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Mark Kromer edited this page Nov 19, 2013 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the ssas2mondrian wiki!

SSAS2MONDRIAN is a very simple migration assistant utility intended to help SSAS cube developers to convert their simple base model cubes from SQL Server Analysis Services to Mondrian cubes.

I've used the SSAS AMO API to iterate through the metadata and then build the XML structures as standard output using Console.WriteLine. It's a very simple straight-forward approach where you can redirect the program's output to an XML schema file for Pentaho Schema Workbench to intake, where you can then modify the schema in Mondrian.


Added snowflake support so that ssas2mondrian will now check for SSAS Reference Dimensions used to create joins between dimension tables. This snowflake design is represented in Mondrian with the JOIN XML tags and is now supported.

I also fixed a couple of reported minor bugs and also added a command-line switch to turn on setting the All Member property. By default, ssas2mondrian will no longer auto-fill the all member in dimensions. You will have to use the new /L command line parameter to switch on setting of that field, which ssas2mondrian will copy from SSAS into the Moncrian schema file's dimension definition.

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