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ks-hl edited this page Aug 16, 2023 · 20 revisions

Actions are sorted into groups. This is mostly transparent to users, except when searching multiple actions at once (i.e action:kick,session). When doing this, only actions within the same group may be searched simultaneously. If no action is specified in a lookup, all actions in the default group will be shown.


  • Consume - Logs when a player consumes an item. (e.g food, potions, etc.)
  • Explode - Logs entity explosions, such as creepers and TNT.
  • Gamemode - Logs when a player changes gamemodes.
  • Jobs - Logs income/xp from the Jobs Reborn plugin.
  • Kick - Logs when a player is kicked from the server on a Spigot level. This does not log when a player is kicked on the Bungee level.
  • Leash - Logs players attaching and detaching leads to and from entities, as well as tethering and untethering them to fence posts.
  • Lightning - Logs environmental lightning strikes
  • Money - Logs each player’s balance on 3 occasions. Join, leave, and periodic. Periodic is every 15 minutes on default.
  • Mount - Logs when a player mounts or unmounts an entity.
  • Nametag - Logs when a player uses a nametag on an entity.
  • Pay - Logs Essentials payments between players
  • PluginLoad - Logs when AuxProtect loads/unloads
  • Recover - Logs when a player’s inventory is recovered from a backup.
  • Respawn - Logs when a player respawns after dying.
  • Session - Logs players joining and leaving the server. Used for “/ap playtime” lookups.
  • Shop - Logs ChestShop and server shop transactions
  • Tame - Logs when an entity is tamed by a player.


  • Elytra - Logs when a player starts and stops elytra flight.
  • Entity - Logs when boats, armor stands, minecarts, and end crystals are placed/broken.
  • Hurt - Logs every event of damage between entities, including drops.
  • Inv - (not to be confused with inventory) - Logs a player opening or closing an inventory. Also logs the number of items in the inventory. This is useful to find stealing from animal inventories.
  • Kill - Logs all kills between entities.
  • Land - Logs when a projectile lands, such as a trident or arrow. Useful for tracking down lost tridents.
  • Raidspawn - Logs when a raid spawns a raider entity.
  • Raidtrigger - Logs when a player triggers a raid.
  • Totem - Logs when a player would have died but used a totem of undying.


  • IP - Logs each unique IP address for a player, per UUID. Looking up a player under this action will list all IP addresses they’ve used to connect to the server.
  • Username - Logs each unique username a player has had on the server.
  • TownyName - Logs each unique name of a town from the Towny plugin.


  • Anvil - Logs when a player uses an anvil. The 3 items in the preview represent the items in the anvil screen from left to right.
  • AuctionList/AuctionBuy - AuctionHouse implementation, logs when items are listed and bought respectively. Includes a view of each item sold.
  • BreakItem - Logs when an item entity is destroyed or despawns.
  • Bucket - Logs when a player picks up or deposits an entity from a bucket.
  • Craft - Logs items crafted by players.
  • Drop - Logs item drops with a view if the item has data.
  • Enchant - Logs when a player uses an Enchanting table to enchant an item. The item preview shows the resulting item.
  • Grab - Logs picking up of projectiles.
  • Inventory - (not to be confused with inv) - Logs each player’s inventory on 3 occasions. Join, leave, and period. Periodic is every hour, starting at login. These are able to be viewed, recovered, and edited, depending on permissions.
  • Itemframe - Logs adding and removing items from item frames. The item view can be manually removed, given permission.
  • Launch - Logs launching of projectiles, such as tridents and arrows.
  • Pickup - Logs item pickups with a view if the item has data.
  • Smith - Logs when a player upgrades an item to netherite. The item preview shows the resulting item.


  • Command - Logs all commands executed by a player. Can be searched using wildcards enabling very powerful lookups.


  • Chat - Logs chat messages. Same format as a:command


  • Pos - Logs each player’s position every 3 seconds if they have moved since the previous log. Also logs pitch/yaw
  • TP - Logs when a player teleports. There are two entries made for each teleportation: one for the origin location and one for the destination.

This is the only table which logs pitch and yaw data and fractional coordinates.


  • TownCreate - Logs the creation of a new town.
  • TownRename - Logs when a town is renamed.
  • TownDelete - Logs when a town is deleted.
  • TownJoin - Logs when a player joins/leaves a town.
  • TownClaim - Logs when a town claims a chunk of land.
  • TownMayor - Logs changes in town mayorship.
  • TownBank - Logs bank transactions of a town.
  • NationCreate - Logs the creation of a nation.
  • NationRename - Logs when a nation is renamed.
  • NationDelete - Logs when a nation is deleted.
  • NationJoin - Logs when a town joins/leaves a nation.
  • NationBank - Logs bank transactions of a nation.
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