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Hi there 👋

  • 🔭 I’m currently working on cybersecurity.
  • 🌱 I’m currently learning Python.
  • 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on open source software.
  • 🤔 I’m looking for help with improving the code in my repositories.
  • 💬 Ask me about code I wrote over 20 years ago that's still in production.
  • 📫 How to reach me:
  • 😄 Pronouns: he/him
  • ⚡ Fun facts:
    • I was paid to professionally scare people at a haunted house, but the best role was "audience plant" where I would dress as a paying member of the public and interact with the other actors in ways the normal public could not. For example: being dragged over the railing and acting like I was being disemboweled. Corollary fun fact: no one ever tried to help; they all just ran away screaming!
    • I was paid to boil water for the U.S. Navy (in a nuclear submarine) but the most fun was acting in drills as a "gone crazy shipmate" - then seeing how the other sailors reacted.
    • As a volunteer, I helped hundreds of people drastically change their life by helping them get a tattoo they no longer wanted removed for very low cost. Some of the tattoos were associated with abuse and one person thought they would have to live with it forever - we were so glad to help them move past that dark part of their life and not have to be reminded of it in the mirror each day. We actually completed our mission and closed up the non-profit project!
    • While assuring the quality of medical software on handheld devices, I also designed and built a presentation system that booted up 16 virtual machines. Each virtual machine ran a virtual handheld device with our medical software and a "random-button-pusher" application used for fuzz testing named ChaosMonkey. The 16 displays were automatically tiled across 4 monitors, so the presenter would only need to connect all the cables and power on the system.
    • As an internal support technician, I helped support a large conference by developing a master "golden image" with our new software, then "flashing" it on 20+ demo systems in one go using Clonezilla.
  • I often find myself in a support role, as shown in this image from long ago when I was playing Shen in League of Legends:
    • Shen-34-assists-clean.png


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