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Document flow improvements, expanded on Jupyter usage (#120)
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* Documentation flow improvements, added example for Jupyter.

* More documentation fixes, added information about the inception endpoint.

* Need to find a container that contains the inception_client to test.
  • Loading branch information
elsonrodriguez authored and jlewi committed Jan 16, 2018
1 parent ba78f90 commit 8f3463c
Showing 1 changed file with 85 additions and 39 deletions.
124 changes: 85 additions & 39 deletions
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@@ -1,21 +1,26 @@
# Using Kubeflow
# Using Kubeflow

If you are unfamiliar with ksonnet you may want to start by reading the [tutorial](
This guide will walk you through the basics of deploying and interacting with Kubeflow. A basic understanding of Kubernetes, Tensorflow, and Ksonnet are useful in understanding the contents of this guide.

## Requirements
* [Kubernetes](
* [Tensorflow](
* [Ksonnet](

* ksonnet version [0.8.0]( or later.
* See [below](#why-kubeflow-uses-ksonnet) for an explanation of why we use ksonnet
* Kubernetes >= 1.8 [see here](
## Requirements
* Kubernetes >= 1.8 [see here](
* ksonnet version [0.8.0]( or later. (See [below](#why-kubeflow-uses-ksonnet) for an explanation of why we use ksonnet)

## Deploy Kubeflow

Initialize a directory to contain your deployment
We will be using Ksonnet to deploy kubeflow into your cluster.

Initialize a directory to contain your ksonnet application.

ks init my-kubeflow

Install the Kubeflow packages
Install the Kubeflow packages into your application.

cd my-kubeflow
Expand All @@ -25,7 +30,6 @@ ks pkg install kubeflow/tf-serving
ks pkg install kubeflow/tf-job

Create the Kubeflow core component. The core component includes
* JupyterHub
* TensorFlow job controller
Expand All @@ -36,45 +40,46 @@ NAMESPACE=kubeflow
kubectl create namespace ${NAMESPACE}
ks generate core kubeflow-core --name=kubeflow-core --namespace=${NAMESPACE}
* Feel free to change the namespace to value that better suits your environment.
* Feel free to change the namespace to a value that better suits your kubernetes cluster.

Ksonnet allows us to parameterize the Kubeflow deployment according to our needs. We will define two environments: nocloud, and cloud.

Define an environment that doesn't use any Cloud features
* This environment could be used for minikube or a full K8s cluster that doesn't depend on a cloud features.

ks env add nocloud
ks env add cloud

The default Kubeflow deployment will be suitable for this no cloud environment so you can just deploy the core components
The `nocloud` environment can be used for minikube or other basic k8s clusters, the `cloud` environment will be used for GKE in this guide.

If using GKE, we can configure our cloud environment to use GCP features with a single parameter:

ks apply nocloud -c kubeflow-core
ks param set kubeflow-core cloud gke --env=cloud

If the user is running on a Cloud they could create an environment for this.
Now let's set `${KF_ENV}` to `cloud` or `nocloud` to reflect our environment for the rest of the guide:

ks env add cloud
ks param set kubeflow-core cloud gke --env=cloud
* The cloud parameter triggers a set of curated cloud configs.
$ KF_ENV=cloud|nocloud

They can then deploy to this environment
And apply the components to our Kubernetes cluster

ks apply cloud -c kubeflow-core
ks apply ${KF_ENV} -c kubeflow-core

At any time you can inspect the manifests for a particular component using `ks show` e.g
At any time you can inspect the kubernetes objects definitions for a particular ksonnet component using `ks show` e.g

ks show cloud -c kubeflow-core
ks show ${KF_ENV} -c kubeflow-core

### Bringing up a Notebook

Once you've deployed JupyterHub, a load balancer service is created. You can check its existence using the kubectl command line.
The kubeflow-core component deployed JupyterHub and a corresponding load balancer service. You can check its status using the kubectl command line.

kubectl get svc
Expand All @@ -95,21 +100,53 @@ http://xx.yy.zz.ww:31942

For some cloud deployments, the LoadBalancer service may take up to five minutes display an external IP address. Re-executing `kubectl get svc` repeatedly will eventually show the external IP field populated.

Once you have an external IP, you can proceed to visit that in your browser. The hub by default is configured to take any username/password combination. After entering the username and password, you can start a single-notebook server,
request any resources (memory/CPU/GPU), and then proceed to perform single node training.
Once you have an external IP, you can proceed to visit that in your browser. You should see a sign in prompt.

