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Krizalys Onedrive Proxy DriveItemProxy

Christophe Vidal edited this page Aug 4, 2019 · 1 revision


A proxy to a \Microsoft\Graph\Model\DriveItem instance.



private \Krizalys\Onedrive\Definition\ResourceDefinitionInterface $resourceDefinition
  • Visibility: private


protected \Microsoft\Graph\Graph $graph
  • Visibility: protected


protected \Microsoft\Graph\Model\Entity $entity
  • Visibility: protected


public \Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\AudioProxy $audio

The audio.

  • Visibility: public


public \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Stream $content

The content.

  • Visibility: public


public string $cTag

The CTag.

  • Visibility: public


public \Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\DeletedProxy $deleted

The deleted.

  • Visibility: public


public \Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\FileProxy $file

The file.

  • Visibility: public


public \Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\FileSystemInfoProxy $fileSystemInfo

The file system info.

  • Visibility: public


public \Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\FolderProxy $folder

The folder.

  • Visibility: public


public \Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\ImageProxy $image

The image.

  • Visibility: public


public \Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\GeoCoordinatesProxy $location

The location.

  • Visibility: public


public \Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\PackageProxy $package

The package.

  • Visibility: public


public \Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\PhotoProxy $photo

The photo.

  • Visibility: public


public \Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\PublicationFacetProxy $publication

The publication.

  • Visibility: public


public \Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\RemoteItemProxy $remoteItem

The remote item.

  • Visibility: public


public \Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\RootProxy $root

The root.

  • Visibility: public


public \Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\SearchResultProxy $searchResult

The search result.

  • Visibility: public


public \Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\SharedProxy $shared

The shared.

  • Visibility: public


public \Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\SharepointIdsProxy $sharepointIds

The SharePoint IDs.

  • Visibility: public


public integer $size

The size.

  • Visibility: public


public \Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\SpecialFolderProxy $specialFolder

The special folder.

  • Visibility: public


public \Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\VideoProxy $video

The video.

  • Visibility: public


public string $webDavUrl


  • Visibility: public


public array<mixed,\Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\DriveItem> $children

The children.

  • Visibility: public


public \Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\ListItemProxy $listItem

The list item.

  • Visibility: public


public array<mixed,\Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\PermissionProxy> $permissions

The permissions.

  • Visibility: public


public array<mixed,\Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\ThumbnailProxy> $thumbnails

The thumbnails.

  • Visibility: public


public array<mixed,\Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\DriveItemVersionProxy> $versions

The versions.

  • Visibility: public


public \Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\WorkbookProxy $workbook

The workbook.

  • Visibility: public


public \Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\IdentitySetProxy $createdBy

The "created by" identity set.


public \DateTime $createdDateTime

The created date/time.


public string $description

The description.


public string $eTag

The ETag.


public \Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\IdentitySetProxy $lastModifiedBy

The "last modified by" identity set.


public \DateTime $lastModifiedDateTime

The last modified date/time.


public string $name

The name.


public \Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\ItemReferenceProxy $parentReference

The parent reference.


public \Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\UserProxy $webUrl

The web URL.


public \Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\UserProxy $createdByUser

The "created by" user.


public \Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\UserProxy $lastModifiedByUser

The "last modified by" user.


public string $id

The ID.



mixed Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\EntityProxy::__construct(\Microsoft\Graph\Graph $graph, \Microsoft\Graph\Model\Entity $entity)



  • $graph Microsoft\Graph\Graph - The Microsoft Graph.
  • $entity Microsoft\Graph\Model\Entity - The entity.


mixed Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\EntityProxy::__get(string $name)



  • $name string - The name.


\Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\DriveItemProxy Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\DriveItemProxy::createFolder(string $name, \Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\mixed[string] $options)

Creates a folder under this folder drive item.

This operation is supported only on folders (as opposed to files): it fails if this DriveItemProxy instance does not refer to a folder.

The conflict behavior may be given as an option, for example:

// => Folder 'folder' created under $driveItem.

$childDriveItem1 = $driveItem->createFolder(
    ['conflictBehavior' => ConflictBehavior::RENAME]
// => Folder 'folder 1' created under $driveItem.
  • Visibility: public


  • $name string - The name.

  • $options Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\mixed[string]

    The options. Supported options:

    • 'description' (string): the description of the folder created ;
    • 'conflictBehavior' (string): the conflict behavior.


array<mixed,\Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\DriveItemProxy> Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\DriveItemProxy::getChildren(\Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\mixed[string] $options)

Gets this folder drive item's children.

This operation is supported only on folders (as opposed to files): it fails if this DriveItemProxy instance does not refer to a folder.

The retrieved result set may be refined via the $options parameter. For example, to retrieve the first ten children sorted by name in descending order:

$childDriveItems = $driveItem->getChildren([
    'top' => 10,
    'orderBy' => [
        ['name', 'desc'],
  • Visibility: public


  • $options Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\mixed[string]

    The options. Supported options:

    • 'top' (number): The number of items to retrieve. Default: 200 ;
    • 'orderBy' (string[][]): The list of property-direction tuples to use to sort retrieved items. Each tuple consists of a property and a direction, separated from each other by whitespace. Although the official OneDrive documentation claims to support sorting by multiple properties, we did not acknowledge this behavior, yet, and instead got Bad Request errors from the OneDrive API. We do not recommend relying on this feature. This option anticipates a related change in the OneDrive API and is designed to support this feature without introducing breaking changes. Supported properties:


mixed Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\DriveItemProxy::delete()

Deletes this drive item.

