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A simple accommodation booking system


The system is divided into the following microservices:

  • auth-service: Manages user authentication.
  • check-service: Handles hotels and rooms management.
  • booking-service: Manages booking and cancellation of rooms.

The PostgreSQL database is set up with the following tables:

  • users: Contains user information.
  • properties: Contains details about properties like hotels and flats.
  • rooms: Details about individual rooms linked to properties.
  • reserv: Reservation handling

An initialization script (root/init.sql) is used to create these tables. A db-seeder service seeds the users table with initial data using bcrypt for password hashing more details at ###Seeding below

Getting Started


  1. git clone []
  2. cd BookingApp
  3. start: a) Just fire the ./ from the project root OR b) docker-compose up --build and if done go run ./db-seeder/main.go important that either way wait for both docker compose will log to your terminal as access and error log
Admin user seeded successfully.
Reservations seeded successfully.

CLI feedbacks


  • Docker compose v3.8
  • go1.21.4 linux/amd64
  • netcat for linux distro

Ports links for dev

  • auth-service: 8081
  • check-service: 8082
  • booking-service: 8083
  • db is on default 5432

API list

provided API json at ./utils/

If you post a request set the body type to JSON and include desired content I use Insomnia API I assume a formatted string from a date picker by date values For requests with filtering it is possible to use only a "partly" filter, but with logical pair i.e.:

  "availability_start": "2023-01-01",
  "availability_end": "2023-01-10"
  "price_min": 60,
  "price_max": 70
  "creation_date": "2023-11-20"
_or combined even_
  "creation_date": "2023-11-20",
  "start_date": "2023-02-01",
  "end_date": "2023-02-05"

if you want a filter-free list then post and empty JSON object {} with the REQ to get the full array as RES float in this case below always a DECIMAL(10,2)


  • [:8081/check] GET expects nothing Response text: Auth-service up
  • [:8081/login] POST expects:
REQ Body Params (JSON format):

Response feedback msg, http only cookie with jwt token exp. 1hr

  • [:8081/logout] POST invalidate by setting cookie to be expired Response feedback msg, cookie data, and empty token val


  • [:8081/check] GET expects nothing Response text: Check-service up
  • [:8082/room/{id}] GET expects an int for ID Response a JSON object with all data of the selected room
  • [:8082/rooms] POST with optional filter params:
REQ Body Params (JSON format):
  price_min: float,
  price_max: float,
  availability_start: "YYYY-MM-DD",
  availability_end: "YYYY-MM-DD"

Response a JSON list(array of objects) of rooms matching the filters


  • [:8083/check] GET expects nothing Response text: Booking-service up
  • [:8083/bookingsof/{uId}] POST with optional filter params:
REQ Body Params (JSON format):
  "min_price": float,
  "max_price": float,
  "creation_date": "YYYY-MM-DD",
  "start_date": "YYYY-MM-DD",
  "end_date": "YYYY-MM-DD"

Response a JSON list(array of objects) of bookings matching the filters

  • [:8083/letsbook] POST with mandatory params:
REQ Body Params (JSON format):
  "userId": int,
  "propertyId": int,
  "roomId": int,
  "cost": float,
  "start_date": "YYYY-MM-DD",
  "end_date": "YYYY-MM-DD"

Response text: Booking created successfully

  • [:8083/dontbook/{bookingId}] POST to delete a booking by id Response text: Booking canceled successfully


  • [:8084/check] GET expects nothing Response text: Payment-service up
  • [:8084/pay/{bookingId}] POST to pay booking by id with mandatory params:
REQ Body Params (JSON format):
  "bookingId": int,
  "amount": float,
  "currency": string,
  "cardToken": string

Response JSON object about success or failed

Details, mechanics


The db-seeder service runs automatically during and seeds the users and reserv tables. The admin user is seeded with a bcrypt-hashed password for enhanced security. It is functioning as a go "script".


MUST BE CREATED AT PROJECT ROOT . Exposed env content for development .env is not commited because of best practice


Development Env and manual start

The project is set up for development with VS Code through WSL Debian. A launch.json file is included for debugging:

  • Run and Debug - Ctrl+Shift+D then you can start all services separately without containerized environment.
  • Run docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up db this will set up the db as a separate container but without the other services. You should seed it with go run ./db-seeder/main.go there should be a local.env for launch.json, where DB_HOST= otherwise the connection will die with timeout. This way of starting produces a brand new fresh binary to the out folder as well optimized for Linux environments.

Notes on possible improvements

  • Helper functions, types and code for general use must be regorganized to a lib, with functionality like in every main.go the program exits gracefully or time handlers.
  • Error handling and logging should be ogranized to a service or lib also health checkers for db, and endpoints
  • Testcases
  • For large datasets, consider indexing the reserv_interval column in the reserv table.
  • Queries should be transferred into postgre as a function
  • Frontend should be one GUI with an nginx reverse proxy channeled to :443