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Evatro Assignment



This project represent a web service that returns the current temperature of a given city name.

When initializing this project, it takes the values from a JSON file and writes these values to the database. If the requested value is available, the response value is returned; if the data is not available, null is returned. JSON file content is as follows.

[{"Name":"Istanbul","Temperature":"8","Unit":8},{"Name":"Prag","Temperature":"10","Unit":8},{"Name":"Los Angeles","Temperature":"9","Unit":8},{"Name":"Kiev","Temperature":"-5","Unit":8}]

Test For Production

  • This project was deployed to the production environment with Heroku. You can test the project in a live environment.
  • You can send a request to the live environment and receive a response by running the following curl requests in the browser.
curl --location ''
curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "query": "Istanbul"

Test For Local

  • Clone or download the repository to your computer. You can clone the repositories following command.
git clone
  • Go to the folder where the application is located via terminal.

  • Before the running, please make sure Java 17 and mvn installed on your local computer. You can start the application locally on your computer as following command.

mvn clean install && java -jar target/evatro-assignment-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
  • After installing and running the application locally, you can make requests using the following curl requests on your own computer.
curl --location 'localhost:8080/temperature?q=Istanbul'
curl --location 'localhost:8080' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "query": "Istanbul"
  • Added a postman collection for your HTTP request in the project root folder. If you want you can test with Postman.


a web service that returns the current temperature of a given city name






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