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kslides is a Kotlin DSL for the awesome reveal.js presentation framework. It is meant for people who prefer working with an IDE rather than PowerPoint. It works particularly well for presentations with code snippets and HTML animations. Slides are authored in Markdown, HTML, or the Kotlin HTML DSL.

kslides screenshot

This presentation is served statically from Netlify and GitHub Pages. It is also running dynamically on Heroku.

Getting Started


To create a kslides presentation, generate a new repository using the kslides-template repo as a template.

The kslides-template describes how to generate and publish slide content once you have created and updated your new kslides repo.

Defining a Presentation

A presentation is created using a Kotlin DSL. Defining a presentation requires a minimal knowledge of Kotlin. If you are comfortable with Python, Javascript or Java, you will have no problem with the Kotlin code.

The following kslides definition generates this presentation.

kslides {

  output {
    // Write the presentations to a file
    enableFileSystem = true
    // Do not serve up the presentations via HTTP
    enableHttp = false

  presentationConfig {
    // Default config values for all presentations

  presentation {
    // Make this presentation available at helloworld.html
    path = "helloworld.html"

    // Specify css styles as a string
    css +=
      .htmlslide h2 {
        color: yellow;
    // or use the Kotlin CSS DSL
    css {
      rule("#mdslide h2") {
        color =

    presentationConfig {
      // Default config values for this presentation
      transition = Transition.FADE
      topLeftHref = ""  // Turn off top left href
      topRightHref = "" // Turn off top right href

      slideConfig {
        backgroundColor = "#2A9EEE"

    // Slide that uses Markdown content
    markdownSlide {
      id = "mdslide"

      content {
        # Markdown
        ## Hello World

    verticalSlides {
      // Slide that uses HTML content
      htmlSlide {
        classes = "htmlslide"

        // Slide-specific config values
        slideConfig {
          backgroundColor = "red"

        content {
          <h2>Hello World</h2>

      // Slide that uses Kotlin HTML DSL content
      dslSlide {
        content {
          h1 { +"DSL" }
          h2 { +"Hello World" }

kslides DSL

kslides Block

A kslides{} block (example) contains configuration values, output directives, presentation configuration defaults, css defaults, and presentation definitions. The child blocks can be declared in any order.


Name Default Description
css "" String alternative to the css{} block


kslides {
  kslidesConfig {}          // Optional
  presentationConfig {}     // Optional
  output {}                 // Optional
  css {}                    // Zero or more css blocks
  presentation {}           // One or more presentations
  • A kslidesConfig{} block (example) specifies the kslides configuration for all presentations and has these options.

  • A presentationConfig{} block (example) specifies the default presentation configuration values for all presentations and has these options.

  • An output{} block (example) specifies how and where presentation slides are published and has these options.

  • A css{} block (example) applies to all presentations and uses Kotlin CSS DSL calls. Presentation CSS can also be specified using multi-line strings example. A combination of the two approaches is also allowed.

  • A presentation{} block (example) includes one or more slide descriptions. There are 3 types of slides: MarkdownSlide, HtmlSlide and DslSlide.

presentationConfig Block


presentationConfig {      // Optional
  menuConfig {}           // Optional
  copyCodeConfig {}       // Optional
  playgroundConfig {      // Optional
    css{}                 // Optional
  plotlyIframeConfig {}   // Optional
  slideConfig {}          // Optional
  • A menuConfig{} block (example) specifies the configuration for the reveal.js Menu plugin and has these options.

  • A copyCodeConfig{} block specifies the configuration for the reveal.js CopyCode plugin and has these options.

  • A playgroundConfig{} block (example) specifies the default attributes for Kotlin Playground iframes and has these options.

    • The css{} block inside the playgroundConfig{} block specifies the css for the playground content that is displayed in the iframe. It is usually used to control the font-size of the code. The css values can be specified via multi-line strings or using the CSS DSL.
  • A plotlyIframeConfig{} block specifies the default attributes for plotly-kt iframes and has these options.

  • A slideConfig{} block specifies the default slide configuration values for all slides and has these options.

presentation Block

Multiple presentations can be defined using multiple presentation{} blocks, each with a different path value.


Name Default Description Usage
path "/" Presentation directory or filename example
css kslides.css value String alternative to the css{} block example
cssFiles kslides.kslidesConfig.cssFiles value List for including additional css files
jsFiles kslides.kslidesConfig.jsFiles value List for including additional js files


presentation {
  presentationConfig {}     // Optional
  css {}                    // Zero or more css blocks
  markdownSlide {}          // One or more slides
  htmlSlide {}
  dslSLide {}
  verticalSlide {
    htmlSlide {}
    dslSLide {}
  • A presentationConfig{} block specifies presentation-specific configuration values and has these options. This block overrides the values specified in kslides.presentationConfig{}.

  • A css{} block applies to this specific presentation and uses Kotlin CSS DSL calls. Presentation CSS can also be specified using raw CSS strings. A combination of the two approaches is also allowed.

