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A few well e(x)tended (o)bjects that make easy to build strictly typed arrays such as Map, Set, Tuple or any type of TypedArray's, and also String and Number's.


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XO is a library that provides some e(x)tended (o)bjects to build strictly typed arrays such as Map, Set, Tuple or any type of TypedArray's, and also String and Number objects that are not objects natively in PHP.

You can use Map, Set and Tuple to build strict arrays and also use AnyArray (ArrayObject and Collection are just aliases of it) derived from AbstractArray that contains many native-equal array methods or StringObject and NumberObject to use AbstractScalarObject interface.

All XO objects extends AbstractObject, so that makes possible to use some basic object methods like getName() or getShortName().

In a Nutshell

use xo\Collection;
use function xo\set;

// Declare a typed array as Poll
class Poll extends Collection {
    // Define a custom method
    public function getResults(): array {
        // Use copy(), so do not modify Poll instance
        return $this->copy()->map(function ($option) {
            // Use set() shortcut and sum avarage of option values
            return set($option)->sumAvg(2);
        })->sort('asort', function ($a, $b) {
            // Use reverse sort preserving keys
            return $a < $b;

// Create an instance of Poll
$poll = new Poll([
    // Fill with options
    'option_1' => [2, 2, 1],
    'option_2' => [5, 1, 5],
    'option_3' => [3, 5, 2]

var_export($poll->getResults()); //=> ['option_2' => 3.67, 'option_3' => 3.33, 'option_1' => 1.67]


composer require k-gun/xo

Use can also download and use without Composer including boot.php.

include 'path_to_xo/boot.php';

Using Array Objects

Basically there are 5 types of array in XO;

TypedArray: Int or String keyed object derived from AbstractArray.

$array = new xo\TypedArray('IntArray', [1, 2, 3], 'int');
$array->sum(); //=> 6

$array->sum(); //=> 10

// this will throw a xo\exception\MethodException
// 'cos append() does not take string value

AnyArray: String keyed object derived from TypedArray.

$map = new xo\AnyArray(['a' => 1, 'b' => 2]);
$map->sum(); //=> 3

// add new item
$map->sum(); //=> 6

Map: String keyed object derived from TypedArray.

$map = new xo\Map(['a' => 1, 'b' => 2]);
$map->sum(); //=> 3

// this will throw a xo\exception\MethodException
// 'cos append() does not take a key but only value

// add new item with key,value pairs using set(), or push() as well
$map->set('c', 3);
$map->sum(); //=> 6

Set: Int keyed object derived from TypedArray.

$map = new xo\Set(1, 2);
$map->sum(); //=> 3

// add new item without key

// or with key,value pairs using set(), or push() as well
$map->set(2, 3);
$map->sum(); //=> 6

Tuple: Int keyed and read-only object derived from TypedArray.

$map = new xo\Tuple(1, 2);
$map->sum(); //=> 3

// this will throw a xo\exception\MethodException
// 'cos append() is not allowed for Tuple objects

But, off course, you can create new typed array objects via TypedArray directly like in first example or defining new arrays that extend TypedArray or other objects such as Map, Set, Tuple or AnyArray.

Typed array example;

class IntArray extends xo\TypedArray {
    public function __construct(array $items = null) {
        parent::__construct('IntArray', $items, 'int');

$array = new IntArray();
$array->append('3'); //=> error

Yet another example;

class Poll extends xo\TypedArray {
    public function __construct(array $items = null) {
        parent::__construct('Poll', $items, 'array');

    public function getResults(): array {
        return $this->copy()->map(function ($option) {
            return round(array_sum($option) / count($option), 2);
            // or
            // return xo\set($option)->sumAvg(2);
            // return (new xo\Set($option))->sumAvg(2);
        })->sort('asort', function ($a, $b) {
            return $a < $b;

$poll = new Poll();
$poll->put('option_1', [2, 2, 1]);
$poll->put('option_2', [5, 1, 5]);
$poll->put('option_3', [3, 5, 2]);

var_export($poll->getResults()); //=> ['option_2' => 3.67, 'option_3' => 3.33, 'option_1' => 1.67]

If you want to make a untyped array, you can simply use AnyArray. So that will provide all methods as well likely on the other arrays.

