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Collection of code snippets to post data from ESP8266 to the cloud for storage, visualization and analysis


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A collection of code snippets I am using frequently to post data from ESP8266 to the cloud for storage, visualization and analysis.

Table of Contents


When doing projects with ESP8266 I often need to collect and analyse some data. For instance process variables as humidity or temperature like in OnlineHumidifier project. On other occasion I may need to record and compare up time as well as performance parameters for couple of ESP8266 modules running various versions of similar application as in EspFire2012 project.

In cases like that, instead of developing storage and analysis tools on my own, it may be much easier, quicker and convenient to use external cloud service. There are several services like that fitted with tested and ready to use tools to store, visualize and analyze the data.

Below is summary of three cloud services I am using on my projects together with sample sketches.


Each sketch is posting the following variables to respective cloud service:

  • sketch up time in minutes : EspCloud_UpTime
  • free heap size reported by module in bytes : EspCloud_HeapSize
  • number of transmission attempts to the cloud service : EspCloud_TransmissionAttempts
  • number of reply timeouts by the cloud service : EspCloud_ReplyTimeouts
  • number of connection failures : EspCloud_ConnectionFailures
  • time in milliseconds that took to transmit the data and obtain a reply from the service in previous post request : EspCloud_PostingTime

See the program flow diagram how data are posted to the cloud.

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To make particular sketch running you need to:

  1. Set up an account is selected cloud service.

  2. Copy and paste an API key provided by the service (it typically looks like 9a3e3c9cf65c70a597097b065dcb24e3) to the sketch in the following line:

 #define API_KEY "enter-your-api-key-here"
  1. For Keen IO you will also need to update request url (it looks like /3.0/projects/5359bcb513e406c26c910dac/events/esp) in the following line:
 #define REQUEST_URL "enter-your-KeenIO-request-url-here"
  1. Enter SSID and password to your Wi-Fi network (instead of ********, see below), so the module can join the network:
 const char* ssid = "********";
 const char* password = "********";
  1. Optionally you can change line below that defines how often data are posted to the cloud. Default value is 60000 milliseconds (60s).
 #define UPDATE_PERIOD 60000

Once ready load sketch to the module. Open serial monitor to check if module has joined Wi-Fi network. Then each time the UPDATE_PERIOD elapses, you should repeatedly see a messages confirming that data are posted to the cloud.


The following chapters contain my thoughts on using three cloud services. They contain screenshots of dashboards with actual data collected during testing. Summary of testing is provided at the end.


The first cloud service I have tried and adopted to my needs is Emoncms. It is optimized for processing, logging and visualizing energy, temperature and other environmental data.

I am using Emoncms quite frequently to save and visualize all types of data, also those not mentioned by Emoncms, like processor up time or free memory to help me troubleshoot application performance issues. I found this service very quick and reliable. Once I had an issue with posting data and reported it on the forum. It was resolved within less than 12 hours what I really like. Did I mention it is a free service? Excellent job Emoncms team!

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What I like about Emoncms:

  • Data posting up to every 10s, quick and concise "OK" reply after each successful data transmission
  • Handy dashboard with various containers, widgets and visualizations to organize and show my data
  • Ability to show several variables on a single "multigraph" chart

What can be improved?

  • Provide possibility to generate new API keys
  • Add more possibility to show links and graphics on dashboard

Check example sketch how to post data to Emoncms.


When browsing IoT projects on internet, you may find a lot of screen shots of charts created with ThinkSpeak. That finally attracted me to trying this service as well.

I quickly realized that ThinkSpeak makes it really easy to post and visualize data. There are a lot of configuration options to customize number of points displayed, do data averaging, change charts titles and colors, etc. What I did not like was lack of possibility to display more than a single variable on a chart. Finally I have noticed and pressed "MATLAB Visualization" button and got totally amazed. ThinkSpeak provides access to wealth of features of MATLAB. If you have to do some processing of data before showing them off then ThinkSpeak is a tool for you. You will get access to MATLAB engine to do anything you need to do with the data, and to show the data on-line on almost any chart or plot you may think of. I have also tried contacting support and my issue with deleting unused channels was resolved within couple of days. Did I mention that use of ThinkSpeak including MATLAB to crank and visualize your data is free?

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What I like about ThinkSpeak:

  • MATLAB to process and visualize data
  • User friendly interface to instantly show the data on charts
  • Templates to quickly start with MATLAB® Visualization

What can be improved?

