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KubeArmor manual tests before releases

Rahul Jadhav edited this page Jul 31, 2023 · 4 revisions

📄 Documenting KubeArmor release tests

The documentation provides the tests for KubeArmor which should be performed before creating a new KubeArmor release.

📜 Environment to be tested:

  • BottleRocket - BPF-LSM
    • Apparmor
    • BPF LSM
  • RHEL (certain BPF_LSM primitives are not available on RHEL)

📜 Things to be tested:

🛡️ Enforcement - Apparmor, BPF-LSM

👀 Observability

Workload: wordpress-mysql Wordpress-mysql deployment
Security policies: KubeArmor/examples/wordpress-mysql/security-policies

For observability apply the respective policies and check karmor logs for corresponding logs.

  • 🛑 Block policy - Expected alert + Block enforcement for the resource mentioned in the policy
  • 🔍 Audit policy -
    • If Visibility enabled :- Expected alert but no enforcement
    • else :- No alert and no enforcement
  • 👍 Allow policy - Expect alerts only for the resource(s) not mentioned in the policy
    • Default posture - If it’s set to audit (that’s default) then for an applied Allow policy, we shouldn't be blocking other processes, instead we should get Audit alerts
      NOTE: In either case, you'll get alerts only when visibility is enabled

📈 Performance analysis:

Note down KubeArmor’s CPU and memory usages with and without load. (kubectl top)
This will help us in comparing KubeArmor’s performance among different releases.

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