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Create promise module for Node
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kriszyp committed Jan 9, 2010
0 parents commit c6caa8e
Showing 1 changed file with 358 additions and 0 deletions.
358 changes: 358 additions & 0 deletions promise.js
@@ -0,0 +1,358 @@

// Kris Zyp

// this is based on the CommonJS spec for promises:

// A typical usage:
// A default Promise constructor can be used to create a self-resolving deferred/promise:
// var Promise = require("promise").Promise;
// var promise = new Promise();
// asyncOperation(function(){
// Promise.resolve("succesful result");
// });
// promise -> given to the consumer
// A consumer can use the promise
// promise.then(function(result){
// ... when the action is complete this is executed ...
// },
// function(error){
// ... executed when the promise fails
// });
// Alternately, a provider can create a deferred and resolve it when it completes an action.
// The deferred object a promise object that provides a separation of consumer and producer to protect
// promises from being fulfilled by untrusted code.
// var defer = require("promise").defer;
// var deferred = defer();
// asyncOperation(function(){
// deferred.resolve("succesful result");
// });
// deferred.promise -> given to the consumer
// Another way that a consumer can use the promise (using promise.then is also allowed)
// var when = require("promise").when;
// when(promise,function(result){
// ... when the action is complete this is executed ...
// },
// function(error){
// ... executed when the promise fails
// });

/** <NodeJS-specific adaptation> */
var enqueue = setTimeout;
process.Promise = defer;

/** </NodeJS-specific adaptation> */

var Promise = function(canceller){

* Promise implementations must provide a "then" function.
Promise.prototype.then = function(resolvedCallback, errorCallback, progressCallback){
throw new TypeError("The Promise base class is abstract, this function must be implemented by the Promise implementation");

* If an implementation of a promise supports a concurrency model that allows
* execution to block until the promise is resolved, the wait function may be
* added.
* If an implementation of a promise can be cancelled, it may add this function
// Promise.prototype.cancel = function(){
// };

Promise.prototype.get = function(propertyName){
return this.then(function(value){
return value[propertyName];

Promise.prototype.put = function(propertyName, value){
return this.then(function(object){
return object[propertyName] = value;
}; = function(functionName /*, args */){
return this.then(function(value){
return value[propertyName].apply(value,, 1));

/** Dojo/NodeJS methods*/
Promise.prototype.addCallback = function(callback){
return this.then(callback);

Promise.prototype.addErrback = function(errback){
return this.then(function(){}, errback);

/*Dojo methods*/
Promise.prototype.addBoth = function(callback){
return this.then(callback, callback);

Promise.prototype.addCallbacks = function(callback, errback){
return this.then(callback, errback);

/*NodeJS method*/
Promise.prototype.wait = function(){
return exports.wait(this);

Deferred.prototype = Promise.prototype;
// A deferred provides an API for creating and resolving a promise.
exports.Promise = exports.Deferred = exports.defer = defer;
function defer(){
return new Deferred();

var contextHandler = exports.contextHandler = {};

function Deferred(canceller, rejectImmediately){
var result, finished, isError, waiting = [], handled;
var promise = this.promise = new Promise();
var currentContextHandler = contextHandler.getHandler && contextHandler.getHandler();

function notifyAll(value){
throw new Error("This deferred has already been resolved");
result = value;
finished = true;
if(rejectImmediately && isError && waiting.length === 0){
throw result;
for(var i = 0; i < waiting.length; i++){
function notify(listener){
var func = (isError ? listener.error : listener.resolved);
handled = true;
var newResult = func(result);
if(newResult && typeof newResult.then === "function"){
newResult.then(listener.deferred.resolve, listener.deferred.reject);
listener.deferred[isError ? "reject" : "resolve"](result);
// calling resolve will resolve the promise
this.resolve = this.callback = this.emitSuccess = function(value){

var reject = function(error){
isError = true;

// calling error will indicate that the promise failed
this.reject = this.errback = this.emitError = rejectImmediately ? reject : function(error){
return enqueue(function(){
// call progress to provide updates on the progress on the completion of the promise
this.progress = function(update){
for(var i = 0; i < waiting.length; i++){
var progress = waiting[i].progress;
progress && progress(update);
// provide the implementation of the promise
this.then = promise.then = function(resolvedCallback, errorCallback, progressCallback){
var returnDeferred = new Deferred(promise.cancel, true);
var listener = {resolved: resolvedCallback, error: errorCallback, progress: progressCallback, deferred: returnDeferred};
return returnDeferred.promise;

this.cancel = promise.cancel = function(){
var error = canceller();
if(!(error instanceof Error)){
error = new Error(error);

function perform(value, async, sync){
if(value && typeof value.then === "function"){
value = async(value);
value = sync(value);
if(value && typeof value.then === "function"){
return value;
var deferred = new Deferred();
return deferred.promise;
var deferred = new Deferred();
return deferred.promise;

* Promise manager to make it easier to consume promises

* Registers an observer on a promise.
* @param value promise or value to observe
* @param resolvedCallback function to be called with the resolved value
* @param rejectCallback function to be called with the rejection reason
* @param progressCallback function to be called when progress is made
* @return promise for the return value from the invoked callback
exports.whenPromise = function(value, resolvedCallback, rejectCallback, progressCallback){
return perform(value, function(value){
return value.then(resolvedCallback, rejectCallback, progressCallback);
return resolvedCallback(value);
* Registers an observer on a promise.
* @param value promise or value to observe
* @param resolvedCallback function to be called with the resolved value
* @param rejectCallback function to be called with the rejection reason
* @param progressCallback function to be called when progress is made
* @return promise for the return value from the invoked callback or the value if it
* is a non-promise value
exports.when = function(value, resolvedCallback, rejectCallback, progressCallback){
if(value && typeof value.then === "function"){
return exports.whenPromise(value, resolvedCallback, rejectCallback, progressCallback);
return resolvedCallback(value);

* Gets the value of a property in a future turn.
* @param target promise or value for target object
* @param property name of property to get
* @return promise for the property value
exports.get = function(target, property){
return perform(target, function(target){
return target.get(property);
return target[property]

* Invokes a method in a future turn.
* @param target promise or value for target object
* @param methodName name of method to invoke
* @param args array of invocation arguments
* @return promise for the return value
*/ = function(target, methodName, args){
return perform(target, function(target){
return, args);
return target[methodName].apply(target, args);

* Sets the value of a property in a future turn.
* @param target promise or value for target object
* @param property name of property to set
* @param value new value of property
* @return promise for the return value
exports.put = function(target, property, value){
return perform(target, function(target){
return target.put(property, value);
return target[property] = value;

* Waits for the given promise to finish, blocking (and executing other events)
* if necessary to wait for the promise to finish. If target is not a promise
* it will return the target immediately. If the promise results in an reject,
* that reject will be thrown.
* @param target promise or value to wait for.
* @return the value of the promise;
exports.wait = function(target){
throw new Error("Can not wait, the event-queue module is not available");
if(target && typeof target.then === "function"){
var isFinished, isError, result;
isFinished = true;
result = value;
isFinished = true;
isError = true;
result = error;
throw result;
return result;
return target;

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