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Add handling for artifacts with classifiers
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Benedict Lau committed Apr 15, 2016
1 parent 013e7a6 commit 27c7907
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Showing 4 changed files with 115 additions and 52 deletions.
Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ class AndroidDependency {
String group
String name
String version
String classifier
File file
AndroidArtifactType artifactType

Expand All @@ -16,7 +17,7 @@ class AndroidDependency {
if (isRawJar()) {
return filenameExtStripped()
if (!group && !name && !version) {
if (!group && !name && !version && !classifier) {
return filenameExtStripped()
def list = []
Expand All @@ -29,6 +30,9 @@ class AndroidDependency {
if (version && !version.isEmpty()) {
list << version
if (classifier && !classifier.isEmpty()) {
list << classifier

Expand All @@ -41,7 +45,7 @@ class AndroidDependency {

boolean isSameArtifact(AndroidDependency dependency) {
dependency && artifactType == dependency.artifactType && group == && name ==
dependency && artifactType == dependency.artifactType && group == && name == && classifier == dependency.classifier

boolean isSameArtifactVersion(AndroidDependency dependency) {
Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -136,11 +136,12 @@ class GenerateTask extends BaseTask {
// '-' is not always the separator of version, version itself often has '-'.
// So we should find version from resolved dependencies.
// Path: .../modules-2/files-2.1/group/artifact/version/hash/artifact-version.ext
// Path: .../modules-2/files-2.1/group/artifact/version/hash/artifact-version-classifier.ext
def baseFilename = getBaseName(
String target ='file.separator'), '-')
AndroidDependency dependency = null
allConfigurationsDependencies.each { k, v ->
if ("${v.moduleName}-${v.moduleVersion}" == baseFilename) {
if (baseFilename ==~ /${v.moduleName}-${v.moduleVersion}.*/) {
// This may be the dependency of the file
// Find group from file path and check qualified name matches
if (target ==~ /.*-${v.moduleGroup}-${v.moduleName}-${v.moduleVersion}-.*/) {
Expand All @@ -150,6 +151,9 @@ class GenerateTask extends BaseTask {
group = v.moduleGroup
name = v.moduleName
version = v.moduleVersion
if (baseFilename != "${v.moduleName}-${v.moduleVersion}") {
classifier = baseFilename.replace("${v.moduleName}-${v.moduleVersion}-", '')
it.file = file
artifactType ='jar') ? AndroidArtifactType.JAR : AndroidArtifactType.AAR
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Expand Up @@ -7,60 +7,66 @@ import static com.github.ksoichiro.eclipse.aar.AndroidArtifactType.RAW_JAR
class AndroidDependencySpec extends BaseSpec {
def "getQualifiedName"() {
result == new AndroidDependency(group: g, name: n, version: v, artifactType: a, file: f).getQualifiedName()
result == new AndroidDependency(group: g, name: n, version: v, classifier: c, artifactType: a, file: f).getQualifiedName()

g | n | v | a | f || result
'' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | JAR | new File('/path/to/file/bar-1.0.0.jar') || ''
null | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | JAR | new File('/path/to/file/bar-1.0.0.jar') || 'bar-1.0.0'
'' | null | '1.0.0' | JAR | new File('/path/to/file/bar-1.0.0.jar') || ''
'' | 'bar' | null | JAR | new File('/path/to/file/bar-1.0.0.jar') || ''
null | null | null | JAR | new File('/path/to/file/bar-1.0.0.jar') || 'bar-1.0.0'
null | null | null | JAR | null || ''
null | null | null | RAW_JAR | new File('/path/to/file/bar-1.0.0.jar') || 'bar-1.0.0'
g | n | v | c | a | f || result
'' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | 'staging' | JAR | new File('/path/to/file/bar-1.0.0-staging.jar') || ''
'' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | null | JAR | new File('/path/to/file/bar-1.0.0.jar') || ''
null | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | null | JAR | new File('/path/to/file/bar-1.0.0.jar') || 'bar-1.0.0'
'' | null | '1.0.0' | null | JAR | new File('/path/to/file/bar-1.0.0.jar') || ''
'' | 'bar' | null | null | JAR | new File('/path/to/file/bar-1.0.0.jar') || ''
null | null | null | null | JAR | new File('/path/to/file/bar-1.0.0.jar') || 'bar-1.0.0'
null | null | null | null | JAR | null || ''
null | null | null | null | RAW_JAR | new File('/path/to/file/bar-1.0.0.jar') || 'bar-1.0.0'

