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Should work on OS X and Linux, untested on Windows.


For the prompt and to avoid writing git in front of every command.

  1. Clone
  2. Run make in this directory
  3. One of:
    • Run mkdir -p ~/bin; ln -s ${PWD}/git-sh ~/bin/git-sh in this directory
    • Run sudo make install in this directory

Git aliases

For the shortcuts covered here: s, d, a, co, ...

Paste the contents of into your terminal, or run:

curl | sh instance


Restart all exercises with:

git checkout .
git clean -fd
git reset --hard origin/master

A: Basic commands

  1. Run script.R. What does it show?

    • Ctrl + Shift + Enter or Cmd + Shift + Enter
  2. Switch to the terminal, start git sh

    • Alt + Shift + R, git sh
  3. Make sure that you have a clean working copy.

    • s
  4. Add a show_blue() function, and a call to that function in script.R. Inspect the changes.

    • d
  5. Commit both changes as an atomic unit.

    • aa, s, dc cim
  6. Add a comment to your code. Commit without changing the commit message.

    • ciao
  7. Take a look at the log.

    • l, lp
  8. Start implementing a show_pink() function, then throw it away.

    • coa
  9. Create a new file, save it, then throw it away.

    • clean -n, clean -f
  10. Create a new file in a new directory, then throw it away.

    • clean -nd, clean -fd
  11. Create a new file. What does the status look like?

    • a
  12. Remove this file. What does the status look like?

    • rm
  13. Reset to the previous commit. Check the status.

    • qhp
  14. Reset to the previous commit once more. Check the status.

    • qhp

B: Interactive commands

  1. Add a show_yellow() function at the top, and a show_cyan() function to the bottom of functions.R, and calls to script.R. Commit these changes as atomic units, edit the commit message (and perhaps the patch) in vi.

    • ap, ci
  2. Amend the commit message.

    • cia
  3. Take a look at the detailed log. Scroll and search.

    • lp, cursor keys, /
  4. Look up help for the checkout command. What did the -p switch do again?

    • git help ...

C: Branching and merging

  1. Create a branch f-magenta, implement a show_magenta() function and a call to that function. List your branches.

    • cob, b
  2. Adapt show_cyan() to call glue(inverse(cyan(...))) instead of glue(cyan(...)). Commit. Because you wanted to do it on a new f-cyan-inverse branch (instead of f-magenta), you need to switch retroactively.

    • b <branch>, q --hard, co <branch>
  3. Create a branch f-cyan-underline from master, adapt show_cyan() to call glue(underline(cyan(...))) instead of glue(cyan(...)).

    • cob <branch> master
  4. Visualize all branches.

    • la
  5. Merge f-magenta into master.

    • co, m
  6. Merge f-cyan-inverse into master without editing the commit message.

    • mo
  7. List the merges without the details of the individual branches.

    • lf
  8. Visualize the differences from each merge.

    • lfp
  9. Delete the branches that you have merged successfully. Try deleting the f-cyan-underline branch.

    • bm, b -d
  10. Restore the branches that you just deleted.

    • b <branch> <ref>

D: Conflict resolution

  1. Try merging f-cyan-underline into master. Abort the merge.

    • mo, ma
  2. Switch to new a backup of the f-cyan-underline branch.

    • cob
  3. Try merging master into the new branch. Inspect.

    • co, mo, s, dc, conflicts, do, dt
  4. Resolve the conflict by combining the changes from the conflicting branches in script.R. Do not add or commit yet -- inspect beforehand. Make sure no conflict markers like <<<<<<< remain in the file.

    • s, d
  5. Commit using the default message.

    • cio
  6. Switch to new a backup of the f-cyan-underline branch.

    • cob
  7. Try merging master into the new branch. Inspect. How did Git resolve the conflict?

    • co, mo, s, dc, conflicts, do, dt
  8. Switch to new a backup of the f-cyan-underline branch.

    • cob
  9. Try merging master into the new branch, keeping the changes of the new branch. Inspect.

    • mo -X ours
  10. Switch to new a backup of the f-cyan-underline branch.

    • cob
  11. Try merging master into the new branch, keeping the changes of master. Inspect.

    • mo -X theirs
  12. Switch to master, try merging the original f-cyan-underline branch. What happens?

    • co, mo
  13. Abort the merge. Merge one of the branches where you successfully resolved the conflict into master. Explain.

    • ma, mo, la

E: Refspecs

  1. Check out the f-magenta branch again. What happens?

    • co
  2. Check out the parent of the f-magenta branch. What happens?

    • co, l
  3. Use the log to find the SHA of an interesting commit, check it out. Explain.

    • l, co
  4. Switch to master, compare with the f-magenta branch.

    • d <ref>
  5. Compare the f-cyan-inverse and f-cyan-underline branches.

    • d <ref>..<ref>
  6. What's new in f-cyan-inverse, compared to f-cyan-underline?

    • d <ref>...<ref>

F: Rebasing

  1. Branch off of an earlier revision of master that don't include f-magenta and f-cyan-*** yet.

    • l, cob <branch> <ref>
  2. Rebase f-magenta onto the new branch. Explain.

    • co, r <branch>
  3. Move the new branch. Reset the tip of the new branch to the rebased f-magenta.

    • co, reset <branch>
  4. Rebase f-cyan-inverse onto the new branch. Explain.

    • co, r <branch>
  5. Move the new branch. Reset the tip of the new branch to the rebased f-cyan-inverse.

    • co, reset <branch>
  6. Rebase f-cyan-underline onto the new branch. Explain.

    • co, r <branch>
  7. Abort the rebase. Explain.

    • ra
  8. Rebase f-cyan-underline onto the new branch, again.

    • r <branch>
  9. Resolve the conflict, continue the rebase.

    • rc
  10. Move the new branch. Reset the tip of the new branch to the rebased f-cyan-underline.

    • co, reset <branch>
  11. Inspect the log. How is it different from the merging exercise?

    • l

G: Bisecting

Task: Find the commit that introduced that magenta output function.

  1. Set master as "bad" revision, agree to start bisection.

    • bisect bad <branch>
  2. Find an earlier revision of master that don't include f-magenta yet. Set that earlier revision as "good".

    • l, bisect good <ref>
  3. Do not look at the code. Run script.R to check if there is magenta output. If yes, it's a "bad" revision, otherwise a "good" one.

    • bisect bad, bisect good
  4. Rinse and repeat, until you find your bad commit. Double-check that this is indeed the change that introduces magenta output.

    • show <ref>
  5. Finish bisection.

    • bisect reset

H: Not covered

  1. Push/pull

  2. More than one remote

  3. Cherry-pick, revert, multiple cherry-pick


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