Unlike CSS values in HTML files, which must be specified in the head, css{} blocks can be placed throughout a presentation in kslides. It is convenient to have the CSS values near code in the slides where they are referenced.

markdownSlide, htmlSlide, and dslSlide Blocks


Name Default Description
classes "" class value for underlying html tag
id "" id value for underlying html tag
style "" style value for underlying html tag
hidden false Details
uncounted false Details
autoAnimate false Details
autoAnimateRestart false Details

markdownSlide-specific Options

Name Default Description
filename false Details


markdownSlide {
  slideConfig {}          // Optional
  content {}              // Required

htmlSlide {
  slideConfig {}          // Optional
  content {}              // Required

dslSlide {
  slideConfig {}          // Optional
  content {}              // Required

slideConfig Block

A slideConfig{} block specifies slide-specific configuration values and has these options . This block overrides the values specified in kslides.presentationConfig.slideConfig{} and kslides.presentation.presentationConfig.slideConfig{}.

content Block

content{} block contents vary by the type of the slide:

  • MarkdownSlide.content{} blocks contain a String with Markdown
  • HtmlSlide.content{} blocks contain a String with HTML
  • DslSlide.content{} block contains calls to the Kotlin HTML DSL
  • verticalSlides{} block contains other slides

verticalSlides Block

A verticalSlides{} block (exammple) contains one or more slides and presents them vertically.


Name Default Description
classes "" class value for underlying html tag
id "" id value for underlying html tag
style "" style value for underlying html tag


verticalSlides {
  dslSLide {}              // One or more slides
  markdownSlide {}
  htmlSlide {}

kslides Functions

These functions are defined here. Examples of their usage can be found here.

Function name Context Description Usage
slideBackground() MarkdownSlides
fragment() MarkdownSlides example
HTMLTag.rawHtml() DslSlides Allows embedding of raw HTML in a DslSlide
List<T>.permuteBy() Animations example
String.toLinePatterns() Animations example
githubRawUrl() include() calls Returns URL for raw github content example
include() All Slides Preferred to embedding raw code in slides example

The include() call accepts a filename or a URL src argument. A filename value is relative to the root of the repo and a URL value requires an http:// or https:// prefix.

DslSlide-specific Functions

DslSlide-specific functions are defined here. Examples of their usage can be found here.

Function name Description Usage
DslSlide.codeSnippet{} Embeds a code snippet example
DslSlide.playground{} Embeds a Kotlin Playground example
DslSlide.plotly{} Embeds a plotly-kt figure example
DslSlide.diagram{} Embeds a diagram example
FlowContent.unorderedList{} Generates an unordered list example
FlowContent.orderedList{} Generates an ordered list example
LI.listHref() Generates a list href example
THEAD.headRow() Generates a table header row example
TBODY.bodyRow() Generates a table body row example

Misc Notes

Kotlin Details

kslides requires some Kotlin-specific knowledge:

DslSlides Content

This plugin makes it much easier to work with HTML. Just copy some HTML into your copy buffer, and when you paste it, the plugin will give you the option to convert it into Kotlin HTML DSL code. Install it in IntelliJ by going to "Plugins" and searching for HTML to kotlinx.html in "Marketplace"

IntelliJ Settings

Disable the IntelliJ Reformat code and Rearrange code options when you commit to git. The code in the presentation html files are space-sensitive and might not work if they are reformatted.

Custom CSS

CSS values can be specified in a css{} blocks in a presentation, but they also can be specified in the src/main/resources/slides.css file. The contents of that file are embedded directly into the presentation HTML files. Make sure to run ./gradlew clean build after making changes to slides.css.

Static Content

Presentations served by HTTP load static content from /src/main/resources/public, whereas filesystem presentations load static content from /docs.

Make sure to run ./gradlew clean build after making changes to /src/main/resources/public.

Code Slides

Rather than embedding code directly in MarkdownSlides, it is much better to use the include() call. You are likely to have formatting issues if you embed code directly in the slide. If you choose to embed code directly in the slide, remove indentation in the content{} block.

Local Development

Speaker Notes do not work properly when running locally. They will work from GitHub, Netlify, or Heroku though.

Kotlin Playground

A DslSlide embeds Playground content with an iframe.

If output.enableFileSystem is true, each playground() call generates an html file in docs/playground.

Playground code using dataTargetPlatform = JUNIT should not have a package decl.


A DslSlide embeds plotly-kt content with an iframe.

If output.enableFileSystem is true, each plotly() call generates an html file in docs/plotly.

The plotly() iframeConfig args are the attributes for the iframe referencing the plotly-kt content.

The plotly() dimensions are automatically added as the width and height values in a Plot.layout{} block, thus controlling the dimensions of the plotly-kt content.

The dimensions and the iframeConfig args must be synchronized. Specifically, the dimensions.width value must work with the width value in the, and the dimensions.height value must work with the iframeConfig.height value.

Adding border: 1px solid black; to makes it easier to synchronize the dimension values. Once the iframe and content width and height values are correct, you can remove the border.

If additional space is required for plotly output, you can adjust the slide presentation space with the PresentationConfig.width and PresentationConfig.height values. More details can be found here.

Kroki Diagrams

KSlides supports using Kroki to generate diagrams. Kroki supports a wide variety of diagram types. Example diagrams can be seen here and here.

Each diagram type has its own set of configuration options. The options are specified with an options value. The options values are specified as a map and the possible option values are listed in the Kroki documentation.

The outputType value specifies the image type and defaults to DiagramOutputType.SVG. As indicated in the Kroki docs, not all output types apply to all diagram types.

The style value specifies the CSS style for the image.

The content value specifies the diagram content.

Niolesk is a great tool for generating Kroki diagrams.


Go to your Heroku dashboard, choose your kslides app and click on Settings->Reveal Config Vars and add a config var: GRADLE_TASK=-Pprod=true uberjar

MarkDown Slide

When a markdownSlide is in a verticalSlides{} block and references an external file, the string "---" is interpreted as a vertical page separator and "--- " (with a space suffix) is rendered as a markdown horizontal line.

Slide Functions

If you want to move slide content into a function, be aware that there are two versions of dslSlide{}, markdownSlide{}, and htmlSlides{}. Each version has different contexts, depending on whether it is in a VerticalSlidesContext context. Examples of both versions are here.

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