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Static Resource

A Concourse resource to expose static information from its source configuration as a directory. Used to pass information that shouldn't go in params to tasks.

To use this resource in a pipeline ensure that the resource_types section has this information:

- name: static
  type: docker-image
  source: { repository: ktchen14/static-resource }

Source Configuration

The source configuration is a mapping of arbitrary names to values. For example:

  message: |
    This is a very long message that I want to pass to a task ...
  hint: This is a similarly verbose hint that I want to send

Any data that should be hidden from the Concourse UI when this resource is used should be specified like:

  username: my-username
    public: "<<hidden>>"
    secret: my-password

Where secret is the item's actual value and public is the value to show in the Concourse UI. Note that public is optional and defaults to [redacted].


check: Return an identifier for the source configuration

The source configuration is read and a stable base 16 encoded SHA1 hash is derived; the hash remains constant so long as the source configuration remains semantically unchanged.

in: Output each item in the source configuration

Each item in the source configuration will become a file in the resource's output directory. For example this configuration:

- name: static-secret
  type: static
    username: my-username
      public: "<<hidden>>"
      secret: my-password

When this step is executed:

- get: static-secret

Will produce the output directory where the content of each file is in ():

├── username (my-username)
└── password (my-password)

And the written data will be reproduced in the Concourse UI with my-password replaced by <<hidden>>.