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Jdbi3 Bug - Object Stuck In a Pool

This repository contains a reproducer for a potential bug in jdbi3-core library that can lead to keeping closed DB connections in connection pool. This eventually will made pool to be exhausted. The bug was reported in jdb3 issue

The "stuck", closed connections are marked as "Allocated" and they are never returned to the pool. Hence, they are never cleaned by the pool nor reused.

Root cause

The issue happens when underlying DB connection is closed (Server or client side) just after borrowing it from pool and before Jdbi3 Handle is created.

Every Handle object has a Cleanable associated with it that will be executed whenever Handle::close() is called. This will eventually delegate to underlying pool that will destroy or return the connection object to the pool.

However, in Handle's constructor there is a check, that verifies if used connection for this handle is live. The Cleanable is added to the Handle instance ONLY if connection is live.

addCleanable(() -> {
            // shut down statement builder
            if (checkConnectionIsLive()) {

If the connection was closed or had any connection issue after it was borrowed from the pool and before this check, then no Cleanable will be registered making this object never be returned to the pool.


This repository contains a simple Junit test that can be used to recreate the problem using debug mode and properly placed break points. This tests uses Postgresql databased ran using TestContainers extension. The test will execute number of SELECT calls to the database. The 7th call will hang on connection pool. Pool size used in test is 6.


  • Java 11
  • Docker Engine

Steps to reproduce

  1. Ensure that breakpoints in your IDE are set to block thread only and not the entire JVM.
  2. Clone repository and import it as a maven project to IDE.

Negative path object stuck in a pool

  1. Open Jdbi3IntegrationTest and put breakpoint at line 43, where selectFromDb(); method is called. 1
  2. Open PoolingDataSource class from commons-dbcp2 dependency and add two breakpoints in getConnection method on lines 141 and 142.
  3. Start Jdbi3IntegrationTest::testMe() test in debug mode. 3
  4. Resume program to the next Breakpoint which would be 1st BP in PoolingDataSource::getConnection method. At this stage we can inspect the pool and see that there are no objects in the pool. 4
  5. Move to the next BP, line bellow and evaluate an expression in debug mode ((PoolableConnection) conn).connection.close(); This will emulate a "Network issue" on the connection object. 5
  6. Inspect the pool again, and we can see that now it contains one connection object that is ALLOCATED and it is also closed. 6
  7. Resume program. You should get an exception in console org.jdbi.v3.core.ConnectionException: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: This connection has been closed.
  8. Repeat steps 4 - 7 multiple times. Remember to call ((PoolableConnection) conn). connection.close(); on connection object returned from the pool in step 6. Each time you can see that new connection object was created and old objects are never cleared from the pool or reused since they are still in ALLOACTED state. They were never returned to the pool. 7
  9. On the 7th try the program will hang on pool.borrowObject() call since pool is exhausted. 8

Optionally you can also put a breakpoint in Handle object in line 121. You will see then, that after step 7th, no Cleanable will be registered on created Handle because of connection livecheck.

Happy Path

  • Add extra breakpoint in GenericObjectPool::returnObject method from commons-pool2 library. 10
  • Repeat all steps from Negative path but do NOT evaluate expression from step 5.
  • Eventually you will hit BP from returnObject method that was triggered by processing Cleanable registered on created Handle instance.


java.lang.IllegalStateException: Could not find a valid Docker environment. Please see logs and check configuration

Make sure that you have Docker engine started on your machine.


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