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Releases: kubernetes-sigs/node-feature-discovery-operator


21 Mar 14:38
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See our Documentation for detailed instructions and reference

Release image :


  • Support HELM chart deployment #174
  • Enable automated Prune via CRD NodeFeatureDiscoveries #187
  • Bump NFD-O go to 1.20 #181
  • go.mod: update kubernetes to v1.26.2 #182
  • scripts/test-infra: bump golangci-lint to v1.51.2 #183
  • dockerfile: builder image configurable through a Makefile variable. #173
  • Update README to be more welcoming #172
  • Include the operator-sdk bundle as repo payload #175
  • Dockerfile: define numeric user to run unprivileged #177
  • README: fix documentation link #178


07 Jun 12:15
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See our Documentation for detailed instructions and reference

Release image :


  • Align with k8s-sigs nomenclature #132
  • Enable make bundle #130
  • Enable --version flag #131
  • Bump Go to 1.18 #135
  • Makefile: use go install to get binaries #136
  • scripts/test-infra: bump golangci-lint to v1.45.2 #139
  • Run nfd-master as Deployment #141
  • Dockerfile: update builder image to Go v1.18.1 #142
  • Update kubebuilder crd generation #143
  • Update kubebuilder rbac #144
  • clusterserviceversion: fix nfd cr example #153
  • controller: fix nfd-master cmdline args #151
  • Minor updates to kustomize set image #155
  • build/assets comply to restricted pod security level #156
  • Swap default image to Minimal #157


16 May 13:16
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Fixed a bug in extraLabelNs by removing the quoting of the arg values which effectively
make all of them broken.

Fixed at #148


17 Feb 20:32
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release0.4 has an error on the RBAC config of the nfd-master, preventing it from watching the newly added CRD's

fixed at #129


17 Feb 14:44
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See our Documentation for detailed instructions and reference

Release image :

Major changes:

  • Now supporting multiple CRD's
    • NodeFeatureDiscovery
    • NodeFeatureRules
    • NodeResourceTopology
  • NodeFeatureDiscovery CR instance status is now reported under status field
  • NodeFeatureDiscovery CR has metadata.Finalizer = foreground-deletion


  • Drop operand.namespace from NodeFeatureDiscoveries CRD #115
  • Enable TopologyUpdater worker deployment #116
  • Enable Status report to the CR instance #117
  • Enable Finalizers for the CR instance #117
  • Add new CRD's NodeResourceTopology and NodeFeatureRules #119
  • Update dependencies to latest stable as of release cut date #120

List of PR's:


26 Oct 17:50
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See our Documentation for detailed instructions and reference

Release image :

Major changes:

  • Updated logging to klogv2
  • Now using operator SDK 1.4.2, that brings KUSTOMIZE as a default way of deploying the operator
  • Makefile now looks similar to Operand NFD project
  • Documentation via GitHub pages now available, and back ported to 0.2 release!
  • Adds supports for latest features on NFD V0.9, including added support for Core-Config
  • Updated dependencies, now using Kubernetes 1.22 and Go 1.17

List of PR's:

  • Enable service DNS for nfd-master #45
  • Update gogo/protobuf and #46
  • Update to Operator sdkv1.4.2 #47
  • Minor fixes after upgrading operator sdk #57
  • Assets/worker: do not user host network #52
  • Bump go version to 1.16 #55
  • Add support for NFD-Master instance flag #56
  • Use upstream image #58
  • Sync Makefile with NFD Operand #59
  • Add support for Core-Config #60
  • Add kustomize patch for ClusterRole #61
  • Add kustomize rule for commonAnnotations on CRD #62
  • Add serviceport var to CRD #63
  • Provide a way to push the operator bundle #69
  • Make Instance and WorkerConfig optional by default #70
  • Add support for config IMAGE_TAG and rbac proxy image #76
  • Add support for extra-label-ns, label-whitelist, resource-labels #77
  • Add BASE_IMAGE_FULL build arg #78
  • rbac: grant node/status update permission to manager and master #79
  • Use apimachinery error library to check for missing nfd instance #80
  • Add minimal image #82
  • Bump Dockerfile to go 1.16.7 #83
  • Add logic to set the operator's status in the NFD CR #88
  • Clean up SCC OpenShift deps #89
  • Drop pkq folder #90
  • scripts/test-infra: bump golangci-lint to v1.42.1 #92
  • Migrate loggin to klogv2
  • go.mod: update controller-runtime to v0.10.2 #95
  • Bump go to 1.17 #96
  • Update operand to v0.9.0 #97

Documentation changes

  • Host documentation in github pages #50
  • Create a minimum documentation page #68
  • docs: show full version number in sidebar #71
  • backports: documentation wireframe for release-0.2 branch #72
  • scripts/github/update-gh-pages: tolerate non-annotated tags #73
  • Backport documentation pages #75
  • Enhance in source documentation #87
  • docs: update build dependencies #98


14 Dec 20:24
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For deployment and usage instructions see the Project README



  • NFD v0.7.0 (#40)
  • Dependencies to kubernetes 1.19 and GO 1.15 (#35)
  • Expanded CRD now exposes nfd-worker-conf so it can be dynamically modified. (#39)
  • Added support for master:worker type of nodes, being used in edge deployments (#37)
  • Enable NFD operator to deploy nfd-worker pods on nodes labeled other than "" (#31)