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Udagram Image Filtering Application

Udagram is a simple cloud application developed alongside the Udacity Cloud Engineering Nanodegree. It allows users to register and log into a web client, post photos to the feed, and process photos using an image filtering microservice.

This repository is created as part of the "Refactor Udagram App into Microservices and Deploy" project.


The application is refactored into four containers, reflecting the microservice structure:

  1. udagram-frontend
  2. udagram-reverseproxy
  3. udagram-api-feed
  4. udagram-api-users

Quick start

To run the application locally, once all the prerequisites are satisfied, from the repo's root, run docker-compose up --build. Once it's up and running, you can visit http://localhost:8100 in your web browser to verify that the application is running.



You will need docker and docker-compose installed.

Environment variables

Before running the docker-compose up --build you need to set environment variables:

export POSTGRES_USERNAME=<your_postgres_db_username>
export POSTGRES_PASSWORD=<your_postgres_db_password>
export POSTGRES_HOST=<postgres_host_name>
export POSTGRES_DB=postgres
export AWS_BUCKET=<aws_bucket_name>
export AWS_REGION=<aws_region_name>
export AWS_PROFILE=default
export JWT_SECRET=<jwt_secret_string>
export URL=http://localhost:8100

A file named has been prepared as an optional tool to help you configure these variables on your local development environment.


Create a PostgreSQL database either locally or on AWS RDS. Set the config values for environment variables prefixed with POSTGRES_ in


Create an AWS S3 bucket. Set the config values for environment variables prefixed with AWS_ in

AWD Credentials

AWS access credentials $HOME/.aws/credentials must be set for the feed component to be able to fetch signed URLs fom S3. This can be done by running aws configure from the console (must have aws console tools installed).

Running on Kubernetes

To deploy to a kubernetes service, e.g. AWS EKS, a set of .yaml files is prepared in the ./kubernetes subfolder. The bash script will convert and apply appropriate environment variables and aws access config files secrets. The rest of the .yaml files can be applied with kubectl apply -f <filename>