def "isSameArtifact"() {
result == new AndroidDependency(group: g1, name: n1, version: v1, artifactType: a1)
.isSameArtifact(new AndroidDependency(group: g2, name: n2, version: v2, artifactType: a2))
result == new AndroidDependency(group: g1, name: n1, version: v1, classifier: c1, artifactType: a1)
.isSameArtifact(new AndroidDependency(group: g2, name: n2, version: v2, classifier: c2, artifactType: a2))

g1 | n1 | v1 | a1 | g2 | n2 | v2 | a2 || result
'' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | JAR | '' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | JAR || true
'' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | JAR | '' | 'bar' | '1.0' | JAR || true
'' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | JAR | '' | 'bar' | '1' | JAR || true
'' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | JAR | '' | 'bar' | '1.0.1' | JAR || true
'' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | JAR | '' | 'bar' | '1.0.0-alpha' | JAR || true
'' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | JAR | '' | 'bar' | null | JAR || true
'' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | JAR | '' | 'blur' | '1.0.0' | JAR || false
'' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | JAR | '' | 'blur' | '1.0' | JAR || false
'' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | JAR | '' | 'blur' | '1' | JAR || false
'' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | JAR | '' | 'blur' | '1.0.1' | JAR || false
'' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | JAR | '' | 'blur' | '1.0.0-alpha' | JAR || false
'' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | JAR | '' | 'baz' | '1.0.0-alpha' | JAR || false
'' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | JAR | '' | null | '1.0.0' | JAR || false
'' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | JAR | 'com.example.blur' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | JAR || false
'' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | JAR | 'com.example.blur' | 'bar' | '1.0' | JAR || false
'' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | JAR | 'com.example.blur' | 'bar' | '1' | JAR || false
'' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | JAR | 'com.example.blur' | 'bar' | '1.0.1' | JAR || false
'' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | JAR | 'com.example.blur' | 'bar' | '1.0.0-alpha' | JAR || false
'' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | JAR | 'com.example.baz' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | JAR || false
'' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | JAR | null | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | JAR || false
'' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | JAR | '' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | AAR || false
'' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | JAR | '' | 'bar' | '1.0' | AAR || false
'' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | JAR | '' | 'bar' | '1' | AAR || false
'' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | JAR | '' | 'bar' | '1.0.1' | AAR || false
'' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | JAR | '' | 'bar' | '1.0.0-alpha' | AAR || false
'' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | JAR | '' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | null || false
null | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | JAR | '' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | JAR || false
'' | null | '1.0.0' | JAR | '' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | JAR || false
'' | 'bar' | null | JAR | '' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | JAR || true
'' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | null | '' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | JAR || false
null | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | JAR | null | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | JAR || true
'' | null | '1.0.0' | JAR | '' | null | '1.0.0' | JAR || true
'' | 'bar' | null | JAR | '' | 'bar' | null | JAR || true
'' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | null | '' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | null || true
g1 | n1 | v1 | c1 | a1 | g2 | n2 | v2 | c2 | a2 || result
'' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | 'staging' | JAR | '' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | 'staging' | JAR || true
'' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | 'staging' | JAR | '' | 'bar' | '1.0.0-alpha' | 'staging' | JAR || true
'' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | 'staging' | AAR | '' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | 'prod' | AAR || false
'' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | 'staging' | AAR | '' | 'bar' | '1.0.0-alpha' | 'prod' | AAR || false
'' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | null | JAR | '' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | 'prod' | JAR || false
'' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | null | JAR | '' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | null | JAR || true
'' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | null | JAR | '' | 'bar' | '1.0' | null | JAR || true
'' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | null | JAR | '' | 'bar' | '1' | null | JAR || true
'' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | null | JAR | '' | 'bar' | '1.0.1' | null | JAR || true
'' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | null | JAR | '' | 'bar' | '1.0.0-alpha' | null | JAR || true
'' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | null | JAR | '' | 'bar' | null | null | JAR || true
'' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | null | JAR | '' | 'blur' | '1.0.0' | null | JAR || false
'' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | null | JAR | '' | 'blur' | '1.0' | null | JAR || false
'' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | null | JAR | '' | 'blur' | '1' | null | JAR || false
'' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | null | JAR | '' | 'blur' | '1.0.1' | null | JAR || false
'' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | null | JAR | '' | 'blur' | '1.0.0-alpha' | null | JAR || false
'' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | null | JAR | '' | 'baz' | '1.0.0-alpha' | null | JAR || false
'' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | null | JAR | '' | null | '1.0.0' | null | JAR || false
'' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | null | JAR | 'com.example.blur' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | null | JAR || false
'' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | null | JAR | 'com.example.blur' | 'bar' | '1.0' | null | JAR || false
'' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | null | JAR | 'com.example.blur' | 'bar' | '1' | null | JAR || false
'' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | null | JAR | 'com.example.blur' | 'bar' | '1.0.1' | null | JAR || false
'' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | null | JAR | 'com.example.blur' | 'bar' | '1.0.0-alpha' | null | JAR || false
'' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | null | JAR | 'com.example.baz' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | null | JAR || false
'' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | null | JAR | null | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | null | JAR || false
'' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | null | JAR | '' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | null | AAR || false
'' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | null | JAR | '' | 'bar' | '1.0' | null | AAR || false
'' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | null | JAR | '' | 'bar' | '1' | null | AAR || false
'' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | null | JAR | '' | 'bar' | '1.0.1' | null | AAR || false
'' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | null | JAR | '' | 'bar' | '1.0.0-alpha' | null | AAR || false
'' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | null | JAR | '' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | null | null || false
null | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | null | JAR | '' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | null | JAR || false
'' | null | '1.0.0' | null | JAR | '' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | null | JAR || false
'' | 'bar' | null | null | JAR | '' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | null | JAR || true
'' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | null | null | '' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | null | JAR || false
null | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | null | JAR | null | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | null | JAR || true
'' | null | '1.0.0' | null | JAR | '' | null | '1.0.0' | null | JAR || true
'' | 'bar' | null | null | JAR | '' | 'bar' | null | null | JAR || true
'' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | null | null | '' | 'bar' | '1.0.0' | null | null || true

