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prksu committed Feb 13, 2020
1 parent 55be3dd commit 072ab36
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149 changes: 57 additions & 92 deletions
@@ -1,116 +1,81 @@
# Contributing guidelines
# Contributing Guidelines
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This document contains guidelines for contributing to the `cluster-api-provider-digitalocean` project.

## Code Style Guidelines
- [Contributor License Agreements](#contributor-license-agreements)
- [Finding Things That Need Help](#finding-things-that-need-help)
- [Contributing a Patch](#contributing-a-patch)
- [Backporting a Patch](#backporting-a-patch)
- [Merge Approval](#merge-approval)
- [Google Doc Viewing Permissions](#google-doc-viewing-permissions)
- [Issue and Pull Request Management](#issue-and-pull-request-management)

In order for the pull request to get accepted the code must pass `gofmt`, `govet` and `gometalinter` checks. You can run all checks by invoking `make check`.
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## Dependency Management
Read the following guide if you're interested in contributing to cluster-api-provider-digitalocean.

This project uses [`dep`]( for dependency management. Before pushing the code to GitHub, make sure your vendor directory is in sync by running `dep ensure` or otherwise CI will fail.
## Contributor License Agreements

## Testing
We'd love to accept your patches! Before we can take them, we have to jump a couple of legal hurdles.

Unit tests can be run by invoking `make test-unit`. Integration and End-to-End tests are currently not implemented.
Please fill out either the individual or corporate Contributor License Agreement (CLA). More information about the CLA
and instructions for signing it [can be found here](

## Building
***NOTE***: Only original source code from you and other people that have signed the CLA can be accepted into the

The following Make targets can be used to build controllers:
## Finding Things That Need Help

* `all` runs code generation, `dep ensure`, builds `machine-controller`, `cluster-controller` and `clusterctl` binaries, as well as builds `machine-controller` and `cluster-controller` Docker images
* `compile` compiles `clusterctl`, `machine-controller` and `cluster-controller`, and stores them in the `./bin` directory
* `install` compiles `clusterctl`, `machine-controller` and `cluster-controller`, and stores them in the `$GOPTAH/bin` directory
If you're new to the project and want to help, but don't know where to start, we have a semi-curated list of issues that
should not need deep knowledge of the system. [Have a look and see if anything sounds
Alternatively, read some of the docs on other controllers and try to write your own, file and fix any/all issues that
come up, including gaps in documentation!

## Versioning
## Contributing a Patch

This project follows [semantic versioning 2.0.0](
1. If you haven't already done so, sign a Contributor License Agreement (see details above).
1. Fork the desired repo, develop and test your code changes.
1. Submit a pull request.

GitHub releases follow notation of `v0.x.y`. Docker images doesn't have the `v` prefix, e.g. `0.x.y`. Development versions of Docker images have the `-dev` suffix.
All changes must be code reviewed. Coding conventions and standards are explained in the official [developer
docs]( Expect reviewers to request that you
avoid common [go style mistakes]( in your PRs.

## Docker Images
## Backporting a Patch

We host the following images on ``:
Cluster API maintains older versions through `release-X.Y` branches. We accept backports of bug fixes to the most recent
release branch. For example, if the most recent branch is `release-0.2`, and the `master` branch is under active
development for v0.3.0, a bug fix that merged to `master` that also affects `v0.2.x` may be considered for backporting
to `release-0.2`. We generally do not accept PRs against older release branches.

* [``](
* [``](
### Merge Approval

### Building images locally
Please see the [Kubernetes community document on pull
requests]( for more information about the merge

The `make images` and `make images-dev` commands can be used to build Docker images locally. The `images-dev` target build a development version of the image, annotated with the `-dev` suffix.
### Google Doc Viewing Permissions

### Pushing images to ``
To gain viewing permissions to google docs in this project, please join either the
[kubernetes-dev](!forum/kubernetes-dev) or
[kubernetes-sig-cluster-lifecycle](!forum/kubernetes-sig-cluster-lifecycle) google

The `make push` and `make push-dev` targets build images and then push them to `` repositories used by the project.
### Issue and Pull Request Management

**NOTE:** Make sure to set appropriate tag name for images in [`machine-controller`](./cmd/machine-controller/Makefile) and in [`cluster-controller`](./cmd/cluster-controller/Makefile) Makefiles, so you don't overwrite existing images!
Anyone may comment on issues and submit reviews for pull requests. However, in order to be assigned an issue or pull
request, you must be a member of the [Kubernetes SIGs]( GitHub organization.

## Release process
If you are a Kubernetes GitHub organization member, you are eligible for membership in the Kubernetes SIGs GitHub
organization and can request membership by [opening an
against the kubernetes/org repo.

This section of the document describes how to handle the release process. Releasing new version of Cluster-API provider for DigitalOcean requires write access to GitHub and repositories.
However, if you are a member of any of the related Kubernetes GitHub organizations but not of the Kubernetes org, you
will need explicit sponsorship for your membership request. You can read more about Kubernetes membership and
sponsorship [here](

### Creating tag

The first step is to create a new Git tag and then push it to GitHub. The following Git command creates new tag based on current branch/latest commit:

git tag -as v0.x.y -m "Release v0.x.y of Cluster API provider for DigitalOcean"

If you want to specify the commit hash to be used for the tag, you can use command such as:

git tag -as v0.x.y <short-commit-hash> -m "Release v0.x.y of Cluster API provider for DigitalOcean"

Once the tag is created you need to push it to GitHub, such as:

git push --tags

### Building binaries

The next step is to build and compress binaries that will be uploaded to GitHub. Note that only `clusterctl` binaries are uploaded to GitHub, while `machine-controller` and `cluster-controller` are only published as Docker images.

#### Building MacOS `clusterctl` binary

# Build MacOS 64-bit clusterctl binary
GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -a -ldflags '-extldflags "-static"' -o ./release/clusterctl

# Create tarball
tar -czf ./release/clusterctl-darwin-amd64.tar.gz clusterctl

#### Building Linux `clusterctl` binary

# Build Linux 64-bit clusterctl binary
GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -a -ldflags '-extldflags "-static"' -o ./release/clusterctl-linux-amd64
# Create tarball
tar -czf ./release/clusterctl-linux-amd64.tar.gz clusterctl

### Pushing Docker Images

The Docker images can be pushed by invoking `make push`.

**NOTE:** Make sure to set appropriate tag name for images in [`machine-controller`](./cmd/machine-controller/Makefile) and in [`cluster-controller`](./cmd/cluster-controller/Makefile) Makefiles, so you don't overwrite existing images!

### Creating GitHub release

The last step is to create a GitHub release and push `clusterctl` binaries to GitHub.

To learn about GitHub Releases, check out the [official GitHub Releases documentation](

#### Writing Release Notes

When creating a release, you need to specify the release notes for that release. The release notes should include:

- Changelog, which can be generated using [`gchl`](
- List of Docker images that are relevant to the release
- SHA256 checksums of tarballs

[The following example]( can be used while writing release notes.
Cluster API maintainers can assign you an issue or pull request by leaving a `/assign <your Github ID>` comment on the
issue or pull request.

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