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Merge pull request #93889 from claudiubelu/test-images/switch-to-buildx
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Test images: switch to buildx
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k8s-ci-robot committed Oct 17, 2020
2 parents 0ec3ad4 + 0d24b05 commit c1a781c
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Showing 16 changed files with 297 additions and 249 deletions.
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions test/images/Makefile
Expand Up @@ -33,10 +33,11 @@ endif
all: all-container

./ build $(WHAT)
./ build $(WHAT) "docker"

all-push: all-container
./ push $(WHAT)
bash -x ./ build $(WHAT) "registry"
bash -x ./ push $(WHAT)

./ build_and_push ${WHAT}
Expand Down
132 changes: 41 additions & 91 deletions test/images/
Expand Up @@ -11,80 +11,18 @@ new images, test the changes made, promote the newly built staging images.

## Prerequisites

In order to build the docker test images, a Linux node is required. The node will require `make`
and `docker (version 18.06.0 or newer)`. Manifest lists were introduced in 18.03.0, but 18.06.0
is recommended in order to avoid certain issues.
In order to build the docker test images, a Linux node is required. The node will require `make`,
`docker (version 19.03.0 or newer)`, and ``docker buildx``, which will be used to build multiarch
images, as well as Windows images. In order to properly build multiarch and Windows images, some
initialization is required:

The node must be able to push the images to the desired container registry, make sure you are
authenticated with the registry you're pushing to.

Windows Container images are not built by default, since they cannot be built on Linux. For
that, a Windows node with Docker installed and configured for remote management is required.

### Windows node(s) setup

In order to build the Windows container images, a node with Windows 10 or Windows Server 2019
with the latest updates installed is required. The node will have to have Docker installed,
preferably version 18.06.0 or newer.

Keep in mind that the Windows node might not be able to build container images for newer OS versions
than itself (even with `--isolation=hyperv`), so keeping the node up to date and / or upgrading it
to the latest Windows Server edition is ideal.

Windows test images must be built for Windows Server 2019 (1809) and Windows Server 1903, thus,
if the node does not have Hyper-V enabled, or it is not supported, multiple Windows nodes are required,
one per OS version.

Additionally, remote management must be configured for the node's Docker daemon. Exposing the
Docker daemon without requiring any authentication is not recommended, and thus, it must be
configured with TLS to ensure that only authorised people can interact with it. For this, the
following `powershell` script can be executed:

mkdir .docker
docker run --isolation=hyperv --user=ContainerAdministrator --rm `
-e SERVER_NAME=$(hostname) `
-v "c:\programdata\docker:c:\programdata\docker" `
-v "$env:USERPROFILE\.docker:c:\users\containeradministrator\.docker" stefanscherer/dockertls-windows:2.5.5
# restart the Docker daemon.
Restart-Service docker

For more information about the above commands, you can check [here](

A firewall rule to allow connections to the Docker daemon is necessary:

New-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName 'Docker SSL Inbound' -Profile @('Domain', 'Public', 'Private') -Direction Inbound -Action Allow -Protocol TCP -LocalPort 2376

If your Windows build node is hosted by a cloud provider, make sure the port `2376` is open for the node.
For example, in Azure, this is done by running the following command:

az vm open-port -g GROUP-NAME -n NODE-NAME --port 2376

The `ca.pem`, `cert.pem`, and `key.pem` files that can be found in `$env:USERPROFILE\.docker`
will have to copied to the `~/.docker-${os_version)/` on the Linux build node, where `${os_version}`
is `1809` or `1903`.

scp.exe -r $env:USERPROFILE\.docker ubuntu@YOUR_LINUX_BUILD_NODE:/home/ubuntu/.docker-$os_version

After all this, the Linux build node should be able to connect to the Windows build node:

docker --tlsverify --tlscacert ~/.docker-${os_version}/ca.pem --tlscert ~/.docker-${os_version}/cert.pem --tlskey ~/.docker-${os_version}/key.pem -H "$REMOTE_DOCKER_URL" version
docker run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static --reset -p yes
docker buildx create --name img-builder --use
docker buildx inspect --bootstrap

For more information and troubleshooting about enabling Docker remote management, see

Finally, the node must be able to push the images to the desired container registry, make sure you are
The node must be able to push the images to the desired container registry, make sure you are
authenticated with the registry you're pushing to.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -136,6 +74,38 @@ The images are built through `make`. Since some images (e.g.: `busybox`) are use
other images, it is recommended to build them first, if needed.