  • Visibility: public


\Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\DriveItemProxy Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\DriveItemProxy::upload(string $name, string|resource|\GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Stream $content, \Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\mixed[string] $options)

Uploads a file under this folder drive item.

This operation is supported only on folders (as opposed to files): it fails if this DriveItemProxy instance does not refer to a folder.

The conflict behavior and the MIME type of the drive item may be given as options, for example:

    'Some content',
    ['contentType' => 'text/plain']
// => Text file 'file.txt' created under $driveItem.

$childDriveItem1 = $driveItem->upload(
    'Some other content',
        'conflictBehavior' => ConflictBehavior::RENAME,
        'contentType'      => 'text/plain',
// => Text file 'file 1.txt' created under $driveItem.
  • Visibility: public


  • $name string - The name.

  • $content string|resource|GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Stream - The content.

  • $options Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\mixed[string]

    The options. Supported options:

    • 'conflictBehavior' (string): the conflict behavior ;
    • 'contentType' (string): the MIME type of the uploaded file.


\Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\UploadSessionProxy Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\DriveItemProxy::startUpload(string $name, string|resource|\GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Stream $content, \Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\mixed[string] $options)

Creates an upload session to upload a large file in multiple ranges under this folder drive item.

This operation is supported only on folders (as opposed to files): it fails if this DriveItemProxy instance does not refer to a folder.

Uploading files using this method involves two steps: 1. first, create the upload session for a given file using this method ; 2. then, complete it using complete() on the instance it returns.

For example:

    'Some content',
    ['contentType' => 'text/plain']
// => Text file 'file.txt' created under $driveItem.

$uploadSession1 = $driveItem->startUpload(
    'Some other content',
        'conflictBehavior' => ConflictBehavior::RENAME,
        'type'             => 'text/plain',

$childDriveItem = $uploadSession1->complete();
// => Text file 'file 1.txt' created under $driveItem.
  • Visibility: public


  • $name string - The name.
  • $content string|resource|GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Stream - The content.
  • $options Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\mixed[string] - The options. See UploadSession::__construct for supported options.


\GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Stream Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\DriveItemProxy::download()

Downloads this file drive item.

This operation is supported only on files (as opposed to folders): it fails if this DriveItemProxy instance does not refer to a file.

  • Visibility: public


\Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\DriveItemProxy Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\DriveItemProxy::rename(string $name, \Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\mixed[string] $options)

Renames this drive item.

When renaming a drive item, its description may also be changed.

$driveItem = $driveItem->rename(
    ['description' => 'New description']
  • Visibility: public


  • $name string - The name.

  • $options Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\mixed[string]

    The options. Supported options:

    • 'description' (string): the new description to set after the drive item is renamed.


\Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\DriveItemProxy Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\DriveItemProxy::move(\Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\DriveItemProxy $destinationItem, \Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\mixed[string] $options)

Moves this drive item.

The $destinationItem instance must refer to a folder.

When moving a drive item, its name may also be changed.

$driveItem = $driveItem->move(
    ['name' => 'new-name.txt']
  • Visibility: public


  • $destinationItem Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\DriveItemProxy - The destination item.

  • $options Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\mixed[string]

    The options. Supported options:

    • 'name' (string): the new name to set after the drive item is moved.


string Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\DriveItemProxy::copy(\Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\DriveItemProxy $destinationItem, \Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\mixed[string] $options)

Copies this file drive item.

This operation is supported only on files (as opposed to folders): it fails if this DriveItemProxy instance does not refer to a file.

Additionally, the $destinationItem instance must refer to a folder.

When copying a file, the name of the copy may also be changed. A new name is required if copying to the same folder.

$driveItem = $driveItem->copy(
    ['name' => 'new-name.txt']

Copying folders is not directly supported by OneDrive. To copy a whole folder and its children, applications can explicitly create an empty folder, using createFolder(), and copy the children from the original folder to the new folder, using copy(). This process can be repeated recursively if support for multiple levels of children is needed.

  • Visibility: public


  • $destinationItem Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\DriveItemProxy - The destination item.

  • $options Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\mixed[string]

    The options. Supported options:

    • 'name' (string): the name of the copied file.


\Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\PermissionProxy Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\DriveItemProxy::createLink(string $type, \Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\mixed[string] $options)

Creates a sharing link to this drive item.

See SharingLinkType for supported values for the parameter $type.

See SharingLinkScope for supported values for the option 'scope'.

  • Visibility: public


  • $type string - The type.

  • $options Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\mixed[string]

    The options. Supported values:

    • 'scope' (string): the scope.


array<mixed,\Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\PermissionProxy> Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\DriveItemProxy::invite(array<mixed,string> $recipients, array<mixed,string> $roles, \Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\mixed[string] $options)

Creates a sharing invitation to this drive item.

See Role for supported values for the parameter $roles.

A custom message, the sign in requirement, and the send invitation option may be given as options. For example, to invite 2 users to get read and write permissions on a given drive item, send them an invitation email with a custom message, and require them sign in to access the drive item:

        'message'        => 'Custom invitation message',
        'requireSignIn'  => true,
        'sendInvitation' => true,
  • Visibility: public


  • $recipients array<mixed,string> - The recipients.
  • $roles array<mixed,string> - The roles.
  • $options Krizalys\Onedrive\Proxy\mixed[string] - The options.
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