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Releases: kroyee/SpeedBlocks

Beta Final (Fixed)

09 Sep 13:29
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Beta Final (Fixed) Pre-release

Installer and auto update functionality

This release doesn't offer anything new as far as in-game content go.
It does however give a proper installer (for Win/Linux, Mac still uses a compressed archive of an .app) that has the ability to patch itself when the server updates. So once this is installed on your system you should not have to do any more manual updating, it will be handled automatically when you connect to the server and a new release is available.

The Linux version has also been updated to come shipped with all needed dependencies, so it should now run out-of-the-box on any system newer then Ubuntu 16.04 (or equivalent).

There is also a bug-fix for practice playing that was broken in the previous release.

Full changelog

SpeedBlocks homepage

If you are looking for people to play with, join the Cultris lobby on Discord (find it in message of the day when you log in to Cultris). There we have a speedblocks room where you can find opponents.

Here are some instructions to run it on linux

Beta release 10

13 Aug 16:49
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Beta release 10 Pre-release

Small update to correct some bugs in the new GUI and add more visual options for the field background

  • Menu button can now be re-bound in options
  • Animated background will start disabled if that option was chosen
  • Games perspective (width/height ratio) is preserved when resizing the window again
  • Removed the old fieldbackground and replaced it with a slider to set brightness + options for displaying lines on the field in 3 styles and 2 colors
  • APM and exp-bar in score screen now works as intended. APM = attack per minute = lines sent + lines blocked / minute. An alternative to SPM that take blocked lines into account.
  • Long chat messages will display properly.

Some notes on the new GUI:

  • Whenever you are connected to the server you can use Enter to chat. Use tab (while the chat is active) to switch where the message is sent. Use /w nickname to send private messages to a player.
  • The scorescreen now toggle on and off as you press the button binded to it. Players can be selected on the scorescreen (small visual improvement).

Full changelog

SpeedBlocks homepage

If you are looking for people to play with, join the Cultris lobby on Discord (find it in message of the day when you log in to Cultris). There we have a speedblocks room where you can find opponents.

Here are some instructions to run it on linux

Beta Release 9

10 Aug 16:29
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Beta Release 9 Pre-release

New GUI, game balance changes and improved countdown

  • Reworked the GUI, added an animated background, completely new score/chat display, 2 different themes (dark and light), you can set the transparency of the ghost piece
  • Combo lines sent was reworked. The exponential curve is now much more flat. This mostly effects the high combos (10+). Before the curve got very steep after a while and as an example one 16-combo would send as much lines as a 14-combo + 10-combo. Now the <10 combos will send 1-2 lines more, and the increase above 10 is not as drastic as before.
  • How much combo time gained from clearing lines was reworked. Clearing 4+1+1 lines, 1+1+4 lines or 2+2+2 lines will now result in exact same amount of time gained. 3+1+1 will still give more then 4+1 since you are gaining a time bonus for each combo you increase, but if you then even it out to 3+1+1+3 vs 4+1+1+2 both variations will again have given the exact same amount of combo time.
  • The countdown for a round was reworked, and now uses a simple version of timestamp sent over UDP. The timestamp is also given a latency compensation. High latency and unstable connections should experience much more consistent countdown results.

Some notes on the new GUI:

  • Whenever you are connected to the server you can use Enter to chat. Use tab (while the chat is active) to switch where the message is sent. Use /w nickname to send private messages to a player.
  • The scorescreen now toggle on and off as you press the button binded to it. Players can be selected on the scorescreen (small visual improvement).

Full changelog

SpeedBlocks homepage

If you are looking for people to play with, join the Cultris lobby on Discord (find it in message of the day when you log in to Cultris). There we have a speedblocks room where you can find opponents.

Here are some instructions to run it on linux

Beta Release 8

24 Jul 11:31
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Beta Release 8 Pre-release

Fixed crash issue and corrected display of lines blocked

  • Errors that slipped through in the last release, made a new one to make sure everyone updates

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SpeedBlocks homepage

If you are looking for people to play with, join the Cultris lobby on Discord (find it in message of the day when you log in to Cultris). There we have a speedblocks room where you can find opponents.

Here are some instructions to run it on linux

Beta release 7

21 Jul 18:15
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Beta release 7 Pre-release

Some gameplay adjustments and small improvements

  • Consecutive blocks will no longer freeze incoming lines longer then maximum 1000ms
  • Decreased time gained for combos slightly to compensate for blocking being harder
  • Scrollbar position in now preserved when room/tournament list id update
  • Hide sign up button on aborted tournaments

Full changelog

SpeedBlocks homepage

If you are looking for people to play with, join the Cultris lobby on Discord (find it in message of the day when you log in to Cultris). There we have a speedblocks room where you can find opponents.

