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ksaveljev committed Feb 19, 2014
1 parent 80260aa commit 7a32e44
Showing 1 changed file with 119 additions and 0 deletions.
119 changes: 119 additions & 0 deletions 449.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <sstream>
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;

#define pow2(i) (1<<i)
#define bit(i) (1<<i)
#define isOdd(i) (i&1)
#define isEven(i) (!(i&1))
#define sz(i) i.size()
#define REP(i, b, n) for (int i = b; i < n; i++)
#define REPI(i, b, n) for (int i = b; i <= n; i++)
#define rep(i, n) REP(i, 0, n)
#define repi(i, n) REPI(i, 0, n)

string notes[12][2] = {{"C","B#"},{"C#","Db"},{"D",""},{"D#","Eb"},{"E","Fb"},{"F","E#"},{"F#","Gb"},{"G",""},{"G#","Ab"},{"A",""},{"A#","Bb"},{"B","Cb"}};
string majorScale[12][2][7];

void split_commands(const string& commandLine, vector<string> &commands) {
stringstream iss(commandLine);
string command;

while (getline(iss, command, ';')) {

void composeMajorScale() {
int diff[] = {2,2,1,2,2,2,1};

rep(i, 12) {
rep(j, 2) {
if (notes[i][j] == "" || notes[i][j][1] == '#') continue;
int pos = i;

rep(k, 7) {
majorScale[i][j][k] = notes[pos][j];
if (k) {
if (majorScale[i][j][k-1][0] == 'G' && notes[pos][j][0] != 'A')
majorScale[i][j][k] = notes[pos][!j];
if (majorScale[i][j][k-1][0] != 'G' && notes[pos][j][0] != majorScale[i][j][k-1][0]+1)
majorScale[i][j][k] = notes[pos][!j];
pos += diff[k];
pos %= 12;

int translate(const string& gap) {
int result = 0;

if (gap == "SECOND") result = 2;
if (gap == "THIRD") result = 3;
if (gap == "FOURTH") result = 4;
if (gap == "FIFTH") result = 5;
if (gap == "SIXTH") result = 6;
if (gap == "SEVENTH") result = 7;
if (gap == "OCTAVE") result = 8;

return result;

int main(void) {
string scale, commandLine;


while (getline(cin, scale)) {
getline(cin, commandLine);

vector<string> commands;
split_commands(commandLine, commands);

cout << "Key of " << scale << endl;

int x, y;
rep (i, 12) {
rep (j, 2) {
if (notes[i][j] == scale)
x = i, y = j;

rep (c, commands.size()) {
stringstream iss(commands[c]);
string note, direction, gap;

while (iss >> note >> direction >> gap) {
cout << note << ": ";

int g = translate(gap) - 1;
int pos = -1;

if (direction == "DOWN")
g = -g;

rep (i, 7) {
if (majorScale[x][y][i] == note)
pos = i;
if (pos == -1) {
cout << "invalid note for this key" << endl;
} else {
cout << direction << " " << gap << " > ";
pos = (pos + g + 7) % 7;
cout << majorScale[x][y][pos] << endl;
cout << endl;

return 0;

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