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Su, Jia edited this page Dec 12, 2017 · 4 revisions




  1. 小窗口的位置和大小可以通过以下方法设置
   * the sub screen position
   * must be set before registerRTC
   * @param width  width for frame from this pin to show, should be 0~1, default value 0.35f
   * @param height height for frame from this pin to show, should be 0~1, default value 0.3f
   * @param left   left position for left top of frame from this pin, should be 0~1, default value 0.65f
   * @param top    top position for left top of frame from this pin, should be 0~1, defualt value 0.f
   * @param mode   scaling mode
  public void setRTCSubScreenRect(float left, float top, float width, float height, int mode)
  1. camera窗口的尺寸和位置可以通过以下方法设置
   * set camera screen rect when rtc connected
   * @param left left position for left top of frame from this pin, should be 0~1, default value 0.f
   * @param top top position for left top of frame from this pin, should be 0~1, default value 0.f
   * @param width width for frame from this pin to show, should be 0~1, default value 1.f
   * @param height height for frame from this pin to show, should be 0~1, default value 1.f
   * @param mode scaling mode
  public void setRTCMainScreenRect(float left, float top, float width, float height, int mode)
  1. 通过以下方法可以设置大窗口显示的图像内容
  public static final int RTC_MAIN_SCREEN_CAMERA = 1;
  public static final int RTC_MAIN_SCREEN_REMOTE = 2;

   * set rtc main Screen
   * @param mainScreenType
  public void setRTCMainScreen(int mainScreenType)


  1. 图像融合方法


    • The mixer operation occurred while the frame with main index number arrived
    • Has maximum getSinkPinNum() input pins
    • the lower sink pin index number means the lower frame z order, that is, the higher sink pin index frame shown in top of lower ones
  2. 修改camera窗口的位置及大小

    mImgTexMixer.setRenderRect(mIdxCamera, top, left, width, height, 1.0f);
    mImgTexPreviewMixer.setRenderRect(mIdxCamera, top, left, width, height, 1.0f);
3. 修改连麦窗口的位置及大小  
      mImgTexMixer.setRenderRect(mIdxVideoSub, top, left, width, height, 1.0f);
      mImgTexPreviewMixer.setRenderRect(mIdxVideoSub, top, left, width, height, 1.0f);