  • Rigid dashboard to show charts on fixed size grid
  • Fixed number of up to eight fields per channel

Check example sketch how to post data to ThinkSpeak.

Keen IO

I got aware of this service because of Keen IO liking my tweets. Then I got intrigued by Keen IO's ads offering API for analytics and pop-ups inviting to ask for support whenever I visited

I did not have any attractive IoT project involving data analytics and put trying Keen IO for later. Finally I decided study API documentation and after some testing with cURL I managed to post data to Keen IO's cloud. With this service you will be able to post data for free with rate of about once per a minute (50,000 per month). To post faster you need to pay. According to Product / Plans, as of August 2016, you may post 15,000,000 events per month for $1,000 (almost 6 times per second). Events are recorded as individual JSON objects and documentation provides extensive API to manage the data. This is including data enrichment to e.g. associate a client’s IP address with geographical location of the client when the event was recorded. "Out of the box" visualization is provided on a Dashboard with the Explorer to set up basic charts and metrics. Feature rich data analysis and visualization is available using Keen IO’s SDK's. It is provided for several platforms / languages that you need to integrate with your system by yourself. Keen IO is managed and supported by nice and quite big team.

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What I like about Keen IO:

  • Extensive API to manage data
  • Extensive SDK to analyse and visualise data
  • Wide range of event collection plans

What can be improved?

  • Limited options to visualize data with Dashboard / Explorer
  • Missing option to export data from the control panel

Check example sketch how to post data to Keen IO.

All Together

To provide some indication what to expect from a cloud service for free, out of collected parameters I have compared the following three:

  • number of connection failures : EspCloud_ConnectionFailures
  • number of reply timeouts by the cloud service : EspCloud_ReplyTimeouts
  • time in milliseconds that took to transmit the data and obtain a reply from the service in previous post request : EspCloud_PostingTime

Table below contains data collected over the period of one month from 5 August till 4 September 2016.

Parameter / Cloud Service Emoncms ThingSpeak Keen IO
Number of Connection Failures 6 5 20
Number of Reply Timeouts 29 104 321
Average Posting Time [ms] 140 430 710

The data have been posted by a single ESP8266 module using this sketch to Emoncms, ThinkSpeak and Keen IO. Positing period was 60 seconds for each application so individual services were contacted every 20 seconds. Module was running patiently and continuously without any restarts so I decided to picture it below.

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More information about used h/w and compatible s/w is provided in chapter Compatibility.


It is a lot of fun to work with each of above cloud services. They are crafted with heart and creativity. Each service has something unique to offer. Emoncms provides versatile dashboard with many visualizations, ThinkSpeak has unique MATLAB support, Keen IO is for bigger players that need custom data processing and visualization supported with extensive SDK. You have options to select one that fits you better and for free.


All sketches have been developed and tested using the following hardware and system software.


  • NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E Module)

Arduino Core

Programming Environment

  • Arduino IDE 1.6.9 portable version running on Windows 7 x64
  • PlatformIO IDE 1.3.0 CLI 2.11.0 running on Windows 7 x64
  • Visual Micro 1606.17.10 with Visual Studio Community 2015 running on Windows 7 x64


Feel free to contribute to the project in any way you like!

If you find any issues with code or description please report them using Issues tab above.


Software for this project has been prepared thanks to applications prepared by the following teams and individuals:

  • esp8266/Arduino team lead by Ivan Grokhotkov that brought to us excellent ESP8266 core for Arduino.
  • Arduino team that develops and maintains versatile Arduino IDE
  • PlatformIO team lead by Ivan Kravets that develops and maintains quick, modern and versatile PlatformIO that is an open source ecosystem for IoT development.
  • VisualMicro that provides excellent Arduino IDE for Microsoft Visual Studio and Atmel Studio.

This repository could not be created without the following great cloud services that you can use for free:

  • Emoncms - A powerful open-source web-app for processing, logging and visualising energy, temperature and other environmental data.
  • ThinkSpeak - An open source data platform and API for the Internet of Things.
  • Keen IO - With Keen IO’s developer-friendly APIs, it’s easy to collect, explore, and visualize data anywhere. Apps and websites, customer-facing dashboards, IoT devices, you name it.


GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE - Version 2.1, February 1999


Collection of code snippets to post data from ESP8266 to the cloud for storage, visualization and analysis







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