Here is another example with AnyArray like above;

class Poll extends xo\AnyArray {
    public function getResults(): array {
        return $this->copy()->map(function ($option) {
            return round(array_sum($option) / count($option), 2);
        })->sort('asort', function ($a, $b) {
            return $a < $b;

Custom Arrays

Creating custom arrays;

class User {
    private $id;
    public function __construct(int $id = null) {
        $this->id = $id;

class Users extends xo\TypedArray {
    public function __construct(array $items = null) {
        parent::__construct('Users', $items, User::class);

$users = new Users();
$users->add(new User(1));
$users->add(new User(2));
$users->add(new User(null));

var_dump($users->copy()->filter(function (User $user) {
    return !is_null($user->id);
})->count()); //=> int(2)

// this will throw a xo\exception\ValueException
// 'cos Users accepts User type values only

Besides, it also possible with Set or Map;

class Users extends xo\Set {
    public function __construct(array $items = null) {
        parent::__construct($items, User::class);

$users = new Users();
$users->add(new User(1));
$users->add(new User(2));
$users->add(new User(null));

// or

class Users extends xo\Map {
    public function __construct(array $items = null) {
        parent::__construct($items, User::class);

$users = new Users();
$users->put(1, new User(1));
$users->put(2, new User(2));
$users->put('null', new User(null));

Using String and Number Objects

$string = new xo\StringObject('Hello, world!');
var_dump($string->test('~hell~')); //=> bool(false)
var_dump($string->test('~hell~i')); //=> bool(true)
var_dump($string->startsWith('He')); //=> bool(true)

$number = new xo\NumberObject(1.555);
var_dump($number->toInt()); //=> int(1)
var_dump($number->toFloat()); //=> float(1.555)
var_dump($number->toFloat(2)); //=> float(1.56)

Objects, Object Methods and Properties

  • AbstractObject

    abstract class xo\AbstractObject {}
    public final getClass(): object
    public final getName(): string
    public final getShortName(): string
    public final clone(): object
    public final equals(object $object): bool
        throws xo\exception\MethodException
    public toValue(): ?any
    public toString(): string
  • AbstractArray

    abstract class xo\AbstractArray extends xo\AbstractObject
        implements xo\ArrayInterface, Countable, IteratorAggregate {}
    use xo\ArrayTrait
    private bool $readOnly
    private bool $allowNulls
    private xo\ArrayObject $items
    private string $itemsType
    private static array $methods
    protected static array $notAllowedMethods
    public __construct(array $items = null, string $itemsType = null,
        bool $readOnly = false, bool $allowNulls = false)
    public final __call(string $method, array $methodArgs): any
        throws xo\exception\MethodException
    public final prototype(string $method, callable $methodFunc): void
        throws xo\exception\MethodException
    public final readOnly(): bool
    public final allowNulls(): bool
    public final item($key): ?any
    public final items(bool $pair = false): array
    public final itemsType(): string
    public final reset(array $items): self
        throws xo\exception\MutationException
    public final resetItems(array $items): self
        throws xo\exception\MutationException
    public final copy(): xo\ArrayInterface
    public final copyArray(): array
    public final size(): int
    public final empty(): void
    public final isEmpty(): bool
    public final count(): int
    public final countValues(): array
    public final keys(): array
    public final values(): array
    public final first(): ?any
    public final firstKey(): int|string|null
    public final last(): ?any
    public final lastKey(): int|string|null
    public final toArray(bool $normalize = false): array
    public final toObject(): object
    public final toJson(): string
    public final map(callable $func): self
        throws xo\exception\MutationException
    public final reduce($initialValue = null, callable $func = null): any
    public final filter(callable $func = null): self
        throws xo\exception\MutationException
    public final diff(iterable $items, bool $uniq = false): array
    public final uniq(): array
    public final ununiq(): array
    public final uniqs(): array
    public final merge(self $array): self
        throws xo\exception\MutationException,ArgumentException
    public final chunk(int $size, bool $preserveKeys = false): array
    public final slice(int $offset, int $size = null, bool $preserveKeys = false): array
    public final reverse(): self
    public final rand(int $size = 1, bool $useKeys = false)
    public final shuffle(bool $preserveKeys = null): self
        throws xo\exception\MutationException
    public final sort(callable $func = null, callable $ufunc = null, int $flags = 0): self
        throws xo\exception\MutationException
    public final sortNatural(bool $caseSensitive = true, int $flags = 0): self
        throws xo\exception\MutationException
    public final sortLocale(string $locale, callable $func = null, callable $ufunc = null, int $flags = 0): self
        throws xo\exception\MutationException
    public final test(Closure $func): bool
    public final testAll(Closure $func): bool
    public final find(Closure $func): ?any
    public final findKey(Closure $func): int|string|null
    public final findIndex(Closure $func): ?int
    public final keyCheck(int|string $key): void
        throws xo\exception\KeyException
    public final valueCheck(any $value): void
        throws xo\exception\ValueException
    public final keyValueCheck(int|string $key, any $value): void
        throws xo\exception\KeyException,ValueException
    public final nullCheck(any $value): void
        throws xo\exception\NullException
    public final methodCheck(string $method): void
        throws xo\exception\MethodException
    public final readOnlyCheck(): void
        throws xo\exception\MutationException
    public final generate(bool $reverse = false): Generator
    public final getIterator(): Generator
    public final min(bool $numericsOnly = false): ?any
    public final max(bool $numericsOnly = false): ?any
    public final calc(string $operator, int $round = null, int &$valueCount = null): ?number
        throws xo\ArrayException
    public final calcAvg(string $operator, int $round = null, int &$valueCount = null): ?float
        throws xo\ArrayException
    public final sum(int $round = null, int &$valueCount = null): ?number
    public final sumAvg(int $round = null, int &$valueCount = null): ?float
    private final executeCommand(string $command, &...$arguments): void
        throws xo\exception\MutationException,NullException
        throws xo\ArrayException
  • TypedArray

