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MJ edited this page Apr 3, 2021 · 3 revisions

This tutorial will teach you how to create your own Krosmaster: Blast cards! Let's start by opening the Krosmaker website.

Krosmaker preview

If you click on the card where the Krosmaster name is supposed to be or on one of the basic statistics symbols, you'll see that you can immediately edit the card. However, the majority of customization features are available through the side panel.

Now try clicking on the top icon on the left sidebar.

Krosmaster tab

Krosmaster tab

This tab allows you to customize basic data about your Krosmaster. Here you can set:

  • Name: the name of the fighter displayed as the header of the card.
  • MP, HP, AP: basic statistics of the fighter representing movement, health and action points respectively. Displayed under the fighter's name on the card.
  • Rarity: represents the type of the fighter.
    • Elite: this Krosmaster can appear only once in a team. The names of the elite Krosmasters has a golden highlight.
    • Common: this Krosmaster can appear twice in a team. The names of the common Krosmasters are white.
    • Minion: this fighter is a minion that can be summoned to aid the team. Minions have slightly different, smaller cards.
  • Version: an optional version of the card. Displayed as a subtle watermark at the back of the card. Can be used to track changes of the profile.
  • Comment: an optional comment about the fighter. The comment is not displayed anywhere on the card.

When you modify the settings, the changes can be immediately seen on the card. Try entering the following settings:

Setting Value
Name Jayjay Ronimo
MP 2
HP 16
AP 2
Rarity Elite
Comment My first Krosmaker card!

Let's move on to the next tab. Try clicking on the second sidebar icon from the top.

Figurine tab

Figurine tab

This section allows you to customize the figurine image displayed in the right top corner of the card.

The first two sliders control the horizontal and vertical position of the image. The third slider modifies the size of the image. This allows you to customize where the figurine image is displayed and how big it appears on the card.

Below the sliders, you can find a cropping tool that allows you select a part of the image that should be displayed on the card. This is helpful when you have an image with multiple figurines next to each other - you can use the cropper to select only one of them to be displayed on the card.

Keep in mind that the cropper might change the quality of the image on some browsers. If your image is already cropped, you can disable cropper altogether by clicking on the Enable cropping checkbox.

Now, download the image below and try uploading it into the Krosmaker app:

Jayjay Ronimo

Adjust the position and size of the uploaded figurine and let's move on to the next tab.

Artwork tab

Artwork tab

As you enter the artwork tab, you will notice that the card will immediately turn over to the back side. This is because this tab allows you to customize the artwork image displayed at the back of the card.

Similarly to the figurine tab, here you can also upload an image and modify it with a cropper.

Try uploading the following image to the Krosmaker app:

Jayjay Ronimo

After you're done with the artwork, click on the next tab icon.

Spells tab

Spells tab

This tab allows you to add and customize spells: active abilities that can be used for action points. Each spell consists of:

  • Name: the name of the spell displayed at the top of the spell section.
  • Description: optional description of the spell displayed under its name. Allows to describe the additional effects of the spell. Some special keywords within the descriptions - including AP, MP, HP, Injury, Injuries, Air, Earth, Fire and Water - will be displayed as their corresponding icons. Text fragments surrounded by * symbols will be bolded.
  • Range: determines the possible targets of the spell.
    • Regular: regular range allows the fighter to target a cell within the minimum and maximum range bounds configurable by the slider on the right.
    • Special: this spell has a special effect and does not target a specific cell within the minimum and maximum range bounds. The slider on the right will become inactive.
  • Damage: determines the basic damage of the spell.
    • None: this spell does not deal any damage by default. The slider to the right will become inactive.
    • Air, Earth, Fire, Water: this spell deals damage with the chosen element. The slider on the right side allows to choose the damage value.
  • Limit: determines how many times the spell can be used.
    • None: this spell has no usage limit.
    • Per turn: this spell has a maximum casts limit per turn. The slider on the right side can be used to set how many times the spell can be cast.
    • Per target: this spell has a maximum casts limit per target in each turn. The slider on the right side can be used to set how many times the spell can be cast.

The round button with the + icon allows to add new spells. Keep in mind that elite and common Krosmasters can have up to 3 spells and powers in total, while minions can have only a single spell or power.

