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File metadata and controls

73 lines (58 loc) · 4.85 KB

Ingress Annotations

This file defines a list of annotations which are supported by various Ingress controllers (both those based on the common ingress code, and alternative implementations). The intention is to ensure the maximum amount of compatibility between different implementations.

All annotations are assumed to be prefixed with except where otherwise specified. There is no attempt to record implementation-specific annotations using other prefixes. (Traefik in particular defines several of its own annotations which are not described here, and does not seem to support any of the standard annotations.)



Name Meaning
ssl-passthrough Pass TLS connections directly to backend; do not offload. Default false. (nginx, haproxy)
ssl-redirect Redirect non-TLS requests to TLS when TLS is enabled. Default true. (nginx, haproxy, trafficserver)
force-ssl-redirect Redirect non-TLS requests to TLS even when TLS is not configured. Default false. (nginx, trafficserver).
secure-backends Use TLS to communicate with origin (pods). Default false. (nginx, haproxy, trafficserver) Whether to accept non-TLS HTTP connections. (gce)
hsts-max-age Set an HSTS header with this lifetime. (trafficserver)
hsts-include-subdomains Add includeSubdomains to the HSTS header. (trafficserver)

Authentication related

Name Meaning
auth-type Authentication type: basic, digest, ... (nginx, haproxy, trafficserver)
auth-secret Secret name for authentication. (nginx, haproxy, trafficserver)
auth-realm Authentication realm. (nginx, haproxy, trafficserver)
auth-tls-secret Name of secret for TLS client certification validation. (nginx, haproxy)
auth-tls-verify-depth Maximum chain length of TLS client certificate. (nginx)
auth-satisfy Behaviour when more than one of auth-type, auth-tls-secret or whitelist-source-range are configured: all (default) or any. (trafficserver)
whitelist-source-range Comma-separate list of IP addresses to restrict access to. (nginx, haproxy, trafficserver)

URL related

Name Meaning
app-root Redirect requests without a path (i.e., for /) to this location. (nginx, haproxy, trafficserver)
rewrite-target Replace matched Ingress path with this value. (nginx, trafficserver)
add-base-url Add <base> tag to HTML. (nginx)
preserve-host Whether to pass the client request host (true) or the origin hostname (false) in the HTTP Host field. (trafficserver)


Name Meaning
configuration-snippet Arbitrary text to put in the generated configuration file. (nginx)
enable-cors Enable CORS headers in response. (nginx)
limit-connections Limit concurrent connections per IP address[1]. (nginx)
limit-rps Limit requests per second per IP address[1]. (nginx)
affinity Specify a method to stick clients to origins across requests. Found in nginx, where the only supported value is cookie. (nginx)
session-cookie-name When affinity is set to cookie, the name of the cookie to use. (nginx)
session-cookie-hash When affinity is set to cookie, the hash algorithm used: md5, sha, index. (nginx)
proxy-body-size Maximum request body size. (nginx, haproxy)
follow-redirects Follow HTTP redirects in the response and deliver the redirect target to the client. (trafficserver)

[1] The documentation for the nginx controller says that only one of limit-connections or limit-rps may be specified; it's not clear why this is.


Name Meaning
cache-enable Cache responses according to Expires or Cache-Control headers (trafficserver)
cache-generation An arbitrary numeric value included in the cache key; changing this effectively clears the cache for this ingress. (trafficserver)
cache-ignore-query-params Space-separate list of globs matching URL parameters to ignore when doing cache lookups. (trafficserver)
cache-whitelist-query-params Ignore any URL parameters not in this whitespace-separate list of globs. (trafficserver)
cache-sort-query-params Lexically sort the query parameters by name before cache lookup. (trafficserver)
cache-ignore-cookies Requests containing a Cookie: header will not use the cache unless all the cookie names match this whitespace-separate list of globs. (trafficserver)