities) import UI should allow user to choose which organisations, teams, team members (users) and repositories + branches to import

Auth scopes let you specify exactly what type of access you need and grant permission to. Scopes limit access for OAuth tokens. They do not grant any additional permission beyond that which the user already has.

When setting up an OAuth App on GitHub, requested scopes are displayed to the user on the authorize form.

Authorization grants needed for this Vue app:

  • read:org
  • admin:org
  • user
  • repo
  • notifications - to let app be notified of changes in real time


Here some useful resources that could be used (or serve as inspiration) for this project.

Vue Material

Vue Router

Consider instead using vue-component-router where each component can have it's own router!!

Vuex state manager

Uses Vuex for state management

Vuex real-time sync

Realtime publish/subscribe events integrated with Vuex

We can use either vue-supply or feathers-vuex for syncing with FeathersJS

Vue with Feathers services

Alternative to GraphQL: vue-feathers-client

For real-time data sync:


Currently using fetch API via: vue-fetch

We should (perhaps) instead just use standard feathers-client REST api and sockets. I guess, fetch is just a more modern API to perform REST/AJAX HTTP requests.

import feathers from 'feathers/client';
import rest from 'feathers-rest/client'

const app = feathers()

We could also consider using: vue-services


See Ava Vue Recipe


You can replace yarn with npm run here.

# build for production
yarn build

# development mode
yarn dev

# run unit tests
yarn test

# serve the bundled dist folder in production mode
yarn serve


By default we only polyfill window.Promise and Object.assign. You can add more polyfills in ./src/polyfills.js.

Code splitting

As webpack supports both dynamic import and require.ensure syntax, we would recommend you to stick to require.ensure for now because of performance issue.

Analyze bundle size

Run yarn report to get a report of bundle size which helps you:

  • Realize what's really inside your bundle
  • Find out what modules make up the most of it's size
  • Find modules that got there by mistake
  • Optimize it!


You can use AVA to run tests, basically the default setup is based on AVA's offical Vue.js recipe.

Check out ./test/test.js for an example test case, and ./test/helpers/setup.js for how we transform .vue and .js files.

Progress Web App

Your app is now offline-ready (only in production bundle), which means you can visit it without network.

Here we use a default manifest.json to configurure your pwa, for example, to enable [Add to Home Screen] feature on Android. It will be copied directly to ./dist/manifest.json.

For all the available options, please head to poi-preset-offline.

This project is generated from template-vue.


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