def "isSameArtifact with null"() {
Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -21,9 +21,10 @@ class GenerateTaskSpec extends BaseSpec {
result == GenerateTask.getBaseName(filename)

filename || result
'artifact-version.ext' || 'artifact-version'
'support-v4-21.0.2.aar' || 'support-v4-21.0.2'
filename || result
'artifact-version.ext' || 'artifact-version'
'artifact-version-classifier.ext' || 'artifact-version-classifier'
'support-v4-21.0.2.aar' || 'support-v4-21.0.2'

def versionIsNewerThan() {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -93,6 +94,54 @@ class GenerateTaskSpec extends BaseSpec {
'android-observablescrollview' ==
'1.5.0' == dependency.version
dependencyFile == dependency.file
'android-observablescrollview-1.5.0.aar' ==

def "getDependencyFromFile with classifier"() {
File dependencyFile = new File(
+ ".gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/"
+ "com.github.ksoichiro/android-observablescrollview/1.5.0/"
+ "a44e58f48b8eac8c16cd99c35ed2f69078354999/"
+ "android-observablescrollview-1.5.0-staging.aar")
def resolvedDependency = new DummyResolvedDependency(
moduleGroup: "com.github.ksoichiro",
moduleName: "android-observablescrollview",
moduleVersion: "1.5.0")

def resolvedDependency2 = new DummyResolvedDependency(
moduleGroup: "com.nineoldandroids",
moduleName: "library",
moduleVersion: "2.4.0")

def resolvedDependency3 = new DummyResolvedDependency(
moduleGroup: "somebody",
moduleName: "android-observablescrollview",
moduleVersion: "1.5.0")

Project project = ProjectBuilder.builder().build()
project.plugins.apply PLUGIN_ID
GenerateTask task = project.tasks.generateEclipseDependencies as GenerateTask
task.allConfigurationsDependencies = [:]
// This will be skipped
task.allConfigurationsDependencies['com.nineoldandroids:library:2.4.0'] = resolvedDependency2
// This will be also skipped
task.allConfigurationsDependencies['somebody:android-observablescrollview:1.5.0'] = resolvedDependency3
// And this will be assumed as the expected dependency
task.allConfigurationsDependencies['com.github.ksoichiro:android-observablescrollview:1.5.0'] = resolvedDependency

AndroidDependency dependency = task.getDependencyFromFile(dependencyFile)

AndroidArtifactType.AAR == dependency.artifactType
'com.github.ksoichiro' ==
'android-observablescrollview' ==
'1.5.0' == dependency.version
dependencyFile == dependency.file
'android-observablescrollview-1.5.0-staging.aar' ==

def "getDependencyFromFile not found"() {
Expand Down

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