    class xo\TypedArray extends xo\AbstractArray {}
    protected string $type;
    public __construct(string $type, array $items = null, string $itemsType = null,
        bool $readOnly = false, bool $allowNulls = false)
        throws xo\exception\TypeException
    public final type(): string
  • AnyArray

    class xo\AnyArray extends xo\TypedArray {}
    protected static array $notAllowedMethods = []
    public __construct(array $items = null, bool $readOnly = false)
    public search(any $value): int|string|null
    public searchLast(any $value): int|string|null
    public indexOf(any $value): ?int
    public lastIndexOf(any $value): ?int
    public has(any $value): bool
    public hasKey(int|string $key): bool
    public set(int|string $key, any $value, int &$size = null): self
    public get(int|string $key, any $valueDefault = null, bool &$found = null): ?any
    public add(any $value): self
    public remove(any $value, bool &$found = null): self
    public removeAt(int|string $key, bool &$found = null): self
    public removeAll(array $values, int &$count = null): self
    public append(any $value, int &$size = null): self
    public prepend(any $value, int &$size = null): self
    public pop(int &$size = null): ?any
    public unpop(any $value, int &$size = null): self
    public shift(int &$size = null): ?any
    public unshift(any $value, int &$size = null): self
    public put(int|string $key, any $value): self
    public push(int|string $key, any $value): self
    public pull(int|string $key, any $valueDefault = null, bool &$found = null): ?any
    public replace(any $value, any $replaceValue, bool &$found = null): self
    public replaceAt(int|string $key, any $replaceValue, bool &$found = null): self
    public flip(): self
        throws xo\ArrayException
    public pad(int $times, any $value, int $offset = null): self
  • Map

    class xo\Map extends xo\TypedArray {}
    protected static array $notAllowedMethods = ['flip', 'add', 'append', 'prepend', 'unpop',
        'unshift', 'flip', 'pad']
    public __construct(array $items = null, string $itemsType = null,
        bool $readOnly = false, bool $allowNulls = false)
    public search(any $value): int|string|null
    public searchLast(any $value): int|string|null
    public indexOf(any $value): ?int
    public lastIndexOf(any $value): ?int
    public has(any $value): bool
    public hasKey(string $key): bool
    public set(string $key, any $value, int &$size = null): self
    public get(string $key, any $valueDefault = null, bool &$found = null): ?any
    public remove(any $value, bool &$found = null): self
    public removeAt(string $key, bool &$found = null): self
    public removeAll(array $values, int &$count = null): self
    public pop(int &$size = null): ?any
    public shift(int &$size = null): ?any
    public put(string $key, any $value): self
    public push(string $key, any $value): self
    public pull(string $key, any $valueDefault = null, bool &$found = null): ?any
    public replace(any $value, any $replaceValue, bool &$found = null): self
    public replaceAt(string $key, any $replaceValue, bool &$found = null): self
  • Set