### Windows test images considerations

Ideally, the same `Dockerfile` can be used to build both Windows and Linux images. However, that isn't
always possible. If a different `Dockerfile` is needed for an image, it should be named `Dockerfile_windows`.
When building, `` will first check for this file name when building Windows images.

The building process uses `docker buildx` to build both Windows and Linux images, but there are a few
limitations when it comes to the Windows images:

- The Dockerfile can have multiple stages, including Windows and Linux stages for the same image, but
the Windows stage cannot have any `RUN` commands (see the agnhost's `Dockerfile_windows` as an example).
- The Windows stage cannot have any `WORKDIR` commands due to a bug (
- When copying Windows symlink files to a Windows image, `docker buildx` changes the symlink target,
prepending `Files\` to them ( (for example, the symlink
target `C:\bin\busybox.exe` becomes `Files\C:\bin\busybox.exe`). This can be avoided by having symlink
targets with relative paths and having the target duplicated (for example, the symlink target
`busybox.exe` becomes `Files\busybox.exe` when copied, so the binary `C:\bin\Files\busybox.exe`
should exist in order for the symlink to be used correctly). See the busybox's `Dockerfile_windows` as
an example.
- `docker buildx` overwrites the image's PATH environment variable to a Linux PATH environment variable,
which won't work properly on Windows. See
- The base image for all the Windows images is nanoserver, which is ~10 times smaller than Windows Servercore.
Most binaries added to the image will work out of the box, but some will not due to missing dependencies
(**atention**: the image will still build successfully, even if the added binaries will not work).
For example, `coredns.exe` requires `netapi32.dll`, which cannot be found on a nanoserver image, but
we can copy it from a servercore image (see the agnhost image's `Dockerfile_windows` file as an example).
A good rule of thumb is to use 64-bit applications instead of 32-bit as they have fewer dependencies.
You can determine what dependencies are missing by running `procmon.exe` on the container's host
(make sure that process isolation is used, not Hyper-V isolation).
[This]( is a useful guide on how to use `procmon.exe`.

## Building images

The images are built through `make`. Since some images (`agnhost`) are used as a base for other images,
Expand All @@ -160,14 +130,6 @@ registry. That can changed by running this command instead:
REGISTRY=foo_registry make all-push WHAT=agnhost

In order to also include Windows Container images into the final manifest lists, the `REMOTE_DOCKER_URL` argument
in the form `tcp://[host]:[port][path]` (for more details, see [here]([]/))
will also have to be specified:

REMOTE_DOCKER_URL_1909=remote_docker_url_1909 REMOTE_DOCKER_URL_1903=remote_docker_url_1903 REMOTE_DOCKER_URL_1809=remote_docker_url_1809 REGISTRY=foo_registry make all-push WHAT=test-webserver

*NOTE* (for test `` image publishers): Some tests (e.g.: `should serve a basic image on each replica with a private image`)
require the `agnhost` image to be published in an authenticated repo as well:

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -215,15 +177,3 @@ After all the above has been done, run the desired tests.
sudo chmod o+x /etc/docker

`nc` is being used by some E2E tests, which is why we are including a Linux-like `nc.exe` into the Windows `busybox` image. The image could fail to build during that step with an error that looks like this:

re-exec error: exit status 1: output: time="..." level=error msg="hcsshim::ImportLayer failed in Win32: The system cannot find the path specified. (0x3) path=\\\\?\\C:\\ProgramData\\...

The issue is caused by the Windows Defender which is removing the `nc.exe` binary from the filesystem. For more details on this issue, see [here]( To fix this, you can simply run the following powershell command to temporarily disable Windows Defender:

Set-MpPreference -DisableRealtimeMonitoring $true
43 changes: 26 additions & 17 deletions test/images/agnhost/Dockerfile_windows
Expand Up @@ -14,7 +14,23 @@

FROM $REGISTRY/windows-image-builder-helper:1.0 as helper

# We're using a Linux image to unpack the archives, then we're copying them over to Windows.
FROM --platform=linux/amd64 alpine:3.6 as prep

ADD /coredns.tgz

# we're also creating an empty /uploads folder, which we're copying over to Windows because
# we can't RUN commands on a Windows image.
RUN tar -xzvf /coredns.tgz &&\
unzip &&\
mv iperf-2.0.9-win64 iperf &&\
mkdir /uploads