Let's create the following spells:

Name Description Range Damage Limit
Pressure Regular, 3-3 Fire, 2 None
Wild Leap JAYJAY RONIMO moves to the targeted cell. Regular, 1-1 None 1 per turn

After the spells are ready, go to the next tab.

Powers tab

Powers tab

This tab allows you to add and customize powers: passive abilities that are always active or active under specified conditions. Each power consists of:

  • Name: the name of the power displayed at the top of the power section.
  • Description: description of the power displayed under its name that specifies the effects of the power. Similarly to spell descriptions, some special keywords within the texts - including AP, MP, HP, Injury, Injuries, Air, Earth, Fire and Water - will be displayed as their corresponding icons. Text fragments surrounded by * symbols will be bolded.

The round button with the + icon allows to add new powers. As a reminder, elite and common Krosmasters can have up to 3 spells and powers in total, while minions can have only a single spell or power.

To finish our card, let's add a new power:

Name Description
Territorial Every time JAYJAY RONIMO captures a Glyph cell, he receives +1 MP.

Congratulations! If you have followed the tutorial this far, you've just recreated the official Jayjay Ronimo card.

Jayjay Ronimo

Now all we have to do is to save it. Switch to the last tab.

Storage tab

Storage tab

This tab has nothing to do with how the card looks, but it does allow you to save it for later or export it as a file.

The Custom file name allows you to specify the name of the downloaded files. If you do not enter anything, the fighter's name from the first tab will be used instead.

  • Save button allows you to save the card in your browser data. This might be lost if you are using privacy mode or if you clean browser history. However, this is a very convenient way to save your card configurations so you can edit them later.
  • Load button allows you to load your saved cards. More on that later.
  • Export button allows you to download the card as a JSON file. This file includes everything that you've entered in the other tabs and can be loaded on other browsers or devices. If you want to save or share an editable file with your card, this is the way to do it.
  • Import button allows you to upload a JSON file to load a card. This will override your current card, so be careful and remember to save any changes.
  • Reset button will clear all of the tabs and let you create a new card. If you have any unsaved changes, the application will ask you if you want to save them first.

Here you can find an example JSON file with Jayjay Ronimo card configuration. As you can see, it's a pretty big file - it stores the entire figurine and artwork images.

You might have noticed that none of the buttons here allow you to download the card images. This is because storage tab is for saving and loading card configurations into the editor.

To download the card images that you have just created, let's move on to the buttons panel right below the card.

The control buttons

Control buttons

Under the card you can find the following buttons:

  • Flip button allows to switch between the back and front sides of the image.
  • Download button allows you to download the image of the currently displayed card side.
  • Round button allows to switch between round and squared corners.

Images downloading works on every major OS under Chrome and Firefox. Other browsers are either unsupported or untested.

The exported images on MacOS might not be trimmed. If that's the case, you have to remove the transparent space around the cards manually. The Safari browser might export incomplete images - please use Chrome or Firefox instead.

Edge currently does not support image export. Please switch to another browser on Windows.

Now try downloading the front and back images. If you are currently using an unsupported browser, it's a good opportunity to come back to the storage tab and export the card, so you can edit it on another browser.

Jayjay Ronimo

If the image downloading feature doesn't work for you, don't worry - you still can just take a screenshot of the website and crop it manually.

Loading cards

As you already know, you can load exported JSON files to load the cards. However, it might be more convenient to simply store the cards in your browser without having to deal with any files.

Open the last tab - Storage - and click on the Load button.

If you get a message that there are no cards to load, try clicking the Save button first to save your Jayjay Ronimo card.

Load modal

This window allows you to load your saved cards. By clicking the green loading icon, you can override the current card settings by loading the selected card. As you can see, this table also allows you to quickly export card configurations or to delete the cards that you no longer want to store.

There's also a search filter that might be more useful once you create a couple more cards.

And that's it! Now you're ready to create your own Krosmaster: Blast cards. Good luck, have fun, and remember to share your cards with us. 😊

If you have any additional questions or want to share your creations, join the discussions.

If you have encountered a bug or thought of a new feature, create an issue.

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