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Atlas of primary cell-type specific sequence models of gene expression and variant effects

Please see the full paper here Ksenia Sokolova, Chandra L. Theesfeld, Aaron K. Wong, Zijun Zhang, Kara Dolinski, Olga G. Troyanskaya, Atlas of primary cell-type-specific sequence models of gene expression and variant effects, Cell Reports Methods, 2023, 100580, ISSN 2667-2375,

Quick setup

Download and unzip the pre-requisite file (note this might take a couple of minutes):

cd resources
cd ..

Please note that you will also need .fasta file for your build (hg19.fa needs to be downloaded and put into resources/reference_files/)

Setup the environment. Make sure you have a working cuda-enabled pytorch. See below for an example

python3.6 -m venv expectosc_env
source expectosc_env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install selene-sdk
pip install torch==1.10.1+cu111 torchvision==0.11.2+cu111 torchaudio==0.10.1 -f

Variant effect prediction

See resources/test.csv for an example .csv file. See for getting predictions for the .csv with variants.

More details

Main files

→ python

  • Preprocess .h5ad single cell expression file into the accepted format. User can specify groupKey (name of cell type column) and minimum number of cells the cell type needs to have.

→ python

  • Train a new set of models (one per cell type) using the provided dataset (pre-processed by

→ python

  • Get predictions for the set of variants. Full code includes running the deep learning encoder Module 1, which could be time consuming. This assumes the data is formatted as : [chrom, snp_chromStart, snp_chromEnd, ref, alt, SNP, chrom_gene, tss, chromEnd, strand, gene_name, cage_used, dist]. Note that snp_chromStart is the location of the variant; SNP is the ID of choice, for example chrom_variantLoc_ref_alt.

Background scripts

main_train - functions to train data, called by the

condense_data - functions to condense the data into dataX and dataY matrices

data_utils - additional data scripts

encoder_for_variants - all the scripts needed to run Beluga, such as running it on regions around TSS


Pulling TSS locations for genes

Used GENCODE database and CAGE peaks databases to pull TSS locations (only protein coding genes, as noted in the Gencode). - For CAGE used only p1 peaks

Note: Used hg19 for both CAGE and Gencode. See below for more information on the datasources.

Expression values

.h5ad files are used for the group truth. Cell types with less than 100 cells are dropped (value can be adjusted).

Running encoder on variants for train

Script uses 2 locations: one to save raw encodings, and another to save condensed encodings. Files are in .hdf5 format, one file per gene (named as "gene name"_"tss" to allow for multiple TSS locations). The encodings run on the reference genome are named as full_tss, and the rest are saved with mutation information location_alt. File attributes are used to save additional information, such as TSS location, strand etc. The weights for the model can be downloaded here

Module 2: Train regularized models

Train cell type specific model, one per cell type. There are different training options:

  • Cross validation, test holdout (chromosomes 8 and 9) and full training. Cross validation is used to find the best parameters; evaluation of the existing models is done using the test dataset. Final models are trained with all the available data.

  • Subsetting is available for debugging purposes and to evaluate the effects of the size of the dataset on the results. When subsetting is used a fraction of the data is dropped randomly from the train.

If the gene encodings do not exist prior to training those genes are dropped.