    class xo\Set extends xo\TypedArray {}
    protected static array $notAllowedMethods = ['flip']
    public __construct(array $items = null, string $itemsType = null,
        bool $readOnly = false, bool $allowNulls = false)
    public search(any $value): int|string|null
    public searchLast(any $value): int|string|null
    public indexOf(any $value): ?int
    public lastIndexOf(any $value): ?int
    public has(any $value): bool
    public hasKey(int $key): bool
    public set(int $key, any $value, int &$size = null): self
    public get(int $key, any $valueDefault = null, bool &$found = null): ?any
    public add(any $value): self
    public remove(any $value, bool &$found = null): self
    public removeAt(int $key, bool &$found = null): self
    public removeAll(array $values, int &$count = null): self
    public append(any $value, int &$size = null): self
    public prepend(any $value, int &$size = null): self
    public pop(int &$size = null): ?any
    public unpop(any $value, int &$size = null): self
    public shift(int &$size = null): ?any
    public unshift(any $value, int &$size = null): self
    public put(int $key, any $value): self
    public push(int $key, any $value): self
    public pull(int $key, any $valueDefault = null, bool &$found = null): ?any
    public replace(any $value, any $replaceValue, bool &$found = null): self
    public replaceAt(int $key, any $replaceValue, bool &$found = null): self
    public pad(int $times, any $value, int $offset = null): self
  • Tuple

    class xo\Tuple extends xo\TypedArray {}
    protected static array $notAllowedMethods = ['reset', 'resetItems', 'empty', 'map', 'filter', 'merge',
        'reverse', 'shuffle', 'search', 'searchLast', 'set', 'add', 'remove', 'removeAt', 'removeAll',
        'append', 'prepend', 'pop', 'unpop', 'shift', 'unshift', 'put', 'push', 'pull', 'replace', 'replaceAt',
        'flip', 'pad']
    public __construct(array $items = null, string $itemsType = null, bool $allowNulls = false)
    public indexOf(any $value): ?int
    public lastIndexOf(any $value): ?int
    public has(any $value): bool
    public hasKey(int $key): bool
    public get(int $key, any $valueDefault = null, bool &$found = null): ?any
  • ArrayObject and Collection

    // these are just aliased classes
    class xo\ArrayObject extends xo\AnyArray {}
    class xo\Collection extends xo\AnyArray {}
  • AbstractScalarObject

    abstract class xo\AbstractScalarObject extends xo\AbstractObject {}
    protected scalar $value;
    protected string $valueType;
    public __construct(scalar $value)
        throws xo\exception\ArgumentTypeException
    public final value(): scalar
    public final valueType(): string
    public final equalsTo(scalar $value): bool
    public final size(bool $multiByte = false): int
    public toString(): string
  • StringObject

    class xo\StringObject extends xo\AbstractScalarObject {}
    public string const TRIM_CHARS = " \t\n\r\0\x0B"
    public __construct(string $value)
        throws xo\exception\ArgumentTypeException
    public final test(string $pattern): ?bool
    public final match(string $pattern, int $flags = 0): ?array
    public final matchAll(string $pattern, int $flags = 0): ?array
    public final indexOf(string $search, bool $caseSensitive = true): ?int
    public final lastIndexOf(string $search, bool $caseSensitive = true): ?int
    public final trim(string $chars = null, int $side = 0): string
    public final trimLeft(string $chars = null): string
    public final trimRight(string $chars = null): string
    public final trimSearch(string $search, bool $caseSensitive = true, int $side = 0): string
    public final trimSearches(array[string] $searches, bool $caseSensitive = true, int $side = 0): string
    public final compare(string $value): int
    public final compareLocale(string $locale, string $value): int
    public final contains(string $search, bool $caseSensitive = true): bool
    public final containsAny(array[string] $searches, bool $caseSensitive = true): bool
    public final containsAll(array[string] $searches, bool $caseSensitive = true): bool
    public final startsWith(string $search): bool
    public final endsWith(string $search): bool
  • NumberObject

    class xo\NumberObject extends xo\AbstractScalarObject {}
    public __construct(numeric $value)
        throws xo\exception\ArgumentTypeException
    public final toInt(): int
    public final toFloat(int $round = null): float