We also ship standard docker images that you can use for training Tensorflow models with Jupyter.
1. Sign in using any username/password
1. Click the "Start My Server" button, you will be greeted by a dialog screen.
1. Set the image to `` or `` depending on whether doing CPU or GPU training, or whether or not you have GPUs in your cluster.
1. Allocate memory, CPU, GPU, or other resources according to your need (1 CPU and 2Gi of Memory are good starting points)
1. Click Spawn
1. Eventually you should now be greeted with a Jupyter interface. Note that the GPU image is several gigabytes in size and may take a few minutes to download and start.

The image supplied above can be used for training Tensorflow models with Jupyter. The images include all the requisite plugins, including [Tensorboard]( that you can use for rich visualizations and insights into your models.

In the spawn window, when starting a new Jupyter instance, you can supply one of the above images to get started, depending on whether
you want to run on CPUs or GPUs. The images include all the requisite plugins, including [Tensorboard]( that you can use for rich visualizations and insights into your models.
Note that GPU-based image is several gigabytes in size and may take a few minutes to localize.
To test the install, we can run a basic hello world (adapted from []( )

Also, when running on Google Kubernetes Engine, the public IP address will be exposed to the internet and is an
unsecured endpoint by default. For a production deployment with SSL and authentication, refer to the [documentation](components/jupyterhub).
from tensorflow.examples.tutorials.mnist import input_data
mnist = input_data.read_data_sets("MNIST_data/", one_hot=True)
import tensorflow as tf
x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 784])
W = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([784, 10]))
b = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([10]))
y = tf.nn.softmax(tf.matmul(x, W) + b)
y_ = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 10])
cross_entropy = tf.reduce_mean(-tf.reduce_sum(y_ * tf.log(y), reduction_indices=[1]))
train_step = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(0.05).minimize(cross_entropy)
sess = tf.InteractiveSession()
for _ in range(1000):
batch_xs, batch_ys = mnist.train.next_batch(100), feed_dict={x: batch_xs, y_: batch_ys})
correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.argmax(y,1), tf.argmax(y_,1))
accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, tf.float32))
print(, feed_dict={x: mnist.test.images, y_: mnist.test.labels}))

Paste the example into a new Python 3 Jupyter notebook and execute the code, this should result in a 0.9014 accuracy result against the test data.

Please note that when running on most cloud providers, the public IP address will be exposed to the internet and is an
unsecured endpoint by default. For a production deployment with SSL and authentication, refer to the [documentation](components/jupyterhub).

### Serve a model

Expand All @@ -124,12 +161,22 @@ MODEL_PATH=gs://cloud-ml-dev_jlewi/tmp/inception
ks generate tf-serving ${MODEL_COMPONENT} --name=${MODEL_NAME} --namespace=${NAMESPACE} --model_path=${MODEL_PATH}

Deploy it in a particular environment. The deployment will pick up environment parameters (e.g. cloud) and customize the deployment appropriately
Deploy the model component. Ksonnet will pick up existing parameters for your environment (e.g. cloud, nocloud) and customize the resulting deployment appropriately

ks apply ${KF_ENV} -c ${MODEL_COMPONENT}

As before, a few pods and services have been created in your cluster. You can get the inception serving endpoint by querying kubernetes:

ks apply cloud -c ${MODEL_COMPONENT}
kubectl get svc inception
inception LoadBalancer ww.xx.yy.zz 9000:30936/TCP 28m

In this example, you should be able to use the inception_client to hit ww.xx.yy.zz:9000

### Submiting a TensorFlow training job

We treat each TensorFlow job as a [component]( in your APP.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -162,8 +209,7 @@ to directly edit the `params.libsonnet` file directly.
To run your job

ks apply ${ENVIRONMENT} -c ${JOB_NAME}
ks apply ${KF_ENV} -c ${JOB_NAME}

For information on monitoring your job please refer to the [TfJob docs](
Expand All @@ -182,7 +228,7 @@ ks generate tf-cnn ${CNN_JOB_NAME} --name=${CNN_JOB_NAME} --namespace=${NAMESPAC
Submit it

ks apply ${ENVIRONMENT} -c ${CNN_JOB_NAME}
ks apply ${KF_ENV} -c ${CNN_JOB_NAME}

The prototype provides a bunch of parameters to control how the job runs (e.g. use GPUs run distributed etc...). To see a list of paramets
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