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Used Technologies

Damian Krzemiński edited this page Jan 31, 2019 · 9 revisions

Used Technologies:

  • C#
    • OOP
    • SOLID
    • IoC with Castle.Windsor
    • Clean code principles
    • Reflection
    • Emit OpCode to dynamic assembly
    • Microsoft.Scripting
    • Events
    • Regex
    • GUIDs
    • ResouceMenager
    • Embeded resources (button icons by
  • Visual studio
    • ildasm.exe development tool
    • debuging
    • custom snippets
    • post build-events
  • WPF
    • Binding
      • INotifyPropertyChanged
      • DependencyProperty
      • UpdateSourceTrigger
    • MVVM
    • MS Blend Interaction Event Triggers
    • Commands instead of methods
    • RelayCommand to wrap methods
  • Design patterns
    • MVVM
    • Builder pattern
  • Unit Tests
    • Adjustment and use of custom test framework "RvtUnit" by Arup based on NUnit framework to unit test in Autodesk Revit environment
    • Arrange / Act / Assert (1 assertion per test)
  • Revit API
    • Dockable Panel
    • External Event
    • Filters
    • Collectors
    • Geometry
    • Selectors
  • IronPython
    • two-way communication between invoking C# code
    • clr usage
    • .NET classes usage
    • Windows Forms
    • modules
    • classes
    • functions
    • tuples
    • list, set comprehensions
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