Here are some instructions to run it on linux

Beta release 6

16 Jul 21:54
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Beta release 6 Pre-release

1vs1 matchmaking

  • You can now join a 1vs1 matchmaking queue and get paired up for Bo7 matches with other players
  • Added a icon for the game. Will need to be improved with OS specific solutions for Win and Mac
  • Fixed your own gamefield being drawn when spectating
  • Moved piece spawn 2 squares up to increase survivability
  • Added display of tournament grades, and added weekly, monthly and grand slam tournaments (every 3 months)
  • Reworked how replays are stored, replay size has been decreased by 80%. Converted old replays to new format.

Full changelog

SpeedBlocks homepage

If you are looking for people to play with, join the Cultris lobby on Discord (find it in message of the day when you log in to Cultris). There we have a speedblocks room where you can find opponents.

Here are some instructions to run it on linux

Beta release 5

01 Jul 11:26
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Beta release 5 Pre-release

Spectator mode and first try at anti-cheat

  • Added spectator mode, currently only used for tournament games
  • Server will now verify the clients game clock and kick the player if it get to out of sync
  • Cheese challenge will no longer stack holes on top of each other. The leaderboard will be reset due to this change
  • Decreased combo time gained and combo exponent slightly for balance
  • Added a register button to the login screen that launches a browser to
  • Pressing enter will now be equivalent to pressing yes on the "Are you sure you want to leave/quit" screen
  • Tournament list now refreshes automatically, refresh button was removed


  • Changed randomizer to use a self-defined ditribution to ensure that it will behave exactly the same in the future no matter what OS and compiler versions are being used
  • Right name and avg BPM (at end of round) will now be displayed when watching replays. Will NOT work on old replays
  • Hides "Start challenge" button when watching replays

Full changelog

SpeedBlocks homepage

If you are looking for people to play with, join the Cultris lobby on Discord (find it in message of the day when you log in to Cultris). There we have a speedblocks room where you can find opponents.

Here are some instructions to run it on linux

Beta release 4

20 Jun 17:26
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Beta release 4 Pre-release

Challenges and some adjustment to downstack/blocking

  • Challenges added with Race (40L) and Cheese
  • Leaderboard with results and replays
  • Blocking made considerably less efficient to avoid overly long games
  • Some minor bug fixes

Full changelog

SpeedBlocks homepage

If you are looking for people to play with, join the Cultris lobby on Discord (find it in message of the day when you log in to Cultris). There we have a speedblocks room where you can find opponents.

Here are some instructions to run it on linux

Beta release 3

06 Jun 17:46
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Beta release 3 Pre-release

Tournaments and some improvements

  • Tournament support! Daily tournament at 8:30pm CET or create your own tournament
  • Added a list of connected players in the Lobby
  • You can now practice play while you're dead and waiting for a new game
  • Added a duration multiplier to lines sent, 10% extra per 1 minute elapsed
  • Graphical performance output is now available (can be disabled in options)
  • Changed chat key to behave more like in Cultris
  • Opponents combo timers are now visible
  • Added spam check for the chat
  • Made the max speed of the pieces a lot faster if you play for a long time
  • Fixed a bug where the current piece was visible on opponents fields during countdown

Full changelog

SpeedBlocks homepage

If you are looking for people to play with, join the Cultris lobby on Discord (find it in message of the day when you log in to Cultris). There we have a speedblocks room where you can find opponents.

Here are some instructions to run it on linux

Second beta release

25 Apr 20:23
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Second beta release Pre-release

Second beta release for SpeedBlocks


  • Accounts and ranking now available! See more below.
  • Combotimer will not reset until you start next combo
  • When you die, your max combo and average BPM will be displayed
  • The color of your pieces is now saved in config.cfg
  • Calculation of repeat-key improved. Will now give same result no matter what your FPS is.
  • Your opponents BPM, combo and pending lines is now displayed
  • Improved UDP port handling, will now correctly deal with multiple IPs behind the same NAT

Full changelog

SpeedBlocks now has a VPS (dedicated server) solution, that's running the game-server and a web-server. To make an account simply register on the SpeedBlocks forum and use the username and password in the game-client.

Only the first half of the ranking system is in place. All players start at rank 25 and you can work your way all the way to rank 0 (Hero). Once you reached Hero, you will enter the second stage of the ranking and start battling for the top spot with all other Hero players.

If you are looking for people to play with, join the Cultris lobby on Discord (find it in message of the day when you log in to Cultris). There we have a speedblocks room where you can find opponents.

Here are some instructions to run it on linux