FROM e2eteam/busybox-helper:1.29.0 as busybox-helper
FROM --platform=linux/amd64 $REGISTRY/windows-servercore-cache:1.0-linux-amd64-$OS_VERSION as servercore-helper

# from dnsutils image
Expand All @@ -26,20 +42,13 @@ FROM $BASEIMAGE
# - curl, nc: used by a lot of e2e tests (inherited from BASEIMAGE)
# from iperf image
# install necessary packages: iperf
COPY --from=helper /dig /dig
COPY --from=helper /Windows/System32/netapi32.dll /Windows/System32/netapi32.dll

RUN setx /M PATH "C:\dig\;%PATH%
RUN powershell -Command "\
curl.exe -L '' -o C:\coredns.tgz;\
tar.exe -xzvf C:\coredns.tgz;\
Remove-Item C:\coredns.tgz"
COPY --from=busybox-helper /dig /dig
COPY --from=servercore-helper /Windows/System32/netapi32.dll /Windows/System32/netapi32.dll
COPY --from=prep /coredns.exe /coredns.exe
COPY --from=prep /iperf /iperf

RUN powershell -Command "\
curl.exe -L '' -o C:\;\
Expand-Archive -Path C:\ -DestinationPath C:\ -Force;\
Rename-Item C:\iperf-2.0.9-win64 C:\iperf;\
Remove-Item C:\"
# NOTE(claudiub): docker buildx sets the PATH env variable to a Linux-like PATH, which is not desirable.
ENV PATH="C:\dig\;C:\bin\;C:\curl\;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Program Files\PowerShell;"

# PORT 80 needed by: test-webserver
# PORT 8080 needed by: netexec, nettest
Expand All @@ -48,7 +57,7 @@ RUN powershell -Command "\
EXPOSE 80 8080 8081 9376

# from netexec
RUN mkdir C:\uploads
COPY --from=prep /uploads /uploads

# from porter
ADD porter/localhost.crt localhost.crt
Expand All @@ -57,12 +66,12 @@ ADD porter/localhost.key localhost.key
# from mounttest
ADD mounttest/filePermissions.ps1 filePermissions.ps1

ADD agnhost agnhost
ADD agnhost /agnhost

# needed for the entrypoint-tester related tests. Some of the entrypoint-tester related tests
# overrides this image's entrypoint with agnhost-2 binary, and will verify that the correct
# entrypoint is used by the containers.
RUN mklink agnhost-2 agnhost
ADD agnhost /agnhost-2

ENTRYPOINT ["/agnhost"]
CMD ["pause"]
70 changes: 28 additions & 42 deletions test/images/busybox/Dockerfile_windows
Expand Up @@ -13,59 +13,45 @@
# limitations under the License.

from $BASEIMAGE as prep

ADD$PS_VERSION/PowerShell-$ /PowerShell/
ADD /netcat//
# We're using a Linux image to unpack the archive, then we're copying it over to Windows.
FROM --platform=linux/amd64 alpine:3.6 as prep

USER ContainerAdministrator
RUN expand /R /F:* . &\
cd C:\PowerShell &\
tar.exe -xf &\
del &\
mklink powershell.exe pwsh.exe &\
cd C:\netcat &\
tar.exe -xf &\
RUN mkdir /tmp-dir

FROM e2eteam/busybox-helper:1.29.0 as busybox-helper
FROM e2eteam/powershell-helper:6.2.7 as ps-helper

COPY --from=prep /curl/AMD64 /curl/CURL.LIC /curl/
COPY --from=prep ["/PowerShell", "/Program Files/PowerShell"]
COPY --from=prep /netcat/nc64.exe /bin/nc.exe
ADD /bin/busybox.exe
COPY --from=prep /tmp-dir /tmp
COPY --from=busybox-helper /bin /bin

# NOTE(claudiub): Unfortunately, docker buildx has some issues copying over Windows symlinks.
# "Files/" is always prepended to the symlink target. The symlinks themselves are relative paths,
# so, in order to make use of them, we can simply add a busybox binary to C:\bin\Files\busybox.exe.
COPY --from=busybox-helper /bin/busybox.exe /bin/Files/
COPY --from=busybox-helper /curl /curl
COPY --from=busybox-helper /netcat/nc64.exe /bin/nc.exe

