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The goal of duckdb-mem is to analyze the memory usage of DuckDB.


Running variants of the code in setup.R, by run_setup.R:

  • duckdb: Baseline
  • r: Without dbWriteTable()
  • limited: With a duckdb memory limit of 10 MB
  • limited_20: With a duckdb memory limit of 20 MB
  • register: With duckdb_register() instead of dbWriteTable()
  • manual: With duckdb_register() and CREATE TABLE instead of dbWriteTable()
  • manual_limited: With duckdb_register(), CREATE TABLE, and a duckdb memory limit of 10 MB

Linear model

#> Call:
#> lm(formula = mem ~ workload, data = resident_size)
#> Coefficients:
#>            (Intercept)         workloadlimited      workloadlimited_20  
#>                141.308                  -3.578                  -2.989  
#>         workloadmanual  workloadmanual_limited               workloadr  
#>                 -2.750                  -7.194                 -20.835  
#>       workloadregister  
#>                -15.502


#> # A tibble: 7 × 5
#>   workload       mem_min mem_max mem_delta overhead
#>   <chr>            <dbl>   <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>
#> 1 r                 111.    144.      33.2     1   
#> 2 register          113.    163.      49.5     1.49
#> 3 manual_limited    114.    179.      65.5     1.97
#> 4 limited           115.    183.      67.5     2.03
#> 5 limited_20        116.    185.      68.5     2.06
#> 6 manual            114.    196.      81.6     2.46
#> 7 duckdb            116.    205.      89.6     2.70


  • Registering the data frame consumes a bit of memory, but not that much.
  • The setup-manual.R script is equivalent to setup.R in terms of memory usage, but uses functions at a lower level compared to dbWriteTable().
  • The CREATE TABLE statement in setup-manual.R seems to be responsible for the memory overhead.
  • Despite the limit of 10MB DuckDB memory in setup-manual-limited.R, the memory overhead is over 25MB.


Running variants of the code in read.R, byrun_read.R`:

  • duckdb: Baseline, dbGetQuery()
  • limited: With a duckdb memory limit of 10 MB
  • limited_20: With a duckdb memory limit of 20 MB
  • limited_collect: With a duckdb memory limit of 10 MB, using collect(n = n)
  • limited_collect_from: With a duckdb memory limit of 10 MB, using tbl(con, "FROM data LIMIT ...") |> collect()
  • limited: With a duckdb memory limit of 10 MB, using dbGetQuery(n = n)

Linear model

#> Call:
#> lm(formula = mem ~ workload, data = resident_size)
#> Coefficients:
#>                  (Intercept)               workloadlimited  
#>                      265.777                       -45.442  
#>           workloadlimited_20         workloadlimited_arrow  
#>                      -44.973                        16.487  
#>      workloadlimited_collect  workloadlimited_collect_from  
#>                       -5.962                       -40.098  
#>            workloadlimited_n  
#>                       33.882


#> # A tibble: 7 × 5
#>   workload             mem_min mem_max mem_delta overhead
#>   <chr>                  <dbl>   <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>
#> 1 limited                 197.    290.      92.9     1   
#> 2 limited_arrow           254.    351.      96.5     1.04
#> 3 limited_collect_from    198.    296.      97.7     1.05
#> 4 limited_20              193.    292.      98.4     1.06
#> 5 limited_n               269.    384.     115.      1.24
#> 6 duckdb                  194.    360.     166.      1.79
#> 7 limited_collect         204.    410.     206.      2.22


  • The size of the data is about 48 MB, so the memory overhead is about twofold.
  • collect(n = n) is poison, with far worse overhead, only surpassed by dbGetQuery(n = n) (which is very surprising).
  • tbl(con, "FROM data LIMIT ...") |> collect() is the best option for a lazy table.
  • Action items:
    • Understand double memory usage in dbGetQuery()
    • Understand dbGetQuery(n = n)
    • See if ALTREP or a different way of fetching partial results (e.g., in the C++ glue) can help


Analyze duckdb memory usage






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