Static and Util Objects

  • StaticClass

    static class xo\StaticClass {}
    public final __construct()
        throws xo\StaticClassException
  • Type

    static final class xo\Type extends xo\StaticClass {}
    public const ANY = 'Any'
    public const MAP = 'Map'
    public const SET = 'Set'
    public const TUPLE = 'Tuple'
    public static validateItems(object $object, string $type, array $items, string $itemsType = null,
        bool $allowNulls, string &$error = null): bool
    public static get(any $input, bool $objectCheck = false): string
    public static export(any $input): string
    public static makeArray(any $input): array
    public static makeObject(any $input): object
    public static isBasic(string $type): bool
    public static isDigit(any $input, bool $negatives = false): bool
    public static isTuple(any $input): bool
    public static isMapLike(any $input): bool
    public static isSetLike(any $input): bool
  • Util

    static class xo\util\Util extends xo\StaticClass {}
  • ArrayUtil

    static class xo\util\ArrayUtil extends xo\util\Util {}
    public static final keyCheck(int|string $key): ?string
        throws xo\util\UtilException
    public static final isSequentialArray(array $array): bool
    public static final isAssociativeArray(array $array): bool
    public static final set(array &$array, int|string $key, any $value): array
        throws xo\util\UtilException
    public static final get(array $array, int|string $key, any $valueDefault = null): ?any
        throws xo\util\UtilException
    public static final getAll(array $array, array[int|string] $keys, any $valueDefault = null): array
        throws xo\util\UtilException
    public static final pull(array &$array, int|string $key, any $valueDefault = null): ?any
        throws xo\util\UtilException
    public static final pullAll(array &$array, array[int|string] $keys, any $valueDefault = null): array
        throws xo\util\UtilException
    public static final test(array $array, Closure $func): bool
    public static final testAll(array $array, Closure $func): bool
    public static final rand(array $items, int $size = 1, bool $useKeys = false)
        throws xo\util\UtilException
    public static final shuffle(array &$items, bool $preserveKeys = false): array
    public static final sort(array &$array, callable $func = null, callable $ufunc = null, int $flags = 0): array
        throws xo\util\UtilException
    public static final include(array $array, array $keys): array
    public static final exclude(array $array, array $keys): array
    public static final first(array $array, any $valueDefault = null): ?any
    public static final last(array $array, any $valueDefault = null): ?any
    public static final getInt(array $array, int|string $key, int $valueDefault = null): int
    public static final getFloat(array $array, int|string $key, float $valueDefault = null): float
    public static final getString(array $array, int|string $key, string $valueDefault = null): string
    public static final getBool(array $array, int|string $key, bool $valueDefault = null): bool
  • NumberUtil

    static class xo\util\NumberUtil extends xo\util\Util {}
    public static final compare(number $a, number $b, int $precision = null): ?int
    public static final equals(number $a, number $b, int $precision = null): ?bool
    public static final isNumber(any $input): bool
    public static final isDigit(any $input, bool $negatives = false): bool
    public static final isId(any $input): bool
    public static final isUInt(any $input): bool
    public static final isUFloat(any $input): bool
    public static final isSigned(any $input): bool
    public static final isUnsigned(any $input): bool
  • StringUtil

    static class xo\util\StringUtil extends xo\util\Util {}
    public static final compare(string $source1, string $source2): int
    public static final compareLocale(string $locale, string $source1, string $source2): int
    public static final contains(string $source, string $search, bool $caseSensitive = true): bool
    public static final containsAny(string $source, array $searches, bool $caseSensitive = true): bool
    public static final containsAll(string $source, array $searches, bool $caseSensitive = true): bool
    public static final startsWith(string $source, string $search): bool
    public static final endsWith(string $source, string $search): bool
    public static final trimSearch(string $source, string $search, bool $caseSensitive = true,
        int $side = 0): string


class xo\exception\Exception extends Exception {}

class xo\ArrayException extends xo\exception\Exception {}
class xo\StaticClassException extends xo\exception\Exception {}

class xo\util\UtilException extends xo\exception\Exception {}

class xo\exception\ArgumentException extends xo\exception\Exception {}
class xo\exception\ArgumentTypeException extends xo\exception\Exception {}
class xo\exception\KeyException extends xo\exception\Exception {}
class xo\exception\ValueException extends xo\exception\Exception {}
class xo\exception\MethodException extends xo\exception\Exception {}
class xo\exception\MutationException extends xo\exception\Exception {}
class xo\exception\NullException extends xo\exception\Exception {}
class xo\exception\TypeException extends xo\exception\Exception {}

Shortcut Functions

map(...$arguments): xo\Map
set(...$arguments): xo\Set
tuple(...$arguments): xo\Tuple
collection(...$arguments): xo\Collection
string(string $value): xo\StringObject
number(numeric $value): xo\NumberObject


A few well e(x)tended (o)bjects that make easy to build strictly typed arrays such as Map, Set, Tuple or any type of TypedArray's, and also String and Number's.








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