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Welcome to The Tensorithm Tarot. This project brings together the enigmatic vision of ChatGPT and the aggregated artistry of Midjourney to create a digital tarot deck that rides the line where spirit meets silicon.

About the Deck

On my prompting, ChatGPT 3.5 created new cards, meanings for each card, and visual descriptions of each card’s imagery. The descriptions were then fed to Midjourney to render as faithfully as possible.

Read more, and see the full deck at my personal site

Note that I'm not a developer. Not by a long sight. ChatGPT and carried me along every step of the way in putting the primitive code together and setting up this repo. If you want to make this deck a little more beautiful, port it to an app, make it responsive, make it embeddable, make it do spreads... please run with it. But keep us informed, yeah? Be nice.

How to Use

Choose the number of cards you desire from the dropdown, and click the Draw Cards button. There are no card reversals. These cards reveal what is, not what isn't. That being said, some folks are all about incorporating reversals, so add it to the list of things I don't know how to do that may be done by someone else.

Get Behind Thee, Satan

There are no plans to produce a physical deck for the Tensorithm Tarot. Not only does it seem more appropriate for the deck to remain digital, but the manner in which Midjourney's images are trained raises ethical concerns about profiting from its output. Sometimes, a thing is just a thing in itself, and not a business plan.