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Kubernetes Deployment
Guides for deploying Tracetest Core in Kubernetes. Tracetest Core allows you to quickly build integration and end-to-end tests, powered by your OpenTelemetry traces.
trace-based testing
distributed tracing

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This guide walks you through deploying Tracetest Core in Kubernetes.

:::note This is an example of a production-ready deployment, but real-world deployments can vary significantly depending on desired performance and scale. This setup is ideal for CI/CD environments and QA teams working in shared environments. You can use a remote or local (minikube, kind, k3d, etc) cluster. :::

You have two options to install Tracetest Core in Kubernetes:

First, install Tracetest CLI following the instructions on Getting Started.

After installing the CLI, run:

tracetest server install
How do you want to run TraceTest? [type to search]:
  Using Docker Compose
> Using Kubernetes

Select Using Kubernetes and follow the instructions.

Tools required (installed if missing):

  • kubectl
  • Helm



  • tracetest Helm chart deployed in the tracetest (configurable) namespace.
  • OpenTelemetry Collector deployed in the tracetest (configurable) namespace, if selected.
  • PokeShop demo app deployed in the demo namespace, if selected.

How to start:

Once installed, you can get started by launching Tracetest:

kubectl port-forward svc/tracetest 11633

Then launch a browser to http://localhost:11633/.

First, be sure that you have Helm installed in your machine.

The Tracetest Helm charts are located here.

You can install them locally on your machine with the command:

helm repo add kubeshop
helm repo update

After that, you can install Tracetest with helm install:

helm install tracetest kubeshop/tracetest --namespace=tracetest --create-namespace

Or, generate a manifest file and apply it manually in your Kubernetes cluster:

helm template tracetest kubeshop/tracetest > tracetest-kubernetes-manifests.yaml
kubectl apply -f ./tracetest-kubernetes-manifests.yaml

For more configuration options, visit the configuration docs.