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Modules | Colored lists

krzmig edited this page Sep 26, 2020 · 3 revisions

Colored lists module allow you to set custom color of list on your board based on created patterns.

To enable this module for a current board, click extension icon and check Enable colored lists in Lists section.

Popup Menu - Enable module

Coloring Schemes

You can edit patterns and colors in global settings of extension. Those settings are common for all boards.

Options page

Here you can create your own templates for lists colors. Each row is one scheme consisting of pattern and color.

Each list which will match to given pattern will take given color as they background. Colors can have alpha channel, which means that you will be able to set opacity background.

Patterns are regular expressions. If you type invalid pattern, field will take red light, and those section will not be saved. Each pattern will execute with flag i, which means that is case-insensitive.

Here is a great page to test those expressions: On right bottom corner you have small help.

Some example patterns:

  • test - will match any title contains this chars chain: test, so tested will match too.
  • \btest\b - will match any title contains word test, tested will not match.
  • (done|ready) - will match to any list title contains any of these chars chains: done or ready.
  • \b(done|ready)\b - will match to any list title contains any of these words: done or ready.
  • ^Version - will match any title is starting by chars chain version.
  • done$ - will match any title is ending by chars chain done.