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kruss edited this page Sep 14, 2010 · 13 revisions

gcover is a ruby gem to generate gcov code-coverage for cppunit-tests
and display results in html-files:

gcover <workspace> [options ...]
    -o, --output FOLDER              Output code-coverage to FOLDER
    -a, --all                        All sources (include 'test' folders)
    -x, --xml                        Dump results as XML only
    -b, --browser                    Open browser on output
    -h, --help                       Display this screen

cppunit-test configurations must be compiled and executed with the flags:

  • C++ Compiler: -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage
  • C++ Linker: -fprofile-arcs

and a folder structure like the folowing is assumed:

  '-\ <project>
	  |-\ <sources>		-> source folders
	  |-\ "test"		-> test related sources (excluded from code-coverage)	
	  '-\ <output>		-> output folders (containing object and gcov files)
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