# include powershell and its Module analysis cache.
COPY --from=ps-helper ["/PowerShell", "/Program Files/PowerShell"]

# NOTE(claudiub): For the same reason mentioned above, we have to copy pwsh.exe to Files/pwsh.exe
COPY --from=ps-helper ["/PowerShell/pwsh.exe", "/Program Files/PowerShell/Files/"]
COPY --from=ps-helper /Users/ContainerAdministrator/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/PowerShell/docker/ModuleAnalysisCache /Users/ContainerAdministrator/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/PowerShell/docker/ModuleAnalysisCache

ADD hostname /bin/hostname.exe

USER ContainerAdministrator
RUN FOR /f "tokens=*" %i IN ('C:\bin\busybox --list') DO mklink C:\bin\%i.exe C:\bin\busybox.exe
# Set the path
RUN setx /M PATH "C:\bin;C:\curl\;%PATH%;C:\Program Files\PowerShell;" &\
mkdir C:\tmp

# Copy PowerShell Core from the installer container
ENV ProgramFiles="C:\Program Files" \
# NOTE(claudiub): docker buildx sets the PATH env variable to a Linux-like PATH, which is not desirable.
ENV PATH="C:\bin;C:\curl;C:\Windows\System32;C:\Windows;C:\Program Files\PowerShell;" \
ProgramFiles="C:\Program Files" \
# set a fixed location for the Module analysis cache
LOCALAPPDATA="C:\Users\ContainerAdministrator\AppData\Local" \
PSModuleAnalysisCachePath="$LOCALAPPDATA\Microsoft\Windows\PowerShell\docker\ModuleAnalysisCache" \
PSModuleAnalysisCachePath="C:\Users\ContainerAdministrator\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\PowerShell\docker\ModuleAnalysisCache" \
# Persist %PSCORE% ENV variable for user convenience

# intialize powershell module cache
RUN powershell \
-NoLogo \
-NoProfile \
-Command " \
$stopTime = (get-date).AddMinutes(15); \
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' ; \
$ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' ; \
while(!(Test-Path -Path $env:PSModuleAnalysisCachePath)) { \
Write-Host "'Waiting for $env:PSModuleAnalysisCachePath'" ; \
if((get-date) -gt $stopTime) { throw 'timout expired'} \
Start-Sleep -Seconds 6 ; \
PSCORE="C:\Program Files\PowerShell\pwsh.exe"

ENTRYPOINT ["cmd.exe", "/s", "/c"]
33 changes: 7 additions & 26 deletions test/images/cloudbuild.yaml
Expand Up @@ -9,41 +9,22 @@ options:
substitution_option: ALLOW_LOOSE
machineType: 'N1_HIGHCPU_8'
- name:
- name: ''
entrypoint: 'bash'
# NOTE(claudiub): We need to get the ca.pem, cert.pem, key.pem files and put create the
# /certs/.docker-1809/, /certs/.docker-1903/, /certs/.docker-1909/ folders, which will contain the files.
- -c
- |
mkdir -p .docker-windows
gcloud secrets versions access latest --project=k8s-infra-prow-build-trusted --secret=windows-remote-docker_ca-pem > .docker-windows/ca.pem
gcloud secrets versions access latest --project=k8s-infra-prow-build-trusted --secret=windows-remote-docker_cert-pem > .docker-windows/cert.pem
gcloud secrets versions access latest --project=k8s-infra-prow-build-trusted --secret=windows-remote-docker_key-pem > .docker-windows/key.pem
cp -r .docker-windows /certs/.docker-1809
cp -r .docker-windows /certs/.docker-1903
cp -r .docker-windows /certs/.docker-1909
- name: 'certs'
path: '/certs'
- name: ''
entrypoint: make
dir: ./test/images/
- REMOTE_DOCKER_URL_1809=tcp://
- REMOTE_DOCKER_URL_1903=tcp://
- REMOTE_DOCKER_URL_1909=tcp://
- all-build-and-push
- name: 'certs'
path: '/certs'
- '-c'
- |
docker run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static --reset -p yes \
&& docker buildx create --name img-builder --use \
&& docker buildx inspect --bootstrap \
&& make all-build-and-push
# _GIT_TAG will be filled with a git-based tag for the image, of the form vYYYYMMDD-hash, and
# can be used as a